Hi all,i'm new to tis forum.juz had my renovation done by intradesign last mth.been sourcing for ID firm since jan tis year,chanced upon intradesign when lookin @ reviews in tis forum.went down n talk to their towkay'Dave'.
Dun look like a boss to my wife n me when we saw him,v easy goin character.few times during e conversation,he keep remindin us to go look @ more ID firms.take our time to slowly choose.nt pushy @ all.after we left,we r both impressed by his confidence n his patience.later part,we went ard to other ID firms,gd service was oso being rendered upon us by other firms except one tt make us feel v uncomfortable,which i Choose nt to name them.all other firms provided us wif breakdowns of everythin except indradesign,but after seeing so many posts by e pple here tt Intradesign do nt gif breakdowns,we decided to pay Dave another visit to chuan him abt tis.long story cut short,we decided on them coz we feel tt we feel v comfortable wif him.we talk like frens,nt @ all did we feel like Custs.from our initial budget of 30k,we stretch our budget to 50k plus coz we r doing a major overhaul for our 5rm flat.oso we strongly believe tt e amt of money we pay wil equal to gd service,piece of mind while renovating coz we gt no time to be on site all e time,gd design,n basically We hv trust n confidence in Dave.even til now,we r stil in contact wif Dave,coz from a paying cust,we hv become frens.can u imagine a ID firm who after collectin e payments,deliver e hse on time,yeT
stil keep calling u to ask which part of ur hse need any repairs to be done.nex week his guys wil be droppin by to improvise.so guys no doubt tis is my 1st time renovatin n Intradesign is e only firm i use,given a choice if i'm movin hse in e future,i would stil look for them.might sound v much like advertising but no worries,i'l upload my pics in tis thread within a few days time.cheers