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Everything posted by hello88

  1. me dont have a corner EM....hoping for it but too bad none was available that time. Anyway, ur layout same as mine. U know yr gate and maindoor? I shift out my gate to be in line with the corridor windows so that tiny little area is the 2 sqm recess area that I bought over. Miserable right? But at least can put a seatee cum shoe rack. the gate grilles look Malay because its in green and gold. But still look very new so really a waste to change it. Just choose a colour that u like and ta-da...u have a superb looking wrought iron grilles and staircase railings. u can choose the colours from here http://www.metalspecialist.com.sg/iron%20g...-colorchart.htm. But if u're just gonna paint it in solid colours then more choices.
  2. Looking at it, the date was decided by the agent and not HDB as HDB would give the earliest possible date on the day agent register for a date. Agent can pick a range of dates. seller already bought over the 10sqm? I think 10sqm would cost around 8k (+) (-) not too sure about it as previously my friend paid around that figure for her 8sqm.
  3. the balcony rocky feature wld be Ok and unique if its confine to the balcony walls but having it all the way into the living room really spoilt the whole thing. The patterns on the utility door also one of a kind dont think u keeping it right?
  4. so lucky of u. The house definitely in very good condition..so need not spend a bomb on reno. The wooden thing looks good hor but too bad, u're not into country theme. Me too. Maybe we dunno how to appreciate. So are u going to hack away the entire kitchen? i.e wall tiles plus cabinets? btw, is the floor tiles granite?
  5. 1.6k for brand new railings sounds pretty reasonable.
  6. oops, I edited and forgotten to send that's y the confusion as I meant to say Corner unit the best. Yours is 151sqm....how big is the recess area? Maybe layout different from mine cos my miserable recess area only 2sqm nia and cost more than 1k but paid from CPF.
  7. corner unit the best. No corridor windows and also got big recess area. Did your seller bought over the recess area and extend out the main door?
  8. wow, such a long wait! Think resale market still getting very hot that's y got to wait for so long. Hmmmm.....or is it because the agent/seller 'booked' for a later 1st appt date? I suspect the latter as the earliest available date for Resale First Appointment on HDB website if submit doc today would be 26 Aug 08. how much COV? yours a corner unit? Me also try to open the door most of the time but corridor windows very very seldom. Ya man, must squeeze dry your contractor and always try to ask for FOC stuff.
  9. Hi Jessie, Morning to u. Not too bad la. It'll look different if u paint it 100% white or silver or even black.
  10. talking abt ventilation. If I stand/sit at the staircase landing (mid way), I can still see my living room. For some EMs, I think totally blocked.
  11. wow....so good ar...FOC. Who is your ID? Looking forward to your bricked wall railings.
  12. can try home fix or selffix. http://www.selffix.com/Painting-Service.html I think both their charges more or less the same.
  13. This is my balcony wrought iron grilles also got flowers and leave. Not too bad la hor. look at this gate. The pattern also look very Ah Nei right (oops no offence) but actually its also quite nice when u get used to it. Its 'Nine Kan'
  14. should be ok if u go for a neutral colour like silver....shouldnt be that bad la and also its most cost saving method. Post pix once its available. U'll have to spend a few k if u wanna replace the whole railings as the cost would be incurred for pulling out the existing railings, replacing new railings and not forgetting pulling it out would also damage the flooring.
  15. paint or spray over with a colour that u like.
  16. I always feel that those born in the late 50s and during the 60s have a much better and easier life. Those born in the 70s considered the most unfortunate and I happen to be one of them .
  17. wow, so fortunate that u got wrought iron for the staircase railings.....solid leh. The only cheapest and simple simple design can be found in my EM. Cheapo original railings, painted to look like wrought iron.
  18. we do away with beds as scare the kids fall off from bed. The only bed that came into my flat belongs to my parents in bedroom 3. They bought the bed when they moved in last Jul.
  19. can try contacting http://www.mudian.com.sg/index.html for a quotation. They always advertised on Sat classified.
  20. so we can all look forward to the pre-reno pic over the weekends. Cheers!
  21. hahaha, send to old folks home also not cheap leh. huh...y maybe? Heeee....just kidding. I've added u in and 2 more to go. Announcement for the day heard the heavily tenanted EM in my block (mid floor) sold liao Val=385k Sold=405k COV=20k Move-in condition= -0% [the workers for the contractor/id gonna have a hard time]
  22. Hi, Congrats on getting your EM and added u in. If my memory didnt fail me, urs is from the WIS right? Bought at good price? If the existing reno is ok then u can more or less save quite alot especially on the floorings and wall tiles. Times are bad and raw materials all going uphill. Can save quite a bit if cut down on carpentry eg. leave out built in wardrobes in the extra bedrooms if its just the 2 of u staying in the EM. Kakis, 3 more to go before we hit the 50. snail mail very slow de. Dont wait for the letter, go online better.
  23. yup, eating and dropping food all over also a headache. Btw, me and hubby set a golden rule since moving into our EM....no food and drinks on 2nd storey.
  24. i agree on the bending down and reaching the chute to throw rubbish. That's y when we reno our place, we left it bare....no cabinet over the chute....its just the chute on the entire wall.
  25. ya, MESS can really create beauty. One minute the house is neat and tidy and the next minute I see things lying around here and there.....courtesy from my 2 rascals