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Everything posted by othello

  1. labour kinda of expensive I think. CP in red, so you just agar agar their total labour costs. If done individually, maybe the high labour charge is ok, but bundled together, I think it's very expensive !!! Or you just ask them quote labour for 2/3 days work while you provide all the raw materials ?? I also dun know the market rate, cos mine is 'contractor' rate
  2. coloured switches will always be more expensive than white one. If you're not using a lot, ok lah. MK, Legrand, Scheneider, Fung Yip, T&J all also have
  3. paint prices are generally Fixed. Won't differ much UNLESS you buy from HomeFix etc.... To prevent kenna chopped, suggest you visit the industrial areas (Ubi, Eunos, AMK etc). These paint shops cater to contractors and are usually more competitive if you buy more than a can.
  4. For those staying in HDB, please go to your respective town councils website. They have negotiated with a plumber to give VERY good rates. Look under Town Council Services > Handyman Services
  5. Last year I bought a 3 rm 1969 flat in commonwealth. Factors impt (In this order) of to me are 1. Close to wife's sis - Who'll help us take care of baby as we're planning to have a kid. 2. Affordability - Would like to get a 4rm, but 4 rms in that area are simply too expensive. 3. MRT is 5-10 mins away 4. Amenities nearby 5. En-bloc potential 6. Rental Yield is good if ever I want to rent it out. Note that enbloc is never certain even though the flat is old. If have, it'll be a bonus to me. If not, then will just carry onstaying there. Furhtermore, my block (and others) were upgraded about 10 yrs ago - added utility rm + lift. Some say those upgraded ones will not get enbloc. So you have to ask yourself what your buying-factors are.
  6. woah !! this is serious sh*t man !! paint is NOT sticking to the wall (Where got so easy to peel off one?). something is very wrong. must them ...
  7. jaskel, sua lah. just take the money and do whatever you deem fit. All the indian chiefs and computer heroes only know how to type. NATO only. But I trust that you will sleep easy cos it was the best choice given the circumstances. People say until so easy, fact is many contractors wun even want to take up piecemeal jobs (not much to earn). Can never please everyone. Please guys, take a step back and put yourselves in jaskel's shoes. What would you have done in the same situation ? The money - YES - is not his, however, he cannot be holding it until the victims have a round table discussion how to distribute it (That is even a much tougher task, sure to have even more problems ) I figured time is the main factor at that time. Anyone who knows how better to handle, pls take the money (responsibility) away from him lor. jeesh ... over & out.
  8. hey kajua, cool ! timber lookalike rubber tiles. Got pics ? You mean many contractors declined to do vinyl/rubber tiling? Anyway, mind sharing whats the cost psf ? can pm me if its not convenient.
  9. wow ! first time I see a 4 rm flat got extra utility . maybe I suaku my flat even older, 40 yrs old
  10. hey people, on the subject of rubber tiles, has anyone came across rubber studded tiles ? Mainly used commercially (my office lift), are they ok for kitchen ? Will water seep through between the lines ?
  11. Featured years back in SQ Rooms. Met them once before, trying to find them again. Anyone ?
  12. hi hi ! your place very nice, i like ! very good for holding parties
  13. hi there, actually you do not have to be too concerned about the noise. I stay further down the road after tanah merah MRT. My bedroom faces the MRT track and main road. The first few days I moved there, couldnt sleep cos very noisy. But after a while , i got used to it and dun even notice the sound now. On a positive note, I got auto alarm clock, the first train passes my place ard 5.30, bus 6am
  14. try http://www.sianghock.com.sg/rent_com.html Double Cab Pick-Ups (GQ to GV plates) Nissan D/Cab Diesel Isuzu D/Cab Diesel S$65 to S$75 per day
  15. I'm also not happy about the whole situation, but what to do ? lan lan suck thumb lor, unless one chooses to migrate. We are living in a land scarce place and as the populaiton increases, thats what gonna happen. Me and wife still can take it, what I am worried for are those on the fringes. We still have poor people here y'know ..... problem is the majority depends on public housing and the alternative is private housing, which is deemd an upgrade and costs much more. There is no middle ground. At the end of the day, its prudent to plan properly and try to strive towards debt-free status.
