I never lock my gates. So main lock is the digital lock. I do install arlam that is hook up to my telephone, by yale 80 over bucks. so in case there is break in arlam will sound off and auto call me. If i'm lucky enuff to have me psp n wifi connection when i'm outside, i can remote connect from my psp to my ps3 at home that is connected to the playstation eye. Cool huh. hehehe.
About the lock with remote its the same as 5120, only got extra remote control. If u loose it can always deregister the remote from ur door lock, same goes with ur card. Extra access card I use kokptiam card.
I get the lock not from IMM, I know a person that bring in the lock direct from korea. have to wait 1 week for it to arrived, he never keep stock. U want he order. Want to install he have his installer to install at 100 nett. For me i like to diy. so foc for install.
This the the access card provide together wif the lock, not a card actualy it came with the lock, X2. Can hook up to ur HP.
Btw, i will poison u all wifh the installation vid. hehehe