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Everything posted by blackcar

  1. Higher end as in, over $5000 or more? No lah, quite resonable, they have half leather, full leather, one, two, three seater etc. Go down and take a look, not too bad, this company provides with 5 yrs warranty too on leather, foam and almost everything on their products.
  2. Univonna at park mall. Wanted to get a set of Chestfield design too but change my mind.
  3. Like that ah?? Do you have a door gate? I dont have one thats why i m curious if this is going to happens then my place confirm Open House liao. Then again hor, after loosing sleep for one nite, i think additional lock is a must for me. I have choosen the ADEL-E7F4. I must say that I m impress with the product and the sale gal service too.............
  4. Hi, Shld be straight forward. U needs to identify where u wanna install yr components (amp, player etc) and type of system purchase. For most of the setup usually the speaker wire are connected to the ampifiler. Most importantly, you got to let us know what kinda of Hi Fi equipement you are getting. First thing first, rear speaker !! you needs to decide in advance where to install the speaker, such as on the ceiling area (L box) or using speaker stand at floor level. If on the ceiling area (L box) you need to lay the wire in advance and inform yr contractor abt it. Using speaker stands is straight forward, just get the speaker cable ready before installation of TV console or wall feature (woodwork). As for the front (left and right) and center speaker cable, get it lay before installation of any woodwork too. Remember to add extra length, such as half a meter or a meter for all cables purchase ya. Usually, yr carpenter will able to advise you how the cable is lay in the tv wall feature and console, no worries abt it. Hope you are not using Bose speaker system, as the setup is slightly different from the above explanation.
  5. Hi yc_mc, Yap i did call them, they came to my place and show me the stuffs. Most likely will close the deal with them. I m thinking whether shld I install a additional lockset in the event that they got to dismantle it, send for repair and no replacement set for the time being!!! What's yr views on this thought?
  6. Ok i got what u mean, yr contractor raise the entire floor area to for this additional point and tis point is conceal. Try to cover it up during inspection by HDB, some fussy one might not approved it as it is consider conceal piping. I maybe wrong as long time didnt touch on renovation thingy. As for the bottom of the shower screen is it cover up by silicone too?
  7. A drop meaning the entire bath area is lower than the toilet area. Depends on how many nos of drainage point in the toilet. i have two drainage points in the entire toilet, one for the shower and toilet area. If only one drainage point, u needs to accomodate a sloped down for water to that particular drainage point. My existing house only got one drainage so i need to do a curb to divide up the area and the shower screen sits on top of the curb. Supersimon, any pic to show me how u install yr shower screen? Top hung or sit on the curb? how many drainage point in yr toilet?
  8. - The difficult part is that stains will gather on any silicone or rubber sealing areas affected over time, particularly at the bottom of the shower screen where the glass is mounted on the kerb. This is very hard to get rid off. But this will also be an issue and probably worse even if you use sliding plastic doors (like those bi-fold ones). Yap me too having this problem at my old place. As for my new hse, i insisted to install the top hung type so as to avoid the bottom silicone thingy and do without a curb to divide up the place, instead i ask for a "drop" on the flooring. My contractor are still thinking how to meets my requirement. As my ceiling is false ceiling not concrete.
  9. hi yc_mw, any feedback on yr bimeteric locks?
  10. Hi I m referring to a normal 2 way 2 gang switch. Here is my setup, 2 gang 2 way - one for a room light and one for the foyer lighting. The foyer lighting onlys to switch on and off the foyer light. At the foyer lighting there are one dimmer switch but is not a 2 way switch function, only to switch on and off the light (one way function only). When i switch on the 2 way 2 gang switch, there are no LED light on. However, at the foyer, the dimmer switch when switch ON, the LED light on. The LED light are u referring to ondicator??
  11. Ok find out from my supply that 2 way switches no led light on. Strange but is true!!!
  12. hi mine also having the same problem for the 2 Gang 2 way switches, both LED didnt light up at all. Did u resolve yrs?
  13. Hi, here is the picture. Hope this is wat you r asking!!!
  14. OK after much waited for the delivery of the Chandelier and the rest of the lighting. Here is my comment as promised of this shop, one word "GOOD" service!!! After delivery, found some of the items got defect as i didnt really bothered to check at the point of delivery. Not once but twice, they send their men down for replacement. Here is the address, No.137 Rad Son Lighing, look for Mr.Teo. For those who are similar with Royal Franco, this shop is just next door. Coz i m too lazy to shop around, lolz. I brought the entire lighting from this shop including the chandelier at $320. Remember to nego as i squeeze him till his eyes pop out!!! Be warned, this guy sibei lor so!!!! Below chandelier i brought it from Lighting.com.sg. Quality of the crystal so so only. As it is one of the cheapest in town, i guess at $159. For those who wans the look only and not quality, i think this is value for money. As no one will go and touch yr crystal!!! lolz
  15. there are various model for wall mounted. I brought mine from Poh Joo for $120, abit ex coz too lazy to go and source a cheaper one. Mine is something like the one posted here. It is made in Germany based on the box indicated. Will post pics once it is fixed up.
  16. Err no fixed schedule, probably during office hrs. Can pm me yr address, i just go there look look see see.
  17. hi ivy, can come and bio yr hse or not? Is it still under renovation?
  18. I wish i can as my place is still under renovating!!! Hi Sam thanks for the infro too.
  19. Guys!!! I m glad that eveyone is smiling now and let's keep it that way ya!!!! I bet ah soon been sneezing throughout !!! lolz cheerios!!!!
  20. No worries, will share my side of story when the time is ready. Rite now been busy "fighting the war"!!! hahahaha
  21. Yes times is hard, all my shares valued drops to 80%!! Being a cosumer we got to be extremly careful, but at times we got to take risk. Anyway, I took alot of risk during the course of my renovation too, will share the story with you guys when i completed the renovation. I bet you will faint if you hear my side of story. lolz Cheers
  22. Totally agreed with you on the above two pointers but it shld be applicable to ALL renovation contractors and ID firm too not only to ah soon. 1) I will manage my contractor on the agreed deadline and not the other way round. Then again, how many home owners will go to the extend to sue the contractors in the event of missing the Handover deadlines? Till date i havent heard of any, most of the home owners will endure. Maybe i m wrong, anyone can comment on this area? Have u met ah soon in person? If not, i guess it is difficult to explain in words how to deal with him. He is kinda of person whom believe in man of words, so going black and white with him will turn him off. He would prefer not to take yr business. I m not encouraging the home owners here to take all these risk, but this is how i felt about him. 2) Ah soon is not a licensed contractor could e a risk? What kinda of risk you may think it will occured? As i have mentioned previously, as long as the contractor obtain legal ways to get yr renovation approval from the authority is most matter rite? If not how can ah soon been doing renovation for so many HDB houses? No?
  23. If today being a devil's advocate means flaming people or like some say, start a Second World War, I suggest you wake up and smell the air of DEMOCRACY, having a different view doesnt mean starting a World War. Hi, I love devil's advocate style. Do you mind list down again whats yr comments on ah soon be it postive or negative. I try to answer all yr comments. Be ensure, that i will give objective reply as i believe in facts nothing is matter. cheers