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Everything posted by rierie

  1. MM - hhahahhahah!!! now we understand why they say Man are Mars and Women are from Venus. hahahahaha!!! aiyo..theoretical questions very hard de la...depends on how we put it across right? hhahahahhaha..if my htb sees all these posts ar, he'll start to shake his head and say thats why man and woman marry each other - to spice up the life!! muahahahahhahaha!!!
  2. mm...my eyes not sharp enough la...hahahhaha!!! time to drink nourishing soup for eyes liao
  3. okie!! later i help u all check. ivy...i didn't bring camera leh...how ar? my phone cui also...and hor..any specifications?
  4. mm..for size hor...ask lynn to give u the measurement? she shd be able to tell u? same for other appliances. this will facilitate in ur selection
  5. harro harro..look carefully..did i say muz post? i said can and won't. i didn't say must and must not. u used the word illustrates, meaning inferred. that doesn't mean i wrote it explicitly down. right? i call back doesn't mean i settling the issue. use HDB as example. they call back to one for some issues. but did they settle the issue? but hor..if u wanna insist on your point, i'm okay
  6. muahahahahaha...now u understand why my htb always keep quiet aly? cuz i always ask him to support with evidence. cannot make assumptions. else will lead to misunderstanding. okie!!! will update u once i'm back home!
  7. looks good! i like the orange colour there..give the whole place some vibrance!
  8. fannie, who u refering to uh? mm..me going to raffles city de..
  9. did i say muz??? since when i give u the assumption? did i do it explicitly? if yes, pls provide evidence.
  10. what kind of theory is that? if i free but see that there's nothing i can input in the t-blogs, of cuz won't post right? harro harro...who gave u that assumption? from yesterday, he's the one settling the singtel issue
  11. what has it got to do with free or not???? singtel - of cuz it's my htb doing it la!!!
  12. wa...good good.. later i go see see look look and update u lor yar... hahaha!!! fannie and ivy, want me to help u buy or check price first?
  13. eh? i thought u mentioned u are not fussy about the colour?
  14. forkie....still have others for king size or not uh? aiya..s**t! shd have went during lunch time *faint*
  15. serious???!!!!!! okie! later i go see!!! *looking forward to 6pm*
  16. ***super soft whisper to coffee_o : cannot say so loooouuudddd..later he charge u entertainment fee. but u can quitely grab a hotdog combo, like MM, then sit and watch**
  17. anyone knows a place which sells cheap and good bed sheet?
  18. harro harro..i where got suan u????? *faint* i'm just saying that now ur wifey's current full time job is reno liaoz...of cuz can do more things la...but hor...if u think otherwise...mmm...i'm open to it too
  19. good to hear that!!! maybe after she take over the coordination part, everything might be faster? hehehe
  20. bibi, tried telling him aly..but but but...NO USE AT ALL!!!!! *faint*
  21. yup!! agree with u, fannie!
  22. mm..have specks la...this is inevitable. but i remember not as bad..me tmr take pic for u kk?
  23. oops...didn't realise u post it here too mine is black galaxy too but definitely not like that. the thing abt marble and granite tops is that each piece is unique in its own. i remember that time my ID spent one whole day in the factory looking for slabs that are clean (minimal specks) and almost similar...i go home and take my picture u tmr