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About adrian_john

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  1. Recently, some agents have 'revised' their rates to 2% to sell, 1% to buy. But as a norm, usually 1% sell and 1% to buy is also an acceptable market rate for HDB sale/purchase. For Private property sales, it can range between 1.25% to 2% borne by the seller. In general, buyers need not pay any agent commission if they buy from seller's agent directly or even via a co-broke. Also, some agents may charge GST, others may not. It all boils down to individual negotiation.
  2. Haven't logged on to RenoTalk for almost 2+ years now. Looking at these pages gone by really brings back a lot of nostalgia and memories of the many nice people I met here and made friends with, and also of all the time and effort spent in doing up the home. The plan for the home was a long term one, but due to changes, we have decided to let go of this beautiful home, which we had built from scratch and enjoyed living in for the last 2.5+ years. Yesterday, our home finally found a new owner who really loves and appreciates it as much as we do. We will be moving out around September and moving on to another new place and another new Reno chapter. Will share more in time to come.
  3. Why is Rondy stalking you leh? You owe him something ar? I thought the other way round? Hehehehe! Wah Rondy, you very mean leh!
  4. Rondy, still not too late mah. The only troublesome part for you is that you'll have to move your furniture around abit here and there; And maybe suffer abit of slight 'overspill' of the wallpaper glue. If its laid properly, I don't think popping out's an issue. I think the lifespan of wallpaper, if properly taken care of and not abused, can last a few years. After that you can change.
  5. Ahahaha .. thanks Pal. I'll consider about the Barcelona and Ottomans. Right now I'm seriously having a big headache with the Living Area. A big ghost wing chair would really be a welcome thing lah. Sometimes hor, perhaps getting a 42" TV was abit of a mistake cos' of the close viewing distance. Also, the high-back sofa is another headache. I was thinking perhaps I will put the high-back sofa against the wall where the TV console is now and create a low-height partition for the TV console, which will now run parallel to the balcony. Haiz ... headache!!! Hiya Pet, long time no see. Welcome back. Have you started Phase 2 of your place yet? I got the wallpaper from Europa. Am still exploring Wallpaper on some other key walls ....
  6. Thanks Flyingballoons. I've done another wallpaper in my MBR as well. Will take a pic.
  7. KC, nice touch with using the truss-type lighting at your living room. Its really unique!
  8. Hahaha, ya Char, I think soon your blog will be the doggie thread for the RT Dog lovers liao! My little girl also very scared of water and like you, we were also afraid of getting her fur in a mess with all the fine sand, so I thought the best way is to bring the water back to her instead. We bring about 2 to 3 10-litre containers and put it in the boot and bring it home. Char, I had this debate over the clear vs frosted glass for the MBR Bath as well. In the end, we went with the frosted option. So far from my experience, frosted is not as bad as I thought. You can still have the transparent effect as you can still see the shadows, more so with the lights on. If you stand close to the glass door, the sillhoutte is quite clear although the frosted glass blurs abit. So in a sense, frosted is not on the other extreme, but sorta like an in-between. And somehow, in a closed passage like yours, the aesthetic of a frosted will looks quite nice as well, especially with the lights on. Kopi, your little doggie so cute. Aiyo, very fluffy and adorable!
  9. Yo Kopi. Congrats on getting the keys! Finally get a glimpse of your soon-to-be-transformed palace! Hack and re-do man! Hope the FSM's instructions doesn't affect much of what you planned though. This can be frustrating, depending on your preferences and level of belief for the FS elements. Pet's idea about the mosaic is what I think would make a difference if you were to go ahead with doing a strip. If its that sort of proportion, it'll look really outstanding. The only thing I can see that will be quite annoying for you is all the sanitary pipes in the bathrooms. For some, wanna do box-up also like very difficult or impossible. Sometimes I wish the HDB architects could've done better with these! 2 sanitary pipes in the shower spoilt the whole look of my common toilet too. Eagerly awaiting for your progress to unfold dude!
  10. Hi Ling3bzr! Welcome back. Nice to see you again. I recall both our homes were being done at the same time, but Mr Yeak told me yours was delayed. Hope everything's been sorted on your end and see your progress soon!
  11. Actually hor, the Barcelona is smaller than the wing chair size slightly by 10cm. Right now headache lah to shift around sofa and then mark out spaces for the wing chairs to test all the options. The 2nd life stuff are quite good lah. If only Kartell got Ghost Wing Chairs, that'd be perfect. It's like there but not there ... ahahahahaa. I'll take the living view so you can see the 'cramped' space. Thanks hor, of course with make up, styled hair beautiful la... Ehehehehehe!
  12. Dude, if you choose Option 1, you gotta stock up on Mr Muscle and Scotchbrite ... but don't worry lah, as you're cleaning it and looking at your nice wall, you'll come to the realisation that its worth it! Ahahahahaha!
  13. Pal, very nicely done strips for the wall! The visual impact is great!
  14. Yup, I'm that AJ. Wah, very touched that Kopi thinks of me and my asthma until he wanna cut your croc tiles! So extreme! No need to worry, I got my crocodile meat source already. Heehehehehe! Ya, I remembered you posted on my blog previously... You're right, my house is ZAI - As in SUPER CRAMPED in terms of space! Hehehehehe! My doggie's really living up to the Schanuzer's reputation of being a gulper with a big appetite and not knowing when to stop. I try to give her more 'natural' stuff like fruits to quell her hunger rather than treats. The dry food's also fish-based. Actually I learnt alot of the alternative 'therapies' from our dog-owner friends too. Like the Head and Shoulders thing was shared by a friend who has a Lab and JRT. She also recommends Selsun. I have another friend who uses Johnson Baby Bath and other gentle cleansers like Cetaphil and Esemthan (which I use for my kids too). I guess if its gentle enough on babies and humans, can't go wrong for dogs too. Just got to make sure its not drying. The bathing in sea water is also good, but we just have to make sure that the water is relatively clean. When we were doing this, it meant every Sunday, my wife and I would go to either Changi point, far end of East Coast or a clean stretch of Kallang River where there's less people and pollution. We'd gather almost 20 to 30 litres of the salt water in our jerry cans and bring it back to fill a tub to soak our doggie in for about 20 minutes a time, before proceeding to give a gentle shower. After a couple of weeks, it really helped get rid of the bad skin and rashes. I checked out the Pet Sun Chlorella. I think I'll give that a try! Yeah, good idea Pinklady. I think there's quite a number of Dog lovers here in RT.