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Everything posted by Ivy1981

  1. haha....u vry funny leh. I just learnt about PM 2.5, I think hor......breathing such smoke too often also not good.
  2. 1. why not? canzzzzz 2. I don't think so 3. dont know leh
  3. Aiyo....if nvr engage and after lived in okie hor..... then don't engage lor. If things not smoothzzzzz, then engage lor. If partner against, dont do first until he agree lor
  4. Not all lah....you also won't know what you learn got any rubbish or not. I feel that these teachers should do live examples like taking my home and make it happen to become a Tao Hua gardenzzzz They taught, some bring around to see successful examplezzzz and bad examplezzzz of buildings and houses but never show successful remedy from a bad feng shui house to become a good one done by themselves.
  5. Aiyo....even if I mention here, very soon Mr Mod will remove away hor...... you can check out the bad list, some is inside
  6. Previously I also attended some classes lor.....some students including myself got our housezzz audited by these teacherzzzz. We also recommended our friends and relatives to them . The result leh? Either nothing happens or something bad happened. I believe many of these 'teachers' hor......only know theory .......like what tidalboleh said lor.....lack of practial experiencezzzzzz
  7. This has been ongoing since day one of renotalk liaozzzzz.........you don't know meh? ID and contractors took turnzzzz to be discovered in the end. Sianzzzz, I also can't be bothered to read sometimes.
  8. Lawrence Chan at first register his red logo and pick 2 posts to give a short commentzzz. I realised he was so blur to pick post since 2009. Then some forummerzzzz commented that he purposely picked those that were crisizing other fsms. Not long hor, this thread started a host of clones as according to what some forummers have discovered, at the same time hor, he changed the red logo to a black compass. You know what leh, I visited mummysg and also found that he also uses the same clone names there. What I can say is when a person do bad or despicable things, sooner or later will be found out lor.
  9. Aiyo....most of them will surely ask you to buy this and that. Especially those give good rates.....in the end ++ all the itemzzzz, you pay more than those who are considered expensive. They will tell u hor....don't put also can lor, not so effective liaozzzzzzz hehe......cunning fsms
  10. Aiyo...how many minutes he spent with you for 400+? Accuratezzz or not?
  11. Breathe in too much of the smoke will give health problems?
  12. Many fsms use this technique to add on and in the end amount to thousandzzzzz. Many people fall into this lor. Lucky you smart woman hor. Its better to find one fsm that said the price once and for all lor.....I think this story tells very clearly which fsms to beware. Aiyo....your poor kid, so now the nightmare due ot what? Got ask this fsm jeff lo to go back and catch or do again
  13. Better find yourself lah, wait bad, I get nagzzzzzz, good never bring me to high tea...... My bad list stand true for a long time already. Many pm me said they should have seen the list earlier lor....their bad experience with some in the list blah blah. Now burn finger than get bandagezzzzz and sk2 lor
  14. Yeszzzz and Nozzzzz, depend on who and how rectified. Not much experience with missing corners....so can't comment much. For me, I think I should be missing my future partner cornerzzzzz
  15. Aiyo.....so many people also avoid ghost liaozzzzz, why be so brave?