  16. delta ave !!! from ur tblog, you should be staying at the round blk right .... wonderful location. my wife used to stay in blk 5, so here goes. ... 1. the pathway beside the longkang leads to ZION road FC - the char kway teow and hokkien mee good. 2. walk over to Beo crescent mkt - hokkien mee, curry rice 3. the strech of restaurants on havelock - Liang Ji (teochew cold crab), one taiwanese rest 3. further left of beo crescent is Havelock FC generally speaking, your makan choices are superb, quality of food ard you is good -> get fat faster.
  17. but still the need to have a valuation report is on the BUYER, not the seller.
  18. sorry my bad from HDB website --> You need to produce a valid valuation report to support your resale application if you are: taking a HDB loan; or withdrawing CPF savings for the flat purchase; or obtaining a bank loan and using your CPF savings in the flat purchase or servicing of loan instalments; or requesting for the CPF Housing Grant.
  19. all this info can be found in the sales purchase agreement. At HDB, you'l fill up a form to authorise HDB to deduct whatever amount from CPF. actually, CPF do not care how much is COV, CPF only disburses the amt in one's account. Lets put it this way. If me and wife have combined 200K in CPF, there's nothing wrong in me using it to pay for a 2 rm flat (180K) in full right ?
  20. frankly speaking, only buyers who need to take loan needs the valuation report. for eg. the avg selling price of my unit is 300K, I ask for 300K. If buyer paying cash/CPF (dun need to take loan), there is no need for any valuation report. However, most buyers not that rich so have to take loan. Now the lending party (HDB/banks) need to know the value in order to determine how much to lend, therefore buyer will have to present one. Do note that the seller do not need a valuation report to sell his house, so rightfully the cost has to be borne by the party who needs it (buyer).
  21. wah.... very tough. Baring a miracle to cut costs 1. Overlay floor and wall(toilet) tiles 2. kitchen wall - cement over and paint. 3. Might have to give up plastering + cornice (if thats what you are referring to) 4. Paint yourself Bearing in mind the sure to incur hidden/additional costs, when asking for quote state $11,000 to absorb all those surprises... how about your water pipes ?
  22. there's simply no sense liao lah ... as much as I agree with TS, in reality I ballotted for 3 yrs, not a single **** f**king chance, then looked @ resale. its true many still asking COV despite the high valuation. What to do ? just buy lor but now its over, I dun think about it liao. Just concentrate on making my home as comfy for me and wife.
  23. Hi PB, I got my keys in late May, haven start yet cos I 'm letting my bro-in-law stay there for about 6 mths. But my ideas have been runninng wild !!!! My Place comes with : Full A/C for all 3 rooms, vinyl-tile floor for living + bedrooms. Ceramic for kitchen. My Plans : I'm going for abit industral look, so just going to remove vinyl tiles in living and polish/improve the cement floor. both bedrooms prob going for laminate flooring(still exploring DIY) kitchen may have to RE-DO, toilet's condition is ok, but the tiles !! dunno why HDB likes to use pink/blue for its toilets' tiles, so obiang !! Will not be doing any major works, all furniture will be bought off the rack (no customisation) My thoughts : intend to use uitlity as laundry area cum store. I will want to keep this room open all the time as it'll make the whole flat brighter. The toilet's location is **** not here not there, in the middle .... the kitchen's area is awkward, the previous owner already hacked off the 2 walls, so still got no idea on kitchen layout. I also intend to hack a small hole in the toilet's upper wall (if premitted) to improve ventilation. (ps. my toilet is even narrower than yours 990cm ) What are your plans ? do share with us the quotations ! I'll def find it super useful.