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Everything posted by Nekorin

  1. Toilet doors a hidden update? lolx. Maybe I was too engrossed with the floor laminates till I had stamps on my eyes lolx. Standard bi-fold toilet doors. I find these are one of the most efficient toilet doors as they use lesser space than conventional swing/sliding doors.
  2. Ok continue on with the renovation pics of the day. Day 23 - Floor laminates and Toilet Doors Master Bedroom floor laminates. Study room floor laminates
  3. 3ft+ width (standard 42" altar according to fengshui ruler), approx 7ft height (not to full ceiling height cuz mine falls under the 'negative' range), also 7ft height will flush with my kitchen door too. c/w cabinet, drawer, side glass and laminate.
  4. Lol I'm online, just busy compiling the 'shots of the day' nia haha. Cya bro, chat tomorrow :3
  5. lolx. IT related job very broad mah haha. I also IT related job.
  6. hehe :3 I spotted a standing fan that I like also. But no pic to show haiz. Should go courts there take photos liaoz lolx. 400+ I wonder is it expensive for a VC. My mum's rainbow VC costs 3-5k though = =
  7. I never MIA for that long lah. Yesterday meeting client + rush work so try not to come online too much loh. The VC is bagless type. Not steam nor water also.
  8. Ohoh kopi-o what you working as ah?
  9. Place a Buddha also need to have a minimum height? O.o
  10. Whoa our tblog thread is progressing fast lolx, thanks everyone for making this thread happening Day 23 - Floor laminates - Mis-communication turning out to be fortunate. Probably our lucky stars are shining on us ba. The initial floor laminates we chose are LatinTeak for Master bedroom and Antique Maple for Study room. There is some miscommunication down the line and we end up having the reverse colors done up for each of the rooms. MBR current laminate - Antique Maple Study room current laminate - Latin Teak After some discussion with our contractor and my wife, we decided to continue on with the current laminates. Personally I think this little miscommunication actually helped us. Latin Teak is too dark for the bedroom but just nice for the study room (due to all the white furniture), the only problem is, it doesn't gel well with the Sunflower fan (Nor is Antique maple.... Champagne Teak is still the best choice for the fan ). Antique Maple is warm enough for the bedroom, although not the ideal color imo. Well, as not to incur extra costs or bad feelings on any of the side (either mine or my contractor), this matter is considered resolved le ba.
  11. For the future! No.1 - Add on kitchen Cabinet. Since we hacked out our storeroom, leaving us with not many places to store our barang barang, I've singled out a place in the kitchen to store the much needed cleaning stuff. Saw this on the IKEA catalogue and really loved it.
  12. Problem no.2 - Lighting the dining area. Recently just discovered some problems with the location of the dining lights after they were installed. My bad, failed to plan for this, sighz. The beautiful dining lights~ ... and they are situated... here T__________T (the 3 yellow dots) My wife is not really that happy about having her route to the kitchen blocked by the tables too. Thus we need to make some adjustments to the lighting position as well as the dining table position. After some pondering, I came out with this.... It will be a bit tight for the person who is closer to the fridge, but the lights are situated in a position where there is more freedom in positioning of the dining table and chairs And as to why there are 2 tables (those 2 are IKEA MELLTORP btw), they can be rearranged so as to accomodate to more people should there be a need to. 'Guest Mode configuration + 4 extra foldable chairs' But this still pose a problem. Cuz of the nature of the dining lights, the upper left half of the dining area will not have ample light. I've considered having some small floor lights there but there are no wall sockets available there unless I spend more $$$ on renovation. Any suggestions? And I hate that horizontal wall beam... makes planning so freaking hard %#@%@#^@#^%@#%$@
  13. :o :o :o Really wow at your layout. Doing an amphitheater in your living room?
  14. I'm a teh peng lover!!! Cannot live without at least one dose a day
  15. Me too I wonder whether the baskets can handle stuff like big pots. But it does looks sturdy compared to the plastic tray ikea sells.
  16. Yeah sure. I'll ask him where he got it. IKEA got see this too fyi. :3 Now i'm quite scared that I'll go overbudget for the renovation le, told my contractor to consolidate all the extra stuff till now so I can see how much extra I need to pay. Haven't receive any reply from him yet.
  17. The last time I watched anime was around 2007. Last anime think is Yakitate Japan lolx.
  18. Day 19 - More painting and constructing/carpentry of kitchen cabinet. (Part 3 of 3) The decoration wall boxes are up too. Another view.
  19. Those lights are nice O.O Especially the one on the grass....
  20. Wahhh got fellow anime fans here. Nowadays I don't watch much liaoz due to my work schedule. Must definitely restart my anime watching and manga collecting once i shift to my new house.
  21. Wah the specs make me drool sia Yeah the OS really kills the phone, and does it have multi-touch screen like the iphone or hero? Hmm I didn't engage an ID to do my renovation, we use contractor :3 The basket is sourced by our contractor de, now waiting for him to come up with the list and prices of all the extra stuff we wanted not in the initial quotation.
  22. Day 19 - More painting and constructing/carpentry of kitchen cabinet. (Part 2 of 3) A small swing-down door just above the oven area for easy electrical wiring access and ventilation should the oven needs repair. Brillance. Close up on handles and grooves. This can be considered as problem no.2 as I can forsee the little groove collecting dust over the months. Any suggestions on what I can use to fill up that area? Any syringe-based transparent silicone I can buy? The hood, hob and oven delivered!! Don't even have a chance to take the unboxing photos and they are sent to the kitchen for measurements and fitting. lolx A closer shot of the oven and hob. Will post more pictures once the solid-top is mounted.
  23. Day 19 - More painting and constructing/carpentry of kitchen cabinet. (Part 1 of 3) A shock also haha, the kitchen cabinets are done (apart from the solid top) Peekture time :3 This is what greeted me when I reach there in the afternoon. They are fast with their work A far shot with all the lights off in the afternoon. It is still quite bright yay! Taking a closer look at the carpentry. Asked the carpenter to install pull-out baskets near the sink area. Making good use of the corner area. Rotating baskets.