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About ourwhiteresidence

  • Rank
    Bronze Member

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  • Renovator Engaged
    SSL Interior Design

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  1. Thank you for the info! Awesome work! God bless! OWR
  2. Hi ya, U r really gifted on what you do. May I know what you use for the 3D drawings and rendering? ThanX heaps! God bless! OWR
  3. Very Impressive good friend;) Can't wait for the whole thing to done up.
  4. A little touch-up on our boring... Switches: Door: Dining Table:
  5. Hi guys ! I'm back to renotalk. After 6 months of moving into our sweet home, did a little touch-up here n there. Here's an update: - Before: After:
  6. Hi Ripples, Jus wandering all the box-up over the aircon trunkings, will it affect in future aircon repair problems? Cos we wanna do it but was advise not to. ThanX!
  7. Hi Guys! Sorry, been bz for the past weeks, will PM the curtains contact for those interested by today! ThanX for the compliment once again.
  8. Hi stormcontrol, ThanX! We really like it too, our friends called it 'coco chanel' It's tiles from Hafary.
  9. Hi, May I know how much you spend on just e reno? ThanX!
  10. Hi newnyew, Can teach me? Wanna learn to make double chewy chocolate cookies like Subway. Anybody know can teach me?
  11. Hi ALL, ThanX for the compliments!! We did the overall design ourselves and hired a contractor company to do the reno for us. The house is not completely done up yet, there are still some DIY stuffs to do. So the pix are not the final looks. Will update u guys soon Dyleen : Beside the common bathroom main pipes all other pipes are concealed. The box up price is only $80 each so we think is ok @ least the whole place is more clean cut. Love our sink, we waited 2 wks for it! There's is a kind of cream that can polish away the scratches not sure what it called, let u know later BTW I wanna recommend our curtain maker to u guys cos the price is really good. For our whole place black out (3 layers) curtains full height we only paid abt RM 2k++. Compare to the same branded material and stainless steel rails we're quoted S$1900++ locally. PM me if you wanna her contact. Not trying to advertise just to share with u guys some good stuffs we hunted. There4 PM me, in case some say I advertising (so loh soh..) ok tats's it
  12. ThanX guys! There are still quite abit of touch up to do. When is done will show more pix. Stay tune... They are all indoor plants, once a while will bring them outdoor for a tan. Our plants look happy
  13. Bought 4 sets of 6 pcs. The little garden is still not fully done up yet. Later when is completed will show u guys