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Everything posted by Ivy1981

  1. Maybe can check whether DIY flowery sticker type can do or not? Quite translucent.
  2. Well, well...I didn't say its special?! That was what Tanny believed, read or told by fsm. So if that's the case, just ride on it and see if improve. With so little information about her house, what else do you think you can help to answer to her question? Using 4 seasons, weather, 5 elements or human management or communications skills to advise her? Not everyone is as well read as you Back to topic, nine squares with missing square is for believer of nine grid feng shui. Many masters are using it. If one square SW is missing and relationship is bad, what else can contribute?
  3. Hi Eliz , Ukiocher PM Liaozzzzzzz
  4. Hi Gary, reflective glass is everywhere....many buildings also have glass reflective or units using such films. If you not sure HDB approve, better check with them first. Hehe....usually the ks officers will straightaway say no....so better walk around some hdbs and give them some examplezzzzz. Now with our hardworking Mr Khaw took over, hdb rules should be more relax liaozzz....or the strict?
  5. It can be but may not be SW or the toilet. Some books have taught that SW is for relationship. Why don't give a try, nothing to lose.....use the toilet together or bathe together lor....a good way to improve relationship in SW
  6. Hi Sodan, ladysasa PM liaozzzzzzz
  7. Standing on the rods? Hmmm....either a very good sign or a very bad one. So far any thing happen liaozzzz?
  8. If you have enough plants and bushes to screen off, why notzzzz.....add a small breakfast table.....hmmm not bad idea if your place is windy. You do it all white lor, won't be hot by evening
  9. Is it unlucky already or you think and read its unlucky? There are some people with toilets in SW but still okayzzzz. You should get a proper fsm rather than trial and error....sometimes like me in the past....could make it worsezzzz
  10. Of course bepgof got other theory !!
  11. These are call flying stars. You don't find them....they will come looking for you It is most concern ones are 2, 3, 5, 7 etc. They disturb you by making you life miserable or sick lo!
  12. Most people in order to sell their house will be nice enough to let the potential buyer check and visit again. If house owner don't alow...then ahem...
  13. Hi eth228, peppermintgreen Don't have good list leh....I only keep bad.
  14. Hi Centralsg8, babytan, jermaine PM Liaooooozzzzzzzz
  15. If you can put the pic better. Anyway, the sound of MIL so hostile....hmmm
  16. Hi rho, clarnce, eth228, nellynutt PM liaozzzzzzzzz
  17. Interesting....so if he can tell its "yin", then he must be able to chase them away liaozzzzz......you got check with him or not?
  18. Why don't you check out with another fsm. A good one usually offers remedies. Or you may compare what they said.
  19. I heard from some people that move-in date roll pineapple and if the pineapple stop at an auspicious place, good sign leh?!! Anyone here heard this before? If your fsm said so, then follow. Why don't you ask your fsm if you still want to roll, any problem or not?
  20. Hi Daphne, peppermintgreen, vivienpy PM Liaozzzzzzzzzzz
  21. Did you engage any fsm? Got said Ok or not? If ok, then follow loh. If said cannot better folow. One of my friendzzzz also reno last year 7 mth, nothing happen to her ......
  22. Hi, mummymama, pegasuss, ReiKleb, gxf81, laoyao, jacq PM Liaozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  23. Sometimes I change to sea salt.