Hope I can pick your brains on the quotation I received for tiling (masonry) and hacking work from my contractor. He has proposed using the big 800 x 800 mm homogenous tiles from White Horse for my living room and bedroom area, instead of the common 600 mm x 600 mm ones, and Malaysian tiles rather than the cheaper Chinese tiles. Each tile is some $30 each… so the damage is as follows:
- Hacking of all existing tiles
- Hacking of all my existing L-box in living room, false ceilings above dining room and bedroom corridor
- Hacking of existing study room
- Supply and laying of 800 x 800 mm homogenous tiles with skirting for living room and bedroom
- Supply and laying of 600 x 300 mm homogenous tiles for kitchen floor and walls
- Supply and laying of 600 x 300 mm homogenous tiles for toilet floor and walls
- Some other small works such as base for fridge and kitchen cabinet
Total $23K for my 5-room HDB flat (120 sqm) whereby the masonry cost $18K and hacking alone costs $4K.
Is this a reasonable quotation? Many thanks for your kind feedback in advance!