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About Susan28

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  1. Sometimes its not just about hanging all these stupid looking feng shui ornaments thats not matching to the house, its all the time and hope wasted on these things that won't help.
  2. Sometimes its not just a matter of hanging all these stupid looking FS ornaments thats not matching to the home, its all the time and hope wasted. Last time many of my girlfriends and me bought all these Fook Lok Sho, Sing Ming and also from this Hui at people's park. Most of us find that all these things didn't help at ALL!! One of my girlfriend had abdomen pain, ended up paying more than a thousand dollars on a stupid Hu Lu from Hui, still finally got to go operation.
  3. One of my friend in biz tried before. According to him, the guarantee was never honoured. My friend was fuming that his call was not returned also.
  4. Aiyo....next time buy from Harvey or Best. So far I bought many items from them and service still good especially Harvey, still got my records.
  5. How about reflecting room door or passage way?
  6. How much your mum charge for each session?
  7. Ya lor, this Lynn never replied to me anymore after the house check. Terrible!! My friends also had bad experience. One of my friend after consulting her and placed some Chi Ling animals according in the office closed down within a few months. Also got bad experience from Hui also. Read my bazi for about ten minutes only, all talking about character...ended asking me to be careful with my womb when Im 60++. Who don't know that ???!!!
  8. Heard that its not a good sign to see that. Maybe can check with temple and see what to do.
  9. Animals ok what....pets also can give bad feng shui, then all the Westerners will have a bad time!!
  10. Can't really recall. I think about slightly more than a week. How many weeks you need to wait?
  11. Eeee....so poor thing, you keep fighting fish? I guess your dog not german, then should be dober....
  12. Aiyo, just a stove also so 'chim'. So what if the stove does not meet one of the criteria?