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Everything posted by stormcontrol

  1. in a way quite fun oso mah. think your boys will enjoy the novelty of it. Buy malay or indian food and eat with your hands, got even more feeling! =p
  2. nxt shipment in sept ah... aiyo, then i better fast hand fast leg bring my wife there to see dining table n tv console. else later "kan bu shang chuan"... >_<"
  3. ur cousin right? can find out lah... admit it, you're as kaypoh as us one lah =p
  4. wah you are going for "kim kim" toilet ah? daring! =)
  5. huh... so fannie u advising me to set or not? I can take the stress lah, but wife cannot one leh. Will murder me one.... >_<""
  6. good things muz share share ok? and kpo is very good thing ok =p
  7. but wife (who's the on-the-spot person right now) very xin ruan liao leh. she keep on telling me dun wan pressure uncle cz he so ke lian... I set the date leh dunno how to chase on my own when i'm not on-the-spot leh... *sigh*
  8. cannot yet lah. now wife telling me want to install window grilles and storeroom shelving etc. curtains also not done. still got long way to go even after uncle finish man... @fannie: even though set him a date don't know whether he can make it one anot... >_<" but set anyway
  9. thanks for the help! will see if i can get the wife interested! =)
  10. aiya, your bed got nice bling bling liao lah. very good le. =)
  11. no. but i'm going to give him dday le. By friday must die die ho to me cz we want to clean house and paint on weekend and all our appliances will be coming in on tuesday liao.
  12. i dunno whether got cheat me on the paint lah. But they left the unfinished paint in my house and i checked that and all the colours i asked for are there lah. But the other day ah keong touching up the grey wall and we found that the grey like different shade like dat. In the end ah keong painted the entire wall to ensure uniformity. I will chase for rectification for everything but the painting/varnishing lah. That one i think i halfway confirm i want to diy rectify myself le. Save myself from vomiting blood. >_<. As for the partion bulging out at the floor there, i think i close 1 eye le. Now also do skirting there liao so it's halfway camouflage also. The rest ah, uncle die die must do swee swee. But seriously lah, i got not much time left to wait le. VERY impatient to move in liao... hmm.. uncle promised to order the glass needed to mount my toilet exhaust fan by monday, dunno do already anot... me and wife nvr call him or go down ystrday... see how later 2day...
  13. uncle call so many ppl by ah di and 肥仔 ah.... >_<". Lidat how he know which one when we talk with him? haiz
  14. can share more abt your garden? cz wifey wants to have plants but i'm trying to minimise clutter and your solution seems to be a good compromise for us. What's hydro? you mean hydroponics? how to implement that? And the racks you use for holding the plants also very neat leh. Where to get?
  15. yah lor. my handspray too power liao. the other day i blur blur go and turn the tap full on, and press the handle all the way down to wash... woo-hooo! pain ah!!! =p
  16. Forget abt asking those idiots to come back touch up le. I tell uncle need 1 day. he organise them need 1 day, they paint need 1 day, i complain take anthr day. Just buy me the paint and tools and i diy faster and more satisfactory lah... >_<" yah yah. correct. talks with a little bit m'sian accent i feel. u tell him anything he will attend to it de. My kitchen sink floor trap can only be accessed from *inside* my kicthen cabinet and he managed to squeeze in to install the pipe joint. I still dunno how he managed to fit in lor. But he cannot do electricity lah.... haiz... when's my electrician coming!?
