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About just4this

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  1. Yo, still waiting for a MJ session with you. Heheheh.... Anyway..the bird trap most bird shop will sell. abt $15 each depending on size..but after catch just sent them away.. dun harm them lah.
  2. I am here... just to bump up the thread and let the others HDB owner know.... WE ROCKS!
  3. No additional cost for me. I rewired the whole house so i provide him the wire and wall plug he just do it for me.
  4. I am also using MIO wireless and the signal also seem good for the room above. But during my reno, i also got my contractor to run data point for all my rooms. So even if the wireless went down, i still have data point in my rooms.
  5. Congratulation! Welcome to the Club. I am also on the 3/4th EM cat. Heheh.
  6. I agree, so nice to have a balcony at the MBR..... like Romeo n Juliet looking at the stars!!!!!!!!! Hahahaaa
  7. My heart will drop if i were to saw the falling process and definitely will break my heart and feel guilty seeing his bruises if my son were to fall down the stairs in his walkers. lucky for u there is no serious injuries... I assume u already had the gate iinstalled? I am also a new EM owner and the first thing we do when we moved in is to child safe the house as we have 2 boys the age of coming 3 years and the other 4 months plus. Better be safe.
  8. Nice but dangerous for those with old folks, kids and pets. Can be dangerous too when u happen to be preggy or not feeling well, on medication etc....
  9. You are most welcome. Sorry that it is still in a mess and we cant show u around the whole house as the kids are sleeping in the rooms. Let's meet up again or MJ together!
  10. Lucky for me, my office is in Raffles Place (too expensive to drive) so i normally left car at home and took MRT (across the road) to work. I dun buy season at office as i travel quite often.
  11. You cant upload pics to the forum directly. U need to host the pictures somewhere and use the insert image tag to point to the link.
  12. Clementi side is a nice place. Near to expressway and mins drive to JE/IMM/Clementi central. I am also staying at low floor with tress infront n back. And i was also surprise by the strong wind that came in!
  13. Ops, technical delay posting. Paisay paisay.....