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Everything posted by mrspiglet

  1. Angel That's so right abt it! I think our MBR color makes it hard for color matching, so different shades of brown for all the fittings in the end. Sadly, MBR curtains not in time to hang up this fri, will only be doing the track drilling + roller blinds for other rooms.
  2. wow!! this is so funny of him, with the V-sign somemore! hahahha! U r gd man...
  3. wat wat wat?? anyway tiles... ah soon say he will order 1 box of each tiles i have. Need so many mah?
  4. congrats!! ur wardrobe is really huge and nice!
  5. fannie, just manage to find uncle.. told him cannot find Jason, then Jason return call on the waiting line! hahaha! Jason is ok lah, just that i dun like to talk to him cos he can get very long winded. My spare tiles issue is settled!
  6. apples i wasnt given any ICI book as well, n i agree with u.. i cant find anything i like from nippon colors. So i dig out my own ICI book n showed him which color i wanted. But i know he does have the book, just that dunno in which house now... U wanna try viewing the colors online 1st?
  7. payretep, dun mind can PM me the contact details?
  8. aubrey i suggest u go n buy ur own appliances when u do toilet fittings shopping. Can get discounts if u buy more in the shop. Uncle is so busy that it was only until carpentry came in already then we managed to pass him our model num, so the hob/hood came in quite late. Anyway, i think the shop may belong to his fren, so he just pull some biz for her lor. As for the laundry system, u wanna take a look at mine? i'm using Ezzi Living's Hi-Dry.
  9. trashley thks for offering! *touched* sadly i dun passby TPY very often, n waxie is will to let me hers. can even get free labour. Haha! waxie24 can can! u bring over when u come my house? Or i can go mr wu's house to pick up. No hurry thou. i can bring over.. then u ask EC to clean? -> bad idea. i'll nvr forget how she mops floor. i cant rembr any couch leh. ur house got alot chairs n couch n stools ard the sofa. i'm thinking of doing something like table runnings to minimise the chances of staining the suede covers. Or else i'll go buy additional set of covers just in case.
  10. I didnt realised how much i love smooth walls until i saw the output. Plastering was a MUST do for me cos whole house was rockstone painted. my final touch is ok for those light colored walls, but dark colored ones (e.g my lollipop room) super hard to paint, they had to repaint the whole wall to make sure the colors r even. If u find ur wall still patchy, ask them to repaint whole wall for u. Can do it one... just tell uncle. So crowded at ur house on Sat! i have to pack my stuff ready for shifting.. cannot join in the fun.
  11. i like ur cement screed toilet!.. but my hub says too dark for him ur island chairs look expensive!!
  12. WOW!! i'm overwhelmed by the replies. Thks everyone! but then again, $3k sounds WAY to ex for me to afford. I think dry cleaning is a much cheaper alternative for the moment. The chair doesn't look dirty, but just wanna clean it once b4 i land my lazy bum on it. Think i'll vacuum 1st ba, no budget to buy steam cleaner now too, althou it sounds like a gd choice. Hohoo!! u wanna come n help me clean?
  13. i added my size of flat behind my address too. Makes it slightly easier to make comparison?
  14. morn booy! dun think he knows how to reply sms, at most is read only. I sms him b4 but totally no reply. End up i just call, faster. haha!
  15. Smallboy Dun need to depend on them for inspection one, cos they will not do a thorough job. I paid for plastering too, but they missed out the part abt the skirtings totally. Some parts of my wall also quite patchy. Just tell them exactly where and they will touch up n repaint ivy $1800 is quite ok, urs is 5rm somemore. mine was $1600 for my 4A inclusive of ceiling.
  16. Gotta get these 2 qns of my mind b4 i head for bed. its 12am!! 1) Anyone knows how to wash the suede cover of my lounge chair? I bought this can of fabric cleaner that says spray on, leave for 1min and wipe off with dry cloth. My main concern is not stain, but the dirt and dust leh. Does the fabric cleaning works? 2) Where can i get those clock mechanism for my DIY wall clock?
  17. Metalsubzero Thks! i think it's reasonable? i read somewhere its $1-$1.5k for a 4rm flat, n also depends on the material used. I'm doing away with living room, so i think this quote still ok ba? Fridge seems to be a laughingstock. No one can imagine how on earth can they deliver a fridge without handles... i cant comprehend too Gen W= Generation Weirdos. To describe my 20yr old sis and pinkpetter's 20yr old bro.
  18. poor uncle. I almost wanted to call him to get some spare tiles. I better let him finish his more urgent stuff on hand... That Jason... dun wanna answer my call for whole day!
  19. can see lor... saw u typing away in our rows...
  20. yaya! will come to a point u get so tired of rectifications, and normally i'm soooo lazy to do housework but all of sudden will feel happy cleaning up my own house! Just came back from new house, showing my mum ard. hub n me got to comfortable watching TV on the new sofa we dun even wanna go back to our respective house!
  21. Probably? I'm not sure how they work as well, but so long as the job is done up satisfactorily, i couldnt care less which company they tie up with ba? Like how uncle explains to us that issuing cheque to his name instead of company allow him to ease us from GST. I believe those ID/contractors who claim to absorb GST had already included that part of overhead in their quotation, which is y uncle is able to give such a cheap quotation comparatively. Anyway, is this topic getting a little sensitive online? I just wanna be sure that we dun say the wrong things here that may get uncle into any unnecessary misunderstanding or trouble.
  22. oh no!! then my tiles gone liao. its been so long since they cleared my place!!!
  23. i wanted to reply but realise gongkia has replied on wat i wanted to say already. haha! but aubrey, i understand wat u r going thru. like how my mum was giving me the "r u sure got such gd deal in this world" look when i told her how easy-going, flexible, full of freebies yet cheap reno price tag this uncle Ah soon is. I think the problem is that we (n the pple surrounding us) r too used to being calculative on every single item, n we may find it unbelievable that uncle is really so gd n true to his words. To be very honest, i was still worrying on my VO all the way thru'out reno until i paid up my final bill! It's like being asked a simple qn.. 1+1= ?. Obvious ans is 2, but u'll always qn if there's any trick to it. Human nature. Fannie, my HDB license is under the same company as urs.
  24. aubrey then probably roller blinds are the way to go? Haha! i'm lazy too, that's why i asked for the most easily maintained curtains for the 2 rooms. MBR bo bian lah, gotta be a little more hardworking. familyof4 They say the handle is kept inside the fridge, so the delivery man only in-charge of driving n carrying the fridge to customers' place, in short.. not his problem. I just called up and ask when they gonna send my missing handle down. The lady was laughing over the phone n tell me its the 1st case.. still got the cheek to laugh. N nvr confirm w me when they can send the handle down, nvr take down my num despite me asking again n again. I wonder if she's really so sure of wat she's doing... pinkpetter Aiya... kids these days. I hope i wasnt that bad as them was i was 20. I didnt recall my mum screaming at me that much. I think we are Generation X or Y right? If i were to name.. i'll called them Gen W.. weird.
  25. i agree with hihihi that ericivy79's broken marble is a little messy look becos of the dark lines. Would be touch choice over hacking or keeping, since marble is really much better alternative to homogeneous tiles, which the grouting can be a pain to maintain. I would have overlay with laminated flooring. That's my personal choice n preference.