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Everything posted by blackcar

  1. Mine is electric shutter type with a lourve. No idea on the pros and cons, i m going for the look and safety reason. I paid with installation of the fan and a new pce of glass inclusive of workmanship, $260. My contractor source are from this thread, the gal name Jasmine?
  2. Gen Concepts - BLK 3014 Ubi Rd #01-296 tel: 68418411 U may wanna try carbon fibre too. Super nice
  3. Interesting, i can share with u some of the tricks how the ID do it, U can apply their method. 1) sorry i m in the hospital, will email to u next week. After one week, sorry i m in the reservist, will email to you sooner. (this one very popular and highly recommended in this RT forum from IMM) 2) we lost yr drawing, can you email me again? after email, its seems that we couldnt find yr drawing. (for yr case, u lost their quotation, again and again) 3) Silence..................then silence................and silence........................... (meaning, ignore and ignore)
  4. here u go http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...;hl=ventilation
  5. Got!! Get it from car accessories sticker shop. But the sticker is different from Daiso. Let me know if you wan the car sticker shop infro.
  6. Great!!! remember to post pics for us to drool ok??
  7. hi, no water marks after pasting of the decals, easy to clean and maintain too. How to do it ah, very simple leh. Just paste onto the tap and cut it to size. Then squeeze out the air bubble using a PVC scraper.
  8. thanks, thats great. I m happy for you guys too!!!
  9. Do you mind sharing with us which condo are you referring to?
  10. nice...but me bo budget. must be joking, from yr blogs yr place is nice. Where u intend to install the sliding door? How abt going for aluminium instead of wood? The cost will be much much lowered.
  11. Hi did you check the transacted price in the URA website? That will able to gives you some direction for nego on the pricing.
  12. Ivy, nopey, Uncle knows him.
  13. hahahaha, no choice, coz i die die must have it. The panels are overlay by floral design laminate wood and not plain white color, below is the pic.
  14. Hi, firstily, most of the contractor provides warranty for two years only but for this service its got to come with the price rite? So are you willingly to pay for this? Secondly which big or small contractors can guarantee job that without defects down the road? I believe none. Hence, you needs to "reset" yr mindset for sourcing for reno contractors. cheers and good luck
  15. hi black, well noted on your pointers. i think after engaging ah soon, i also became so busy that i missed out reading some msgs in the thread..hahah.... for your carpentry design, it was a pity the people doing it for u didnt realize it...! any way to rectify? is ace flooring that bad? cus i have a big laminate plattform in my master room...maybe i should opt for other brands? the shower screen, i can ask for how high? i realize nowadays the shower heads esp.the rain shower all are very tall and hence u r rite, should ask for a higher showerscreen height, but how high should it be? yes i am changing all my rooms door. i am going to ask ah soon is he quoting me hollow or solid. For my carpentry if wanna redo, is quite major hence i live it. At times got to give and take lah!!! Ace flooring, I found some plank shrunk and some slight uneveness. Not too sure whether is the workmanship or the quality of the wood. I was offer either Power Dekor or Ace Flooring only, the stoopid hometeam guy claims that Power Dekor got to pay GST for it. I know he is trying to pull a fast one, so i choose Ace Flooring instead which i regretted. You can request the glass panel up to the ceiling height if you prefer. But u must make know to him during the time of quotation and not after. For my case, which i did, the stoopid hometeam guy didnt listen as usual. As for shower screen, we had a quite big arguement due to the delay which they can install only after my move in day and no confirmation date given for installation. Reason is that the shower screen guy is super busy, so i told them dont do lor, i m not interested to listen their tight schedule. Reason is simple, coz i had had reminded him to install one or weeks before of my moving day. So i got really upset, I told them to fly kite and intend to source for my own contractors but they die die and came to install it during my shifting day. But the height is way below of my requirement, the moment i saw it i almost fainted. Veneer wood door, my brand is Yontat. I did called them and ask for pricing bcos i was getting the hollow one which i find it super cheapo feeling. Yontat gal ask me for preference solid or hollow, i ask what the price different? She told me only $40 bucks or so, so she insisted to quote me the solid instead of hollow. I ask her why, she lose her cool. You mean u wan hollow instead of solid just for the couple of ten bucks??? How i wish she can bark at ah soon hometeam guy instead!!!! Some of the hiccups, i got to be blame too. I trusted ah soon even without really bother to look into the individual item that he quoted. I just took a glance at it, as long as he meet my cheapo budget and give me the stuffs that i want, we closed the deal. I met ah soon only 3 times, the third times i pass my hse key to him and ask him to starts hacking. He is kinda taken back too, huh u mean u give me the project ah? I havent go thru with u the items and the costing leh. I told him, no need lah, as long as within the budget and you guys understood wat my requirements can liao. He nod his head and the rest is history. Frankly, i trusted him and didnt bother to check on everything that he stated in the quotation. But not on the day to day work, coz the worker and the hometeam guy is not that committed. In fact some of the job quoted was not done and some item over price which i didnt deduct it out during the last payment. I think, at times we take and also must learn how to give lah. If not ah soon cannot continue doing business if everyones starts to take and dont give rite?
  16. Damage is $200, is huge though, 2.6m H by 1.5 m width. I paste it myself, if not additional of $80 charges for pasting.
  17. The plastic thingy is called a curb strip. If u dont wan to used the plastic curb strip u can ask yr tiler to grind the tiles to 45 degree. Once the two tiles are joined, its formed a 90 degree, this method is not popular coz alot work to ensure a straight vertical joint and the edges are usually weak bcos lack of cement paste within the joints. In the olden days, they used mosaic curb tiles for joining right angle. Is no longer popular nowadays after the pastic curb strip were introduced. So my advise is better to used the plastic curb strip for right angle joint. As for color, it shld goes with yr tiles color. My tiles bottom are brown and the top is white color. I insist my tiler to get matching color of the plastic joint for my tile color. Below is the pic.
  18. Oh man, tis is bad news!!! Is true that prefab u cant hack down totally but i m not sure whether can hack portion of it. I m sure HDB must have a valid reason. If you intend to look for a PE, u can try the one i engage and paid only $350 for knocking down a portion of the bedroom wall. Let me know if you r interested, best pm me ya. Just curious, what u wanna knock down the storeroom totally, is it for expanding the space for yr bedroom? or convert it to walk in wardrobe? If walk in wardrobe, i knock down partial of the wall for entrance and seal up the actual storeroom. this way, i have created the extra space. Hope this helps. good luck!!!
  19. Found this reasonable tooth brush holder, one buck only.
  20. hi is not white powder coated door as in aluminium material. Is laminated solid wood door, for the single $850 and double $2000. Top hung type.
  21. That's great, u r ah soon customer too or PR officer? In my opinion if he wans to IPO his company, he shld have employed 3 groups of ppl. 1) the runner, will go round answer phone call and closing business deal for him. 2) the watcher, looking after the projects and coordinate all his contractors to meet individual customer demand 3) the aftermath - tis groups will go round and deal with rectification jobs till the customer are happy. As for ah soon, go round and collecting monies and thinking how to set up IPO!!! my two cents
  22. hi, u need to furish them a high resolution pics of yr choice. Here is the link http://www.decorettestore.com/