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About mackeith

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  1. i dont think it be good to publish the company name. might be in violation of forum rules.
  2. Hi all, would just like to share our experience of timber flooring works done by one of the flooring specialist in Singapore. at the end of the process, we were unstatisfied with the work and therefore wrote to their management. Though they did came down to rectify but it was very close to our scheduled move in date and therefor cause a lot of inconveniences to us and my contractor. Below are some of the issues we highlight to their management: 1. Lack of taking reference/measurement resulted in misalignment that was very obvious at the end towards the kitchen. No care was taken to saw off excess strips sticking out nor was the uneveness pointed out to us. Initial correction (to level with tile) to rectify the problem resulted in a worse situation. 2. Even though we paid for excess timbers, no proper selection of timber strips was done. Resulting in uneven and unfinished patches in different parts of the floor. To make things worse, putty used to cover them up was not of the correct tone nor color. (see picts) 3. Initial finish of the flooring was patchy, uneven and rough. Even after it was being varnished, there was still the unfinished look and feel to it with many defects and poor workmanship issues. 4. As mentioned before, being first time home owners, we are inexperience. One of the main reason Xxxx Xxxxxx was chosen is because we believe Xxxx Xxxxxx would offer advice and suggestion. However, this was not the case. An example would be the skirting job. Before proceeding on skirting works, we were ask how we want them without offering any suggestions or advise. We later realised that there could be a better way of doing it from our contractor but were told it was too late as the skirting had been temporary fixed and removing it would damage the floor as well as the wall.To put things in perspective, when i work with my contractor, he would always offer advice and suggestions to my decision and how i could make it better. With the premium in price, yet what we get are just workers attitude and doesnt project a professional image. 5. No care was taken to prevent dripping of varnish and spotty drips of varnish could be seen, again in different parts of the floor. 6. We scrutinised the whole flooring done and marked out all the parts that was not to our satisfaction. When Xxxx Xxxxxx came down to inspect the area, the answer we got was as unsatisfactory as the finishing of the floor. One remark was "once you put your furnitures, you won't see these marks anymore". If that was the case, why would we want to do up our entire area, we could have marked out the parts that our furnitures would be placed and have worked around them instead. 7. Also, i feel that in our experience, quality deliverable were pretty much in the worker hand rather than the project handlers. Also, it has come to the point that myself, as the homeowner had to personally pick out every defects (obvious and minute) just show that WD standards of delivery. One thing i yet to see is the project handler telling the worker to change certain part due to poor workmanship. In my opinion, the project handlers should be the one scrutinizing the work rather than leaving to the homeowners, hoping that we, being inexperience, would not noticed the poor quality delivered and get away with it. 8. There are other stuffs we might have highlighted before, such as our purchase products are dumped together with the rubbish and my contractor and myself had to personally look search though to store them. (i know my place is small and space is limited, Xxxx Xxxxxx could at least stack them nicely) lucky nothing broke or lost, else i have to deal with various finger pointing again. Bath but forgot to off toilet lights. We pass by during the night and saw the toilet light on. Also, toilet training of workers might be needed...etc..etc. It was probably one of my worse decision in my renovation experience to appoint them to do my floor. One of the reason to go to them was due to their brand name but it turns out their sales quality cant be compared to their work quality. i am attaching just a small portion of their 'quality' work to remind everyone that, brand name doesnt equate to quality work. (btw, their prices was also premium as compared to others i approached) It is probably becos they usually deal with commerical projects and private projects that my project, a HDB, is just small fry to them. Once i had more time to sort my pictures, i will post in for all to see. (btw, these pictures of their 'invisible' putty is after complaints to have them rework but it is still very visible.) http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3965/patch1.jpg http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/561/putty1.jpg http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/2576/putty2.jpg http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6955/putty3.jpg http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/5777/putty4.jpg
  3. i assume your flooring have plywood base. it not so much waiting for the glue to dry but rather its waiting for the timber floor to acclimatize. Most establish flooring specialist required 1-2 weeks before sanding and i do think you should not rush it. I had a collegue who have the contractor told him only need 3 days and now his floor is having gaps and warps.... so be patient on this.
