I am a user of Maxden, and I honestly do not advise it, unless you can afford the every six months $90 per session maintenance fee, then I'd recommend it.
Maxden requires heavy maintainence, as there is a design flaw where truckloads of dead cockroaches and dirt accumulate and get stuck on the below part of it, which will block your door from closing. This is when it stops being air tight when the door cannot be closed.
Within the 3 yrs warranty, the chute works as it promised. Completely air tight, no smell, no cockroaches. All my problems with it, and it's constant cleaning and maintainence came after the 3 yr warranty was up. And take note that cockroaches being stuck in your chute which prevent your chute from closing is not covered under the warranty, as it is considered to due to owner's negligence of not cleaning the chute often enough. And also take note that you can't spray insecticide on it OR the whole magnetic strip will drop off, and then your chute will be unable to close again.
I am terrified of roaches and I do not think I can carry on affording their maintenence fees. Am seriously considering riben. They seem to have guarantee on air tightness and cockroach proof as well.
So I'm quite surprise to hear that it's not cockroach proof. Then why did you choose Riben instead of Maxden?