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Everything posted by rierie

  1. of cuz muz seek! but hor.fri nite should be okie. he shd very happy that u all come on fri nite
  2. MM....only designate a MJ area now. no money to buy mahjong set now..maybe will buy in oct? now our priority is wedding and furnish our house
  3. PJ, my house...err...no oven or microwave leh...
  4. rondy...we super seldom then play. but hor..we will be getting the mahjong set. can come to my house play la...i be the tea lady! in fact, we have designated a MJ area!
  5. adrian..agree with nottimonster. pls check with yeak again
  6. *fainting* relax relax ar...mm....okok..change change. we wanna see your interestingly unique house!! *can le mah?* hahahaha..hows ur drawing going? u bi guan xiu lian huh?
  7. hahahah... your level 10 or 12 not occupied hor? the 5 room one..the to-be occupant uncle just came to my house to see see look look. think he's the boss of the medical hall next to kopitiam. correct me if i am wrong
  8. aiyo...muz have faith in whoever u choose!
  9. *sad* orh...okie..no choice le.. muz invite me and htb hor!!! we wanna see ur kim kim house!
  10. i think there are 2 types of King size bed. regardless, the minimal difference is that King size is always wider than the queen size. Standard King or Eastern King beds are about 16" wider than a Queen bed and the same length. correct me if i am wrong
  11. for today ONLY, my vote goes to B*. pls fill in the asterisk by yourself.
  12. pm u le...aiyo..neighbours not for long..hahahahhaha...just drop by. kk?
  13. *nodding profusely!!* *whisper to ivy: 怪怪 de uncle*
  14. haiz...weird ar? u guys are so near to each other..mmm.... rondy, ask u ar..that time when u handover, did yeak help u clean up those masking tape stains on the floor? or he teach u how to do it? been chasing for Eric to do it for me but he say he's going to teach us how to do it. i was like..."huh? shouldn't u do it?"
  15. agree too. red devil, u free this sat? me having open house. 4-6
  16. hahahaha!!!! i also on leave tmr!!! finally~~~ ^5
  17. *whisper to ivy: i also dunno leh..."shrugs"*
  18. *faint* i'm trying to imagine u trying to jump and roll on the bed then PD come over and pull your ear and drag u out, saying "you think u very young huh?"
  19. woah!!! congrats le!!! time will whissssh very fast now. hahahaha!!
  20. pls la....obviously only small tong zi (a.ka. kids) can roll on the bed. u got licence or not?
  21. handover tmr!!! but dunno what will happen leh..cuz we are using the ID's lock and key now..mm..maybe just the final payment. muz bring calculator liao..plus my excel spreadsheet!! hahahahaha
  22. won't lock la...but hor..i make sure i have all the durian shells lay outside it. heehee...
  23. confirmed pinkpetter ivy f4 PJ BD and PD skyblue stormcontrol guy77 merryman
  24. okie!! confirmed! bd and pd coming. but rondy not coming....