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About quix

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  1. Hi Quix,

    Is it okay to share your ID contacts as well as the cost of the entire renovation with me?

    My email is eucholsoh@hotmail.com



  2. YY33

    Hi Quix,

    I was very impressed by your house reno. Is it okay to share your ID contacts as well as the cost of the entire renovation? I was hoping of adopting similar concept for my parents' flat reno. =)




  3. Sorry all. Been out of touch here. Thanks for all the nice comments. My ID is Box.ID.Studio. Their website is www.boxidstudio.com.sg. ID name is Jeremy. So feel free to contact them for discussion! Romeo, the sofa cost us less than $2k. Clairee, I used laminates for bedrooms. No marnee for parquet..haha
  4. Thanks all for viewing and the nice comments! A couple more pics...
  5. hi all. Thanks for the kind words! For those who asked, my ID is Box.ID Studio. The delay was due to hiccups along the way, especially in project management. Things like wrong laminates used, wrong countertop, patching up boxups etc. I guess it's tough to avoid those and be 100% perfect.. sfk7..yes i am in AQ/AF too. Keeping wild discus/angels/big plecos in my tanks.
  6. Another view of the dining cum dry kitchen.. Bedroom cum vanity area view.. The vanity area... That's all for now!
  7. The final product! We gave up the intended water feature as we figured that it'll be a pain to maintain... The foyer entrance to our home.. Our living room with the rotating TV console.. Our cantilevered lounging platform cum media console.. Our dining cum dry kitchen...fish tank on the left...TV rotated to the dining area
  8. Our dark L shaped master bedroom
  9. Hi all! Very sorry that I've been MIA for sooo long. It was a really hectic few months of reno for us. The whole reno process took almost 6 months, with quite a few hiccups here and there. It was quite a tiring process which we are really not keen to revisit anytime soon but am so glad it is over. We have moved in since Xmas 2009 and it's now about close to 5 months now, still doing lots of housewarming every month! Here are some pre-reno pics..followed by the finished article. Any comments/feedback is appreciated... Ugly old HDB door and gate Our living room and dining room... Old dark country style kitchen! Old style colorful toilet!
  10. Thanks all for the encouragement! Hopefully the real thing turn out as nice as the pics! My ID is Box.ID Studio.
  11. Yes it is! Thanks all...i am very excited for reno to start moving. Hacking will start next Mon!
  12. hello all! It's been a while since I posted. We have been busy preparing for our solemnization in 1+ weeks time and also choosing an ID. We have finally confirmed on our ID last week. The choice was made mainly for his innovative ideas and design-oriented style. Attached below is the 95% finalized layout plan and 2 sample 3D of our foyer and dining area. Note that the colors/laminates are not yet fixed. Just prelim drawings.
  13. Really really nice reno there! I like the island alot!
  14. I really like your layout! Very spacious and the MBR is huge plus alot of privacy! How do you intend to make your home cat-safe? Especially on the window grill? I havent seen any grill that seems to be small enough to prevent cats from climbing out and yet look nice...
  15. I've not decided on one yet. They all have different strengths. 1 seem really design oriented with more innovations but he is less detailed. Also more price competitive. 1 is really detailed and practical but his design element dun seem so outstanding. Last one has yet to see how his quote is like. Will send over in the coming week and we'll see. He seems to have some gd ideas but is also pretty detailed. Such a difficult choice! Would you all tend to go for the big companies or would smaller companies be worth considering too? How well will a contractor be able to follow a design and do we have to give very in-depth detailed instructions as compared to dealing with an ID?