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Everything posted by angeliqueho81

  1. Hi, its around $2200 for whole balcony, not under bulk purchase.
  2. I go measure the thickness then let u know. Erm... no pic for my bomb shetler. Maybe this saturday go snap snap again lor.
  3. Ya lor ya lor. 不用白不用。I have 5 colors to choose from, so in the end i even painted part of my bomb shelter in purple. haha.
  4. Its $550 for one bay window, can choose from fabric or PVC leather. The seattee is really firm but abit too high. I just bought adjustable height table from ikea. Hope it goes well with my seattee.
  5. Ya, actually i wanted whole house white in color. But in the end was tempted by the choice of colors I was able to choose based on the painting package. So only living room and masterbedroom remains as whole white.
  6. To be honest, I would grade as average. Ciseern capentry workmanship is much better as I engaged them for my first renovation.
  7. Hi, may i know where is the place you went for the simplehuman stuffs?
  8. The shoe rack: outstanding one door to be installed Kitchen add on cabinet:
  9. My living room: left one spotlight to be installed on the recess area.. Dinning area: Have to lower the dinnig light. I find it too high up. Any opinion on this?? Balcony: The chengal wood decks were varnished. Now become darker and look nicer too This light also too high. Will ask the electrician to lower it.
  10. Bedroom 2: Completed! Study room: Outstanding doors on cabinet
  11. Some updates of my renovation. There are still outstanding jobs but minor ones. I would say its 90% completed. Masterbedroom: Outstanding wallpaper
  12. Hi, the darker pink is sassy 1105 and the lighter pink is blusher 1167, both from ordourless premium.
  13. The laundry shop email and told me my order will be cancelled as they do not ship that particular caddy to Singapore. I'm so sad now... have to continue to hunt for the caddy.
  14. Hi friends78, it costs 5 pounds for shipment charge.
  15. Hi, I paid 90 pounds for the item itself. Shipping wise i also not very sure, i go check from the website tonight then update u. Amazon doesn't send this item to Singapore... so i got it from a UK website instead.
  16. And lastly, things i bought for the new house at amazon... simplehuman over the sink caddy simplehuman compack dish rack simple human show caddy simple human tension caddy my bedrooms hooks
  17. Dinning room mirror: Kitchen fridge top cabinet: Kitchen fridge side counter:
  18. Here's some updates of my renovation: Shoerack: False wall display and TV console:
  19. Hi, isit bright enough for the whole bedroom?
  20. Hi, so far i have not try opening all to a side. i have 4 panels, so far only maximum i tried to open to 2 panel "opened" space.
  21. LED spotlight 10w + the chrome bracket is 99/piece. The kitchen LED light with 2 year warranty is 115.
  22. Hi, very nice home. I really like the open concept with glass divider. but alas, my floorplan doesn't allow us to do that.
  23. I'm planning to add one socket in DB for my wireless router.