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Everything posted by pixieposh

  1. Hi all, I have a burning question, do you need to re-do the whole common toilet floor and wall tiles, waterproofing etc when changing the toilet entrance? I had enquired to seal up the existing entrance and hack open a new entrance and was told by a certain ID that I need to re-do my entire common toilet floor and wall tiles and toilet reno. My toilet is still very new as its hardly used so I am very surprised this was suggested by the ID. He said this is to prevent a leaking possibility in the future. I am in need of advice if this is required or am I being chopped as all I want to do is have a new entrance for the door, an opening above the door for ventilation and have a mortar base at the new entrance. He is currently quoting me $8,800 to hack, supply wall/floor tiles, haulage of debris, protection sheet, waterproofing, new door, new stainless steel pipes, build hollow wall to seal current entrance. Price doesn't include the mortar base, boxing up of pipes and include an opening above door for ventilation which I think he forgot to add in. Help please, thanks! Cheers
  2. Hi, I need help please. I am looking to do the following at a minimal budget and my current ID is not interested to take it on as it's a minor reno. 1. Remove existing folding door and erect wall to close existing common toilet entrance - 89cm (w) x 202cm (h) + paint 2. Hack existing short wall with x 2 windows facing service balcony and create new entrance + touch-up paint short wall: 115cm (w) x154cm (h) short wall with windows height: 210cm Fix folding door to new entrance and create new window above new door for ventilation. 3. Build new kitchen cabinet bottom with same white top as current kitchen top (bellus). The existing cabinet door at corner might need to be removed and merge with new cabinet top. New bottom cabinet available space measurement: 46cm (W) x 120cm (L) x 87cm (H) 4. Remove towel and toilet roll holders and move to new wall. 5. Add x 1 power socket below light switch socket near new kitchen cabinet extension. 6. I also intend to have a shoe rack built and placed in the storeroom. Size around 230cm (h) x 80cm (w) x 40cm (d). Please let me know how much doing these would cost or do you have any advice or recommendation for ID? Thanks everyone!
  3. Hi. Can someone PM me Mr Quek's and Ah Keong's number, please! Thanks much!