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Everything posted by rierie

  1. mm...the way it works is as follows: 1. switch on the heater and all the water is heated up until the preset temperature. 2. central heater will remain the water as the preset temperature 3. as u start to use hot water from the central heater, new cold water will get in and start to get heat up. so, now imagine u use ur rainshower that needs high pressure and uses much water for a long shower, do u think (logically) the next person will be able to get much hot water? thats why..although htb and i has our own toilet and used to have having short shower, we still get 30l.
  2. but the kiwi packaging is more cute......
  3. uh.....orh..okie lor..that means he win me liao *bu gan yuan!!!* yet i dun wanna do it..mm..no choice
  4. hahahhahahahaha..ivy, u just made my day! now really wanna see u in real person liaoz
  5. errr....how about telling him that just getting 15l is not enough? can u imagine if he has a shower right after ur long shower plus ur washing machine using hot water somemore, he sure don't have enough hot water. thats why muz get 30l. but hor..30l cannot box up..persuasive enough?
  6. then he sure win. my mopping skills is CMI. thats why he's my CMO (Chief Maid Officer)
  7. hahaha..let me help u think. 1. very difficult to change heaters in the future 2. central heater cannot be boxed up. that means it's going to be super ugly. i can show u my pic 3. if central heater spoil, the other toilet also won't have hot water. that means can only use cold water. imagine if it's raining outside..he's going to suffer. won't have this problem for instant heater mmm..sufficient?
  8. mm...got say how thick the casing is? i remember my dad is 4 by 3 is better. ur pipes won't get squeezed together. sth like that..see if thats the one they giving to u
  9. familyof4 - got question to ask! which floor cleaner do u use? am quarrelling with htb as to which brand to use. i want kiwi (cuz the picture very cute) and he wants dettol (cuz they say can kill 99.99% germs)..
  10. ivy...it's insufficient sleep la..dun think too much ar...
  11. new, if u use central heater, the cold and hot tap will work the way hotel toilets works..must adjust till u comfortable with the temperature
  12. mm...initially, i thought so too. but when i asked Eric to give it to me FOC, he never say anything. so i presume that it's cheaper? it's either that or he's aly earning a lot from my house le..
  13. how about using tempered glass as backing? think it's cheaper than stainless steel
  14. he..so fast? think he called u the minute i hang up with him
  15. Hey..got your pm. Eric’s style is go to ur house and see what needs to be done. He’ll also point things that MUST be done and things that don’t need be done. At least that’s how he treated my colleague (mine cannot be done this way cuz I decided him before I even got my keys from hdb). I’ll get eric to call u as soon as he can hor..then u arrange with him from there? Tell him ur budget straight and he’ll tell u whether can it be done.
  16. mmm...why not u pm me your contacts and i get him to call u asap? this guy quite "on" la..as in, he'll keep follow up with u and stuff. i did my house for 31K. dunno if it's too ex for u. mine is 5 room 110sqm i
  17. did mine reply u? or he quote too high aly?
  18. must be because of the weather~~~~
  19. wa lao..dun say until like that leh...my htb also agree with what i say. he always say my eyes got blinded by stamps. dun understand why i choose him. hahahaha!!! mm...wait la uh..wait till i get my PS's layout then i post our pics online. hahahahah rondy, wanna join in the fun??
  20. how about talking to that aunty peacefully? tell her about ur view about the corridor and her grandson. at least u try to settle this cordially
  21. uh???? u sure or not?? my man's looks CMI one leh...think u'll have nightmare everynite
  22. hahahahha..don't like that la..rainshower very nice leh! i want also dun have. my man dun want it at all. *faint*