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Everything posted by Nekorin

  1. Reply to my own post lolx. Update, it is not the paints that are wrong. There are some discrepancies in the paint chart which I gave them. Many thanks to the painter who informed me about the things which I mentioned wrongly before embarking on it. Great service as usual XD~
  2. Wah sianz. The contractor called and said that the paints we chose all look different when painted on the wall. Have to go down to see whether we still want those colors. But happy that they inform us about this rather than ignore and just paint. Rushing over to new house now.
  3. Which IE phone ah Yeah iphone by far is the most responsive phone I've seen in the market. Hero comes a close 2nd. Yep hero is not under windowsMobile nor OSx. It uses Android, the same one that powers the Google phone with a special theme. Haven tried omnia yet, I got pulled into the Hero camp when I saw the phone on 3months+ before launch lolx. Next time meet up lim teh leh. Nowadays i keep frequent 888plaza lolx. So if you meeting henry from IDnote if dun mind can sun pian ask me along loh haha.
  4. wah 2 phones. >.> i think HTC coming out with more phones, if can wait wait ba :3
  5. Sure. I'm at home almost all days lolx. Another reason why i buy Hero bwahahahaa. Down with OSX haha.
  6. Hero ah. In my opinion it is better than iphone lolx. Each got its pros and cons. 1st thing you notice about Hero is the cover. I got myself the matt white teflon coated one, it looks sleeker than the backcover of the iphone. Next is multi-tasking wor. Can sort of exit one program into another program, then go back to the same program again without loading the files. Another one is it allows the user to use the phone like a thumbdrive, just plug it to any computer USB port, can copy songs, pdfs, whatever into the phone without another program. (unlike a certain phone which needs itunes) A few of things it is lacking, 1) Memory - iphone got 8GB, 16GB Hero only comes with a 2GB micro SD card (but it is swappable lah haha) 2) Market - Android market is still in infancy stage whereas Apple itunes market is swarming with millions of apps.
  7. Hehe I go ask my wife. Cuz I dun have iPod she has. I am HTC Hero supporter :3
  8. not yet. Still have 1week+ a little to go. Probably will see major changes next week :3 As for furniture wise, will be shopping at IKEA (my fav place) next Sat 2-3days prior to completion of renovation.
  9. Hmm nope, not rewiring the whole house, basically just add extension points, and change all the sockets nia. Will there be pub testing after house renovation? As for the 'pop out', I told the contractor to create 4 extra blocks of wood as backing for the original 4 pictures, so they will 'pop out' together lolx. The initial idea was to have 4 identical square box shelves but it will put a dent in my wallet. Hence changed to blocks of wood. Can try relocating to other places for the pics. But this is the only wall in the kitchen that isn't cluttered. >.> Hmm shoot my chinese cmi. Shoot ah.~~ Wonder will it look weird if i include soil on the table...
  10. wahhh. But if like this sometimes I wonder how come they set their prices so high? Shops like this seemed to have discounts 365days of the year. Is the discounted price the real actual selling price?
  11. 2nded that :3 We spent 1/3 of our lives on the bed. So if really want to pamper ourselves a quality mattress is really a must. Higher return of quality/price vs usage haha.
  12. Eh how come the report will need 2weeks. No compass how does the master know the direction??
  13. Some input from me also, Lightings.com.sg is a very good shop for lights. Excellent service and after-service too. The lamp is just a minor hiccup as there are 2 versions of the lamp, wall and ceiling. As for whether the light is crystal or glass, it doesn't matter to us ba haha. Decoration lights like these most guests only see and comment about them once or twice.
  14. welcome to RT. Makes me feel guilty of neglecting my own blog sia T__________T Must update my own blog also liaoz.
  15. just your mattress+frame alone = 90% of my whole house furniture from IKEA liaoz. ..... Hmm wait... my mattress+bedframe costs $3k+ also...... ooops *scratches some text above*
  16. Hmm tau gey? Sounds like a good contender, need to find a suitable image sia. Closest I can find is http://www.123rf.com/photo_4570570.html Sama sama here. There are still some patches and botches not painted on the ceilings yet. Hope when they paint again they dun paint over the frames of the lights. Dining light costs me $114.
  17. Day 17 - Lights installation (Part 2) This light at the balcony has a nickname. Called "Tai tai" light. Details pls ask my wife worldangel lolx. Lights at foyer. MBR has 3 lights, 2 spotlight based and one ceiling light. Powering the Walk-in wardrobe area is a group of 5spotlights from IKEA (IKEA CESIUM). My hands are shaky, sighz. Study room lights. Think there will be a need to solve the heat issue in this area. All the lights are yellow + there will be many electrical stuff here, computers (x3?) , printers, laptops and many other stuff.
  18. Day 17 - Lights installation. All lights are installed. Really makes me wonder how will they paint the ceiling with all the 'obstacles'. Start with living room. V6 fan is installed along with 2 other lights (white). The fan actually... provides wind for the entire living room (OMG), except for the area we designate our sofa to be. Hope it will be better after we add all the furniture in. Kitchen. The one light that powers all lolx. This is the light I like the most. Simple, modern and does its job extremely well. Dining Lights, still have styrofoam stuck to it. Strange why my camera picked up the wall color as cyan instead of creamy white. Took out one of the styrofoam to take a picture. :3
  19. Don't think possible le >.>, just pray that the drawers we get can fit in ikea kitchen accessories. My house kitchen very small. Total around 14-16ft in length nia, which includes sink, oven and stove.
  20. That's a very good tip. Hmm.... too bad my kitchen cabinet already in the works
  21. Problem no.1 - Kitchen wall. Sighz one of the bad points of not having an ID means there will be some stuff that we tend to overlook during our planning. One fine example is the electrical box, previously this wall is part of the store-room. We hacked out the entire storeroom to integrate the space into our kitchen. Didn't notice that the electrical box is located there until tiling of the toilet a week ago. This wall our initial concept is to place some decor(wall clock) After much thinking, I suggested to box the electical box up to hide it, and perhaps create a continuation of the decoration so it wun look out of place. Now comes another problem, what veggie should I use. I've tried tomato and it looks too reddish Post too many posts in the tomatoland thread until I can only think of tomatoes lolx. Anyone have any good suggestions?
  22. Like that inject more fun mah haha. Otherwise here will be all replies on "whoa I like your sofa, i like your design, i like your this, your that"
  23. Haha, cuz now we both still living in our own houses mah. Only shift in together after our new house complete. So we dun know who reply who haha.