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ejzoen last won the day on May 6 2016

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About ejzoen

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  1. love the very clean and spaciousness of the photos here!! but most new BTO are smaller unfortnately. bet something like this is ZEN enough.
  2. i heard many of the supplier close down already. but this company still makes this. <link removed>
  3. Their shop at Bedok, quite hidden and super Hipster. you can get the details from their page <link removed> the lamp over the kitchen sink, we have seen it at Likelights a long time ago. They must be very good at predicting trends. Good luck finding their shop.
  4. yes i'm thinking of this too. cos window grilles are too ugly.
  5. Self buy for sure! Contractor may ask shops to cover them.
  6. I think www.facebook.com/likelights is worth checking out cos they deal with commercial projects and sell off their leftovers at wholesale. normally commercial grade goods are more durable and wont spoil easily. been following them on FB & instagram but havent really visited them yet. no E-comerce or webpage. but every thing they post on FB got sold out quickly. so i suppose its great value. loving this table and lamps. quite cool.
  7. Love this look too!! i have short list a few ideas myself. Getting this door, painted in off white then wear it out. also love the idea that the lamps wires are dropping around nicely! would go with something like this.
  8. i think there should be a mixture of lightings. I learn from this lighting shop that you have to deal with function before aesthetics. wise words from Likelights. In my opinion, Chandeliers/ pendant lamps is a must for dining area while the rest can be concealed.
  9. i think the Terrazo have great character, i think you may try Vintage-Industrial look. Which you would be able to pull it off.
  10. Yeah, this lamps are from Likelights right? they have some in house designs which are quite cool. saw this today and i have to say its quite Smart. G O O D D E S I G N S A L W A Y S
  11. Wow thanks dr.tran, Nice lamp! I look thru the photo album and its all from the same lamp!?!? this lamp can b really versatile. can adjust the heights and even change the design by ourselves. seem like the smarter choice nowadays since we are always looking for something new! They got a new way to decorate this by tying knots. quite cool and inexpensive. $186? Cheaper than TAOBAO with Shipping.
  12. H E L L O ! D E S I G N J U N K I E S, ​ Its been a while since i last logged in. Seems like everyone now loves industrial chic and vintage designs. Cage lamps or those those which u can see the vintage bulbs are the new demands. I guess designers are striping off to minimalist. Scrolling down the pages and this New Tom Dixon Lustre really caught my eyes. Saw them at a Restaurant in Hong Kong during business lunch. while i have no idea what lamp it was until i read this post from Nloft!! Thanx!! Finally a very good and current replacement to the Beat. its so overdone nowadays. I think this a nice industrial chic lamp that can apply to those barn style homes as well. Both style are very in now in Singapore. As usual, G O O D D E S I G N S A L W A Y S
  13. Lamps have been installed for 9 months in our office and we find that they do not suit our decor well. we are clearing them at less than half the prices we paid, so its a great buy if you don't mind the almost mint condition. Great for residential dining areas, cafes or retail use. Email ad_b_h@yahoo.com.sg Subject : Used Lamps Name: mobile: Model: Qty: And we'll contact you for viewing and collection. [Lamps have not been taken down yet] Total 8 beat [3 fat, 3wide and 2 tall] $50 each or $120 for 3 Was $198 each 1 Skygarden - 400mm diameter. gloss black $250 each Was $699 each