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About ah_bui

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  1. HDB. But the main problem is with the already installed outdoor unit. I do not think it is possible to install one more for the split unit.
  2. Hi Jason, that's an interesting idea. Perhaps you may want to consider that the grout line between the tiles will be quite hard to clean when stained.
  3. Hi, ever considered doing it yourself? It's pretty east and the design which you are looking for can be found in DIY shop like HomeFix and SelfFix. That would save you some $$$ too.
  4. Hi all, i have a 3 years old System-3 aircon installed in all my 3 rooms already. However, i'm think of adding an aircon in my living room. Is it possible to simply add one more unit at the living room and connect it to the existing compressor? Or must the entire system be replaced? I'm reluctant to replace the whole system because that requires relaying of all the ductings which i had concealed. Any advice?
  5. Hi ek3civic, i'm using the brand "Basic" DIY window film and i do not see such phenomenon at night. My film simply looks reflectively from the inside at night, which is expected.
  6. Hi curryqueen, i have normal grilles and sliding windows along my common corridor windows. I can open 2 of the 4 panels of windows fully for wind to come in. To solve the privacy issue, i have a roman curtain that covers from waist up to just above my head level. If needed, it can cover all the way up to the ceiling.
  7. i have 2 advice on choosing toilet bowls: - Dun be embarrassed to sit on the samples when looking for one. The height of the bowl and curves on the seat cover do make a difference to comfort. You'll realise that some designs are indeed more comfortable than others when you try. - Get a white toilet bowl for health sake. Silly as it may sound, but having a white one allows you to detect any anormality in your stool after you had passed motion. A dark coloured toilet bowl reduces visibility.
  8. Hi all, i see that quite a few people had seen this post. As the showroom is at The Furniture Mall, just wish to warn fellow forumers to be caution when checking around. Let me elaborate more: It is a father-daughter team and they actually have a carpentry factory. However, the daughter (supposed designer) is inexperienced in design, scheduling and coordination. She does not supervise nor visit the site regularly and refuse to admit her faults when things go wrong. The father, the contractor, naturally take side with his daughter. This duo lack integrity in their work and is not professional in handling conflicts with customers.
  9. Hi all, i see quite a few people are lookng around for a good contractor. Just to share, i had a very unpleasant experience with one. As the showroom is at The Furniture Mall, just wish to warn fellow forumers to be caution when checking around. Hope whoever sees this thread will be more careful in dealing with them: Green Star Office Furniture (It has an alternative company called "Living Abode" too) The Plaza (The Furniture Mall) Beach Road #02-340, Singapore 199591 p: 6xxxxxx f: 6xxxxxx http://www.greenstarofficefurniture.com Ho Hylien: xxxxxxx or Mr Ho (the father). It is a father-daughter team and they actually have a carpentry factory. However, the daughter (supposed designer) is inexperienced in design, scheduling and coordination. She does not supervise nor visit the site regularly and refuse to admit her faults when things go wrong. The father, the contractor, naturally take side with his daughter. This duo lack integrity in their work and is not professional in handling conflicts with customers.
  10. Hi lilithfiend, before we talk about the house, we need to talk about financing it. Are the combined CPF contribution of both of you enough to cover the monthly loan installment or do u need to top up with cash? The bottom line is, get a unit within your means and do not use cash to top up each month. Space: 72 sqm may be a little small when you start to have kids in the future. Location: Everton Park is located near to MRT and since you do not drive, transport is great. But amenities will be a problem. Condition: I would think that it is better to get a lok kok unit and renovate the whole place than to pay COV for renovation by previous owner. Resale value: in 5 years time, the unit will be 35 years old. It may not command a good price because your neighbour, Duxton, is also almost ready to start selling. Duxton boasts a newer flat with higher floor and better interior so it's not in your favour. Take your time to consider, do not rush. A house is the single most expensive purchase in your life so dun make a bad choice. =)
  11. Hi Pally78, Since the grout is hard (the resin and epoxy kind), at least you are assured it's correct, and not the incorrect white cement. That's good news! The visibility of the lines is dependent on the colour of your marble. If there is a big contrast between the colour of your tile and the grout, then the grout will be quite visible. The polishing wont reduce the visibility. Well, dun be too upset. The polishing should make your floor shine so nicely that it'll distract from the line liao. =)
  12. Hi Pally 78, I have similar issue like yours before. There are 2 schools of thought: 1) Hairline thin gap between tiles (less than 1mm). Very little or no fillings are applied between the tiles during laying. 2) Gaps of about 1mm to 2mm where a special filling (hard resin) are applied. This is different from normal white cement, which is soft. You can test by scrapping the grout line with your fingernail. If it can be dug, it's white cement. The hard resin is very tough and cannot be dug by fingernail. Both schools should product a smooth finish after polishing. When you run your finger across the grout between the tiles, it should be completely smooth and level. You must not feel any depression in the grout. Unfortunately, there is no "market standard" for which school is the correct one. I had asked many marble specialists but there was no conclusion (My parent's house has the 1st type while mine's the 2nd type). I was equally disappointed with mine but little can be done to rectify unless the tiles are re-laid. Is the grout well made and the polish well done for your case?
  13. Just to share, i had a very unpleasant experience with the father-daughter team. Hope whoever sees this thread will be more careful in dealing with them: Green Star Office Furniture (It has an alternative company called "Living Abode" too) The Plaza (The Furniture Mall) Beach Road #02-340, Singapore 199591 p: 62952832 f: 62956819 http://www.greenstarofficefurniture.com Ho Hylien: 9852 7146 or Mr Ho (the father)
  14. Hi all, i had a solar film (brand is "Basic") which i had bought from HomeFix DIY shop and i installed it myself. It cost $35 for a pcs (2m X 3m). You can cut it to fit your own window size. Heat Rejection is 86% and light visibility is 14%. I find it pretty effective; the metal grille feels warm for the panel with the film. The metal grille for the panel without the film feels much hotter. It reduces the glare very much as well. However, it is hard to see things outside the window at night when the light in the room is on. Installation is pretty easy. i took 30 mins to cut the film and put up a panel (2m X 1.5m). Can check out HomeFix at AMK Hub, they have samples on the shelf for you to see how dark or reflective the different grades of film will appear.
  15. Hi all, anyone had used or intending to use Greenstar Office Furniture (it has another company by the name of Living Abode too)? Care to share your experience? Just to share, i had a very unpleasant experience with the father-daughter team. Hope whoever sees this thread will be more careful in dealing with them: Green Star Office Furniture (It has an alternative company called "Living Abode" too) The Plaza (The Furniture Mall) Beach Road #02-340, Singapore 199591 p: 62952832 f: 62956819 http://www.greenstarofficefurniture.com Ho Hylien: 9852 7146 or Mr Ho (the father)