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Everything posted by blackcar

  1. OK thanks for ALL the valuable advise, so anyone OWN the biometric did the test? Simple test will be using photo copy yr thumb print. Anyone?
  2. thanks for the reply, i prefer the non ang mo brand. Long long time ago, Sharp has this model, can open the door either from left or right. Hard to find one now!!! Also, i noticed that the smaller fridge ice box area doesnt comes with light, i wonder why. If anyone knows where to get one that open from the left, pls shout out ya!!! thanks
  3. As above, does anyone knows which model or brand of fridge open from the left side instead of right? thanks
  4. Interesting..........anyone here own the biometric locks? Can you confirm this?
  5. Hi, noted, if u didnt hear from me by third week of june u can proceed without me. As i have not started my renovation thingy. cheers
  6. Interesting, $100 per set or $50? If getting 2 locks from them? I presume warranty is only one year?
  7. Hi did u mount it infront of yr washing basin? Any pics to share? thanks
  8. Hi fondue, Can you pm me ah soon contacts nos too. thanks
  9. Hi can i have ah soon the contractor contacts nos too. Heard so much abt him, is he a general renovation contractor? thanks
  10. Hi, got yr valuable infro, thanks for all the information. cheers
  11. Hi, is never a good thing to discredit anyone be it company or a person. As much as possible i didnt mentioned the company name here, but if read my post u will able to get the hint, lolz. I m not going to dwell on this issue again but i m glad that u do agreed wtih me that foam stiffiness is one of the key factors for selection of sofa set. I m surprised too, when Univonna told me that they can cover the entire sofa set for 5 yrs. I m skeptical, thats why i need advise from ppl whom had made a purchase and verify the claim by them. Nevertheless, thanks for yr effort for the confirmation. Btw do i get any award for being the first one mentioned abt foam stiffness? You have a nice super long weekend. P/S : can u pm me yr renovation contractor contacts too. thanks!!!
  12. hi, thanks for making the effort to check the warranty information. i didnt personal check the warranty card myself as i havent made any purchase yet for my new house. Will thoroughly screen through when making any sofa set purchase in the near future. Yr warranty covers "Internal filling for seats and back cushions" based on this statement I THINK refers to foam stiffness. I m so happy for u, u can ensure that 5 yrs of worries free!!! I m so particularly on the foam stiffness bcos i paid a higher price for a better products thinking that foam cushion will last, I am wrong. Hopefully the forumer here dont fall into the same mistake that i made. Rite now, everyday i got to placed another cushion to support my back on my beautiful good structure sofa set!!!! I brought this sofa set less than two years and the foam started to slack!!!! It's really give me the pain in the neck and back!!!! When i called and inform them of this problem, i was politely inform that these kind of thing does happens and no ones will guarantee this!!! Also, very politely, remind me that my sofa set is consider an old model liao, so cant be helped!!! My replied is that since this is the case shld i consider to buy a cheapo set and replaced it every year??? No point paying for a higher price sofa set that cushion wont last a few good years. But the nice guy again politely points out that, structure are 5 good years warranty!!! I m talking abt foam stiffness issue, he harp on the good stoopid $%%^^&&*^%%$ structure!!!! I guess he still doesnt get my point or pretending not to listen, that is "WATS THE POINT HAVING A GOOD STRUCTURE AND THE FOAM STIFFINESS IS GONE!!! I rest my case!!! Will take it to upholstery and donate to the charity!!!! Hope tis explains why i m so particular concerns on the FOAM STIFFNESS for sofa set!!!! Happy hunting folks, for a good sofa set!!!! cheerios
  13. Yes, pls compare the warranty thingy. Compare it with Uninvonna or others furniture makers too. U will know why i hesitated getting another set of sofa from them. In my opinion, buying a sofa set foam stiffness is one of the key factors for selection. Please check with the seller whether the warranty includes foam stiffness or not. Most of the time the structure outlast the foam stiffness, if this happens does the company warranty it too? If not, do they provides any upholstery service? If all the answer is no, move on!!!! Hope this helps!!! Oh ya, make sure these condition stipulated in the warranty card. Talk is cheap!!! I suspect company that provides such warranty will cost an arm or leg, if blow yr budget, i will advise to get something cheaper, no point having a beautiful sofa set with good quality structure but foam stiffness is gone. U do the imagination if this happens!!!! cheers
  14. Anyone deal with them before, please give me yr comments or feedback. thanks
  15. hmmm strange, no ones can confirm the 5 yrs warranty whether including the foam stiffness or not?
  16. Hi guys, Me too, abt to closed the deal with them. Needs feedback badly, anyone? thanks
  17. Hi, can you pm yr contact for the lock? thanks
  18. Hi, that's great!!! So the 5 year warranty card, is it clearly stated warranty on the structure and the foam stiffness?
  19. Hi, thanks for the information. The sad story has been deleted? U may wanna pm yr story then. thanks
  20. Hi thanks for the feeback, the 5 years warranty thingy. Is is clearly written on the card said its covers the structure and foam stiffness too? thanks
  21. Hey, u guys rock!!! thanks for the infro. After reading, i guess is quite "safe" to get it from them too. I personally like their design. I intend to get most of my stuffs from them such as, dinning set, sofa set, bed set, tv console and many more. I m impress is that most of their product comes with 5 yrs warranty, as for sofa set, it's covers from structure till the foam stiffness!!! I think is not common in the market that products comes with 5 yrs warranty, including the foam stiffness rite? Can anyone confirm on this? Just wanna give my 2 cents worth, is important that sofa set comes with foam warranty too. Coz two yrs ago, i paid for a set of sofa which above market rate thinking that it will last at least couple of more years. Unfortunately is not, the sofa set stiffness is gone and the warranty does not cover for the foam stiffness, only the structure. U tell me, what's the point having a solid structure where the foam stiffness is gone rite? especially on the backrest. Now i need to use another cushion cover to act as the backrest!!! Some suggest upholstery, i suggest to dump it away!!! that's me, i guess!!! lolz cheers
  22. Please see attached link. Item # GBHWF02 http://www.exbali.com/bali_stone/stone_water_features.htm
  23. Hi guys, needs feedback, anyone brought anything from them? As I planning to get alot of stuffs from them. Thanks