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Everything posted by rierie

  1. eh..i dunno leh..maybe u wanna keep a lookout during the bridal fair?
  2. oei oei..where's ur review of the contractors that u met up??
  3. muahahahahahhaa..no need la!! taipei's package is separate from singapore package. for taipei's, i only got the photoshoot. for singapore, i only got the AD
  4. okie!!! onz!! at most my cake inedible right? hahahahhahaha
  5. errr..i really can't bake. never try before!!! think u guys go ahead anyone wants to learn from scratch?
  6. oh!!!!! thanks ivy and fannie! yar..i almost fainted when i saw the edited layout
  7. muahahahahhahahah...it's not abt treating me better. i just can't picture u saying that to me..mm...
  8. what's bu da? yea..we went to Taipei, actually. captured a few places there signed with Fashion Bride
  9. wa BD, u so ke qi ar? today muz buy 4D le..hahahhahaa issue - asked them to rethink about the layout cuz we thought that it was very dull (colours not enriching enough). by the way, it was a sunset view dat Danshui. then u know what they did????? added white flakes to the sky!!! *faint* machiam like snowing
  10. yup..but the bridal studio sent it in soft copy first. have to wait till we approve then will print
  11. feeling super sian now. just saw the layout of our photoshoot. feel like sth is missing and told them to edit. it's even worse now..haiz..
  12. okie la..then dun buy from sookee..we waited longer than merryman
  13. no need meh? to my knowledge, they say they keep minimal sizes available. for ours, we waited for abt 4 weeks, including engraving
  14. as for wedding band, pls note that they need at least 4 weeks to do it for u hor..better go choose now
  15. i can recommend photographer. go to my fb and search for mary chua. see if u like her photos
  16. evelyn to the rescue!! hahahahahaha.. as u might have noticed, we have a lot of white laminates. in general, white goes with any other colours. rarely it clashes with other colours. it will be easier for u to buy furniture also but but but...easy to look dirty. eg due to dust. if u want a white laminate, make sure u learn from ID how to clean it. Eric taught us to use either CIF or Pledge. we have yet to try for easy to clean, choose smooth white surfaced laminates
  17. yup!! wa...seldom see ur reply without strong emoticons..nan de..muahahahahha
  18. yeah...he was the one who made the decision for us. we told him we want to have a clean cut, bright and soothing feeling.
  19. personally, i think it's not those showroom standard la..but we feel very comfortable in it - as if, this is THE HOME. get what i mean?
  20. i help u throw things away la..u can see my skills from the number of clothes i have. ROM - my dear, u booked the date with ROM aly or not?
  21. Now that my renovation has come to an end, it’s time for me to write my review on Eric, my ID from COOS. His KPIs will include timeliness, practicality of design, completeness and how fuss free this renovation journey was. Timeliness - Eric always get back to us pretty fast, at least before the deadline that htb and I set. An example would be us asking for quotation of window grilles. Both htb and I only have after working hours (i.e. after 8pm) during weekdays and Saturday afternoon for renovation stuff (think some of you should know how late I work till). Adding to the fact that we cannot always confirm our timing to him until 2 hours before, he was NEVER late for our appointment. This is very important to me. Practicality of design – As many of you have seen my place, I think that the end product is quite practical. Different areas of the house are segmented properly. Example – htb and I were thinking whether to have parquet or laminate at our “designated MJ area”. Seeing that we could not decide, Eric said that we have to be practical. That area will have afternoon sun and it is next to the window. Given the weather in Singapore, if we forgot to close the windows, the parquet will not last long. Another example would be the divider. As many might have read in my t-blog, it was much to our dissonance to have the divider. However, Eric was able to come up with a design that is acceptable to us and tried to make it a less obstruct item in the house. Most importantly, Eric is always to draw his ideas to us right on the spot. Htb and I do not need to imagine how it would look like and the end product is always similar to what he drew. Completeness – All carpentry and other items in the contact were done in full completeness by Eric. The only disappointing issue is about getting him to do rectifications. He would have a lot of reasons to not do it. 2 major examples would include the much needed facial session for my walls and the dirt on our floor. It took us pretty long time to convince him that we wanted these two to be done properly. This is when our firmness kicked in. Tai-chi, reasoning. You named it, we tried it. Nonetheless, at the end of the renovation, they were done properly. Level of fuss free – htb and I acknowledged the fact that we do not have much time for renovation. We are really glad to have Eric to help us coordinate our stuff, including services and other stuff that were engaged/bought without him being the middleman. Examples will include our chandelier, curtain, refrigerator and washing machine. Others – Most of the time, Eric is the one chasing us for things. The most significant item is the selection of laminates. I remembered that he passed the books to us for a few weeks and yet htb and I had no time to sit down and decide. When we finally decided, we had a selection of over 20 laminates that we liked. Eric then contributed by telling us how it would feel like in our house for each combination. Most of you should know that my dad was the one who gave us most of our headaches. Eric was nice enough to tackle my dad on my behalf. For example, my dad wanted granite for our men tou (the area where our gate is at) and wanted Eric to do various step up due to fengshui (Note that Eric gave us marble instead, FOC). Think Eric got it hard from my dad and grandfather who kept going to our home to monitor the progress. I have to acknowledge that Eric’s quotation is not of the lowest, it might even be one of the highest for those who asked him for quotation. Nevertheless, I believe in paying more for quality and convenience. (this is only my point of view) All in all, I would definitely recommend Eric to any forummer who do not mind paying a little bit more.
  22. he funny? in what way? alamak!!! how i know why yeak loves to speak to guy owners?!! muz ask yeakers leh, why ask me?
  23. yeah! thats the spirit!!! wei wei MM, being a lady doesn't mean it's easier to talk to male IDs hor..