4 room resale 90 m sq
1) To replace 2 push lock for living room wrought iron grilles $120 2)2) Painting for whole house and ceiling using original ICI or Nippon emulsion paint $1250
3) To paint 6 sets of door and doorframe $300
4) To repair exisiting common bathroom wooden door $120
5) To revanish existing 3 BR paraquet flooring $600
6) Supply and install 2 toilet bowl and basin incl basin tap $1200
7) Supply and install 2 instant heater and 2 mixer shower tap $900 8)8) Dismantle and clear away exisiting tempered glass shower screen at MBR $150
9) Supply labour to install 1 ceiling dan ****, 1 ceiling light **** and 2 ceiling light at kitchen $180
10) To repolish existing kitchen worktop $650
11) Supply and install alum grilles at kitchen $650
12) To design and fabricate 7ft casement wardrobe at BR2 (4 door wardrobe) $1540
13) Supply and overlay 2 toilet flooring $900
14)Supply and install 1 wrought iron gate $650
15) Haulage fee $450
16) To design and fabricate 5.5ft vanity cabinent with solid surface top and mirror $1400
17) Acid wash whole house FOC
Total : $11 060
What u guys think of this quote?