  17. i don't know, i've never seen their "lu shan zhen mien mu". They always finish and leave before i come >_<"
  18. can help lah. got colouring books? I send uncle's painters your way for your kids to train? =p
  19. Hello everyone. Not having much "xin1 qin2" to come RT and post/update blog because very sian with reno these few days. But have to thank Ivy and Sean for their sms-es and concern. Sorry ah, Ivy and sean, though i promised to post this yesterday but really no mood. even now also not much =p Haiz, as usual uncle really dragging his feet. Wife also become "si3 xin1" + "xin1 ruan3" after uncle fail so many of his timing promises and look so apologetic and "ke3 lian2" (got 1 time rushing around until never take his meal so my wife bought for him to eat at my place lol.). The work proceeding at an uber slow pace. Like bird ****ting on a car like dat, one small shot at a time... >_< Worst part is that till today, still got NJDs *faint* and also it seems as though everytime 1 item is done, 2 problems crop up. Problem-spot and rectify until want to tear my hair out le.... SS backing for the kitchen up le. But 1st thing uncle never tell me cannot do in 1 entire piece so now i've one long stretch of ss backing and one small square patch. Nvrmind, can accept. But the worst thing is the cutting/pasting. The space between the backing and my solid surface is around 2mm at one end of the backing and nearly 1cm at the other end. In other words, it's wai ki ko!!! Uncle says that he's going to use black sealant to fill up this spacing and make it even, but it's nearly 1cm thick leh, will look nice meh? nvr mind, let him try. If CMI, i insist on redo. Now abit regret nvr take up ah di's suggestion to install ss backing first before installing worktop.... Another bad thing is that there are 5 power sockets behind the ss backing that up till today uncle has not pulled out. The socket faces already removed, so it's actually naked wiring behind. F***ing dangerous! The best thing is, there's no marking on the ss as to where the power points are located behind the backing! So i'll just sit back and see if the electrician is going to bring x-ray goggles with him to locate my power points when and if he comes to finish this job... ... Living room partition boards all done up. but want to . The partition walls start out slim at the top and end up fat on the bottom . Forget it, it's at feet level where it bulges out a little so i'll close my eyes pretend nvr see. Future guests are well-warned to refrain from mentioning this defect to me on pain of death... >_<" MBR door is up. But also . Why? The door has to be modified (ie cut and filed) to fit into the doorway. They cut it at the hinge side of the door. So naturally after everything done they need to varnish that side right? Oh they didn't forget to do that. But now my nice light beech colour door has a deep bright orange colour at the hinge side only... . Ask me acceptable somemore. What to say? if i say not acceptable, waste another day to rectify right???? Blast it, i'll just accept it and keep the door closed lor... :sob: Last rant is the painting. WTH!!!! I'm paying $1100 for this kind of s***???!!!! Paint on door frames not straight and spilling onto the walls. TV "feature" wall's grey colour is crap at the interfacing borders with the other walls. Like got snake like that. U're supposed to paint, not do calligraphy!!!! And paint splashes on my ceiling fan and switches + power points!!! Worst, my MBR uses ICI dulux spring blush, but i don't know what kind of white they used to patch my walls in there but confirm not spring blush cause i can bloody well see non-pinkish white big patches on my MBR walls!!!!! Anybody got any children coloring books?? I think i'm going to need some to teach uncle's painters how to colour within the lines and choose colours!!!!!!!!!! Right now, i'm feeling like telling uncle to just go buy me a new set of paints and set of painting tools and i'll go and paint myself. Just give me some discount off that $1100. I don't want to put him in a tight spot/lose $ but i also don't want to feel so crap about paying for this s***. But not *all* bad things lah. Uncle boxed up my gas piping for me FOC, and I have to say the cornice guy did it quite well. Also piping to the kitchen sink and the kitchen fittings also up. Workmanship on the plumbing is also good. Handspray working well and no leaking in the sink pipes! The cornice guy doing up the partitions also helped me to patch up the walls and ceilings where the wall was hacked (oh wait... are those white patches on my MBR walls because he went to patch up there and not paint??? but there was nothing to patch on that wall iirc...). Special mention also goes out to Ah soon's worker, Ah Keong, or Four-eyes Ah keong =p. He's like an odd-job general handyman who can solve alot of problems. We mentioned to him that the kitchen sink doesn't seem to be to be able to drain alot of water without/flooding the waste trap (dunno how to say lah, we shifted the sink from the original location given by hdb so they ran a wastage pipe for the sink to a waste trap in the kitchen floor.) So he added a pipe joint and fixed the problem. Also helped ameliorate the problem with the snaking borders at my grey wall and helped to adjust the SS backing when we found it to be crooked (but even after fixing also still not very good. I see how it goes after sealant goes up). (oh yah, ah keong was the one who did up the MBR door too though, so don't go around thinking he's perfect hor =p )
  20. see, told u i nvr do research right? if i buy really kena chop carrot head. ... yes sounds familiar. you want to play some music while we wait? >p
  21. I don't know leh. not been researching on decals. $30? What's the answer leh?
  22. i second that! the tweeting bird makes me want to go for a "special no. 1" =p
  23. confirm. cz the s&cc and the fire insurance were the only things we couldn't pay through cpf =p