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Everything posted by jesslyntan

  1. 这些是上星期五完成的,一直到现在都没有其他进展,没人工作, 从3个星期前说要上的窗口还要再等到下星期(说是这样说啦!>.<) 如果还有进展我再update啦!实在没什么话好说了,无奈!-_-
  2. 冷气水管,煤气管,洗碗盆水管等都走在cerling下来, 过后这里都会做橱柜,所以会档着,那么我家这些难看的管都可以遮挡住了。 装冷气管的工人在工作中 冷气管从cerling下来,出水管延着凸出的beam走,所以不会那么丑^^
  3. 白色那面墙的桌上放洗脸盆,再把镜子挂在白色墙上; 洗衣机将会靠墙^^ 还好脏好脏-_- 窗口拆了还没装T_T 另外一边将会是洗碗盆 选用黑白强烈对比再加金色点缀,这就是我们的阳台改装成的厨房
  4. 厕所另一面墙,加入玻璃砖,制造假窗口感觉, 并让采光不足的厕所明亮些,上面留洞当厕所通风^^ 藏在平台下的水管 在厕所外面阳台的玻璃砖假窗边缘用和厕所一样的金铂砖点缀 做砖的uncle把我们的非专业墙砖计划图贴在墙上照图做出来
  5. 一直有人在﹐只是不知道如何update﹗﹗﹗ 既然你们忍不住问了,我就把我家最后的照片放上来给大家看看吧! 很赃还没洗打通了的浴室+厕所 由浴室看进厕所 很脏的厕所-_- 水管由可坐的平台下延伸出厕所外让洗衣机用,那条看得见的水管那里会用植物来稍微遮挡着。
  6. 10/11/09 but i dun think can T_T
  7. Mee too, 11 weeks for my 3rm HDB only done 30% work >.< so sad!
  8. We only choose this WC at very last min cos it was just being put on as package sale, but a bit more pricy tho. guess lucky for me, even the delivery man made 3 trips to my site without complain cos I a bit fussy. but so far, after sales service had been very satisfactory. abt 2 months ago, my mums place bought a new tap from them, but found to be leaking, they sent a plumber to come and check it out, repaired it completely, promised to change a new tap if still found to be leaking. All this even tho it was only a single sale of $30 tap. Thus we decided to buy all items there. Uncle Soon promised me 10 Nov......... to Hand over.....now is 25 Oct.... Me not very optimistic....
  9. i give very tolerant time,end of nov,be4 dec.tmr is 10week liao!can't tahan too long time for my small 3rm.
  10. I just meet uncle soon.he promise me my home completed by nov.hope not cheat me again >.<
  11. Look like i also need to wait 4mths++++~~~~~~~~~-_-T_T"."|||
  12. ya loh!i saw your WC @ heritage is $29X with washbasin,so the price r very close to ur get one.
  13. No lah!$538 is normal price,but now offer $39X with the washbasin.super cheap^^ they also have 29X,19X set for sale,but i more like this WC,so i get this 39X set loh!
  14. Hi, bought at Heritage, 718 Geylang rd. Kitchen Sink also bought from Heritage,can view photos @ pg2^^ The Sales staff Irene was very friendly and helpful. I Very Love this WC,look fat fat but very cute loh!
  15. poor u any photos can show how your home now?
  16. 厕纸Holder 水 Spray 就用上砖好了的浴室做今天的结尾^^
  17. 昨天晚上,我们去订购了WC马桶等商品,下星期送到我家,希望能快点顺利装上^^
  18. 等了又等,终于看不到我家的木屋顶。。。。。。 手工我觉得普普通通啦!工人蛮没手尾的,弄到我家好脏-_-,但有做到就好,要知足“_”|||还有一些要再补的。。。。。。