  4. Thanks for all the concerns. we did bring it up to the sales and the management level and hey did came down to rectify but at the cost of our inconvenience. Also the rework is also not up to standards as well but we needed to move in already so we just let it go. Did tried to negotiate with payment but they are unwilling to give further discount (or rather discount is significant - $80 discount for a 8K plus project.....what a joke!) Very upset with the support and work. For people who is looking at doing parquet/wooden floor, i advice is to look carefully, maybe give it to the contractor instead of separate source. Those who interested to know about the company can let me know and i can pm them who to avoid. Premium price, poor support, poor workmanship. Full of sales talk. dont expect advice or professionalism from their work.
  5. wish i saw this before i started mine renovation on timber flooring.... i engaged one of the more established timber flooring specialist and paid premium for it but what i get was some really bad experience. Lots of poor quality and workmanship and have to go through and complain to the sales to get things rectify. thought of establish brand would provide good quality but think becos they saw mine is a HDB and not private.
  6. i am also thinking of installing film but was looking at Ikea self apply type till now. may i know how many windows panes you have it installed? and what is the $ damages? Thanks!
  7. the difference with those high end rainshower (read expensive) are that it usually comes with thermoset. This little gadget is the most expensive part and i think most useful. The thermoset basically control and limits the temperature (usually have temperature setting between 34degC to 42degC) of the water so one does not need to "test" the water before stepping into the "rain". This could potentially prevent scalding and wastage of water in the long run.
  8. i think it depends on the shower system and your heater. For hansgrohe raindance, the water pressure should be at least 2 bar and water flow should be at least 9L/min to achieve the minimum shower experience. So you need to check your rainshower spec (bigger the dish, bigger the water flow and pressure) and instant heater water heater flowrate. (City gas Rinai instant gas heater is 8L/min, so maybe you cant really dance in the rain )
  9. Hi all, i am currently shopping for a rainshower set but am pretty confused about the difference between Hansgrohe "Raindance" series and those conventional rainshower. i know that Hansgrohe raindance series mixes air with water to give a "softer" splash but have anyone tried comparing the Raindance with the normal rainshower? the Hansgrohe Raindance series price point is many times higher that those rainshower and i would like to seek some feedback from users here whether the shower experience is noticable. Appreciate any help here. Thanks!
  10. we dont know what you are requesting from your contractor , maybe its running eubig all round the house or some gold plated wire/switch box etc... but i would sugguest like what the other forrumers did, look for more quotes. there are some ridiculous contractor who thinks we look like a big carrot.... i once got quotes from some contractors to renovate my 3 bedroom hdb flat who quote me 48K, 37K and the last few at around 24-27K... so i would recommend you to look around a bit more and find out what each are offering before committing.
  11. I am also looking around for storage heater and been looking at earlier posts. its seems like there's only 2 contenders here, Ariston and Jovan. Jovan seems to be more popular among the two. BTW, has anyone used citygas Rinnai instant gas heater with their rainshower? (eg. Hansgrohe raindance?) is the water flow sufficient?
  12. I am also looking around for storage heater and been looking at earlier posts. its seems like there's only 2 contenders here, Ariston and Jovan. Jovan seems to be more popular among the two. BTW, has anyone used citygas Rinnai instant gas heater with their rainshower? (eg. Hansgrohe raindance?) is the water flow sufficient?
  13. mmm, i am no interior designer but i feel its too much (too busy). maybe you want to further reduce the pattern to a tone on tone effect. (slightly more in color tone with background color).
  14. i just sent my floor plan and design to Ho Bee for initial quote, hope it wouldnt be too high. Similiar to yourself, i am also doing up my 3rm HDB and had approached couple of contractor. So far only one got back to me. saw the quote, my . they work out about 40K. carpentry i would say is minimum with only bottom cabinet, one tv console and one wardrobe. S$40,000. so, Honeygal, your's probably ok compared to my first quote and besides at least the quality is assured when you engaged Ho Bee unlike mine.... Anyway, congrats to your newly renovated place, especially the glossy black floor tiles. make sure when people come visit, you dont wear mini skirt
  15. Hi lucky guy, i am looking around to renovate my flat soon and now looking around. mind sharing your contractor as well? Thanks!