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Everything posted by lucia

  1. Seems like you too enjoy the services. so any planning on inviting as all to your place for lunch @@
  2. am glad that you are hapi with them . if not i think you kill me asking you to find them lol.
  3. ha ha so you are the one that visited my place last night ...so far your are the first person that Clc brought to my place. at first i dont feel like want to let clc bring other to my place because my wife got a small balloon already 9 months later then can start bring others come haha. but leslie called to ask me for help , no choice have to return the favor to him haha. till date still very impressed with the things that they have done for me. this friday their workers coming to my place to change my sink tap for me. cause my wife bougth a tap and i cant change it so have to ask them come help, they have so far being very helpful and willing to help.
  4. police report@@ i will die very fast.... i was not at home last night when leslie bring them to my place. my wife was at home. the drawers ok for me but have to be like after some use. if not it is like brand new so very tight. paint work?? my paint work ok. did you plaster your whole house. cause if no plaster done the paint will not looks good. unless the wall itself is already very flat then is will be nice. but plastering cost a bomb. 4 room plaster cost 2k++ but i feel its worth the price . my place very near your house also 5min car drive can reach liao.
  5. @@ Handover already... must be happy at last everything is over. really nice like it alot. how much you pay for your lights. so when will you be able to take a pic with all your stuff in for us to see lol.
  6. Cant said that respond fast means no biz. maybe they are more interested compared to others lol. This is really a super low quotation compared to what i used to have and the last one which you posted. the price stated is way too big diff. its better that you ask to view showflat if able. it will help alot. and also do ask for floop plan. once you are comfortable with them, remember to sign on the floor-plan too. it is very important. solid surface $65 ok ok but have to check the range they are giving. Paint you are right to change to a better paint. cabinet price i feel ok but apple to apple you have to see for yourself. kitchen cabinet is the real cheap one. the price show that its better you check what they are using we dont post quotes up because like not very nice if the owner of the company knows that we show their price to the world or rather to other companies you will be able to get the help you need from all the old timers lol. its about time we who gain from RT return a favor. Enjoy your renovation.
  7. hi all, (if any) where is everyone??? went to ang's t-blog??
  8. haha another me.... just go to the first few page of my post. there are link that you can use to upload you photos
  9. $500 for doing the quotation...... lol they sure know how to make money
  10. ...... i found out something.... the full mirror door has got ........ NO YOU..... how you that the photos.... oh no.......... you are scaring me now........
  11. What the.............. is that a full black glass wardrobe with mirror door..... ang did you spend alot on this wardrobe?
  12. @@ Mbr really nice. i love that mirror. normally its 1 big mirror with top cabinet. yours look so different. cool...
  13. hello its been awhile. nice looking place you got. im in love with the view out of kitchen. red glass for your kitchen backing really daring.
  14. lol no need pity him la. so young be boss already work like cow sure earn alot lo. anyway he is really very hard-working. i remember almost every sunday i saw him at my house doing checks instead of staying at home resting, maybe young that why got so much engery. if give us like him die lo.
  15. have already reply in ang's t-blog so how is the meeting with him.
  16. @@ y is your cabinet white in colour inside? clc never give u the colour to chose for inside? you better talk to leslie. they will give afew colour to chose. and it is totally free of charge. that is one of the strong selling point for their company.
  17. i love your sink. you sure got good taste.
  18. pm me ur contact when u got house-warming.
  19. after reading the post i feel that if we need to use the side we should let him know first dont think that it is normal for id to put that in the quote unless we ask for it. deduct some $$$ of that he sure will not give. this case is to the point that no one to blame. unless we did voice out that we dont mind to add some $$$ before hand to get the different trays or drawers and he forgetten then that will b his fault.
  20. nice place ang, they(clc) really works fast ya. will you be having a house warming? maybe we can drop by to have a look at the real thing. sam i remember you lol u were asking me for contact of clc right? so after so long then u manage to meet up with them? ang so when will your place be handover to you? didnt seem much of your kitchen can post some pics on that??
  21. all u seems like having good exp with clc too. angteko your reno is really very faster. i think faster then mine. carpet for room er.... it will looks nice but hard to clean. boon lay so how is your renovation coming up. do update us
  22. hello all long time no log in haha. well your house must be very outstanding. all the things that you chose seems to be very little stock. ya 1 thing about leslie is that is manpower all very steady they come in big groups and they really rush things out. many others rush things but workmanship not very good cause no manpower. but clc rush by throwing in more manpower. i saw your drawings very dark, maybe its a good idea to have the tones lighter, you can go to the first few page to see my tiles. day time still looks good night time really dark. lucky i never go for a darker colour. but sure dark colour looks better (showroom style) but for normal living i feel that lighter tones can settle liao. Leslie ID temper , trust me very very huge. if any of his contractors do wrong you will see haha. i saw him screaming at a sub con for coming in late and delay my project for half a day. but maybe its the way he work thats y all his contractors seems to love him alot always saying how good he is and how lucky we are. he is very picky with workmanship. trust me at the later part which he will go thru the workmanship with you.that is the the you will feel that he OWNS your place. he is more picky then we the real owners. haha still remember that when we have our handover. he make more noise they us. turn out to be we dont do the checking , he is the one showing us where he will need ppl to come touch up. we saw leslie in his good mood days, very cocky days and very angry days. he seems to be very very strict with his guys. that is love alot as more IDs tend to stand at contractor's side and not our side. leslie stand at the middle he will not help anyone as long as who in fault he sure will tell him off. do you know that he told me off and he really give it to his contractor too cause when he was not at site i went to ask his guys to change my kitchen base bigger. whcih turn out to be too big for my kitchen. but lucky he settle it for me. cause the base when look at it really so small now i know that base is smaller the cabinet haha. silly me. all the contractors dun care they just do as what they are told to without thinking.
  23. For your friend case if the designer did nothing wrong then even CASE cant help. you can try ask your friend to contact Clc to see if they can help your friend to do up the renovations at a much lower cost, it better to lose some money then to lose all of it.