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Everything posted by Tigades

  1. just a quick update of my reno..... http://i589.photobucket.com/albums/ss332/tigades/CIMG2562.jpg[/img my living area.... finally hack away one part of the store room liao... now my kitchen looks more bigger le...hahaha
  2. just went dwn to my flat and see the hacking process....... my living room......... and also just went den to amk to buy my air con sys 4 mitsubishi inverter. next items will be the hood and hobs.....still thinking of getting the rinnai or fujioh....
  3. hi there, been busying on my work and all my preparation on my wedding stuff.....haha just wanna update my pic b4 my place is going for reno. anyway, reno just started on the 25/06...will update pic soon....
  4. hi everyone... long time never log in liao...cos my laptop spoilt!!! lol...anyway just a quick update....we cfm our reno with North West already....should be starting ard mid June....didnt get uncle in the end cos.....dun wanna sae anymore...lol...anyway pls stay tune to see more update!! wish us gd luck.....
  5. Hi pink, think should be starting soon.. been msging fondue and smallboy ask whether can view thier hse b4 commit to uncle cos my wife sae she wanna view at lest 1 more cos that time we onli see one onli and also my wife dun have a gd impression of uncle cos he never met him b4 and also she sae that he always fly my kite..haha..cos all the while is me who will do all the stuff...that why she wanna see another one loh....im okie with uncle cos i think is those honest uncle i seen so far..lol.. will commence my reno on the mid of june...hopefully can start cos now wait for uncle final quotation...i thinking of asking uncle write the quote in chinese cos the english ver like got alot of mistake. If later wanna urgue also not point cos uncle can sae he dunno english...so to play safe i think i ask him to write all in chinese so that he noes what he will be giving me in terms of material etc...i dun want later becum an unhappy process.....haha...Wish me luck....
  6. hi, congrat on ur new home.. veri nice... just wanna ask are u doing a open hse today?? i thinking of going up with my wife and see. possible?? can sms mi to disscuss? 90222977. thanks.
  7. haha, will take a pic if i will to do 2 displayed cabinets......
  8. Haha, my wife ask mi to stop buying so many toys liao....cos she scare wait later no place to fill in le...haha
  9. That what i think also...as long she happy then should be okie to mi... but still not too much of hello kitty stuff...cos i still wanna put my transformers....hahaha....
  10. hihi, i think i also saw this light somewhere b4....hmm dun think will get this...lol thanks for the pic.....
  11. Hi fondue, let us noe when is ur hse reday thn we go up help u celebrate k?? lol dun be so depress....happy k?? almost done liao......
  12. haha i still perfer to do the head shape of the kitty if possible. cos the out cum will look veri nice not those childish type.
  13. hello, mi too saw this magazine way bk b4...that where i got the idea from...haha...rite now have to wait for ah soon uncle quotation then aft that i ask my father help mi ask abt the custom mirror...
  14. Hahaha, i would say no this time round. haha anyway i also havem get a license yet also... but i will get it b4 b4 my wife pregnant or during cos i dun want her to squeeze mrt all that. lol..u noe women when they are pregnant, u must really take gd care of them......
  15. Just call uncle today, he sae he forget again....lol nvm then he sae will get bk to mi 2 days later cos i told him there might be sme changes on my reno parts. lol ......anyway, i think my reno will start on june or 3wk of may....depend ba.....and also i will be having hse clearance sale also. do look out at the sale thread... thanks....
  16. Is anybody with uncle ah soon now?? can ask him pass mi the quotation(english ver) to mi asap?? lol thanks. Cos yest he sae he will be coming, then end up never. then today als sae will be coming, but till now still no sign of him...been callling him many time. dun wish to keep calling cos no point if i keep pester him if he also dun wanna bother....haha... my wife haven seen him b4 so i guess my wife wun be having a good impression of him....
  17. Just saw a mirror in the web, think should be doing somthing like this in the MBR bathroom or as a dressing table mirror. use the head shape as a mirror. Veri the nice!!! hahaha.
  18. hi hi, haha i dun think so.... hmm we see how loh must balance abit bit loh .....intend see if my father can help ask his frez can custom a hello kitty "head shape" mirror for my wife as a dressing mirror. lol...if can that will be nice... haha.
  19. Yes my father is in this trade, will of cos keep it lol. will ask him do my window grill as well. haha.
  20. hi there, yes indeed is well maintain cos i always clean twice every week hehehe. Hmm will do a overall reno loh wun keep anything behind.
  21. hi ivy, my curtain is frm the spotlight de. very childrish lol. oh my bathtub is from my bro in law one. his frez use it less then 5 times but i guess we wun be using that cos my wife dun like it. lol.
  22. Okie i guess i have upload enough pic for u guys to enjoy. will update any more pic onec reno start. Still have cfm with unce ah soon as he was veri the busy.....will look for a few id also b4 commit into this reno. see u guys soon. thanks.
  23. HAHA we sure will fight for space to put our display. cos both of us have our own hobby. she like Hello kitty, i like to collect Transformers. here are the 10% collection in my place. the rest is divide into 2 parts stored in my parents and her parents hse. (lol Scary sia... I got more of the displed than her...lol) Enjoy!! This toys gotta get rid b4 she move in cos both she and her parents dun like this toy. very scary they sae....no choice gotta sell it on ebay on this forums liao. anyone interested pls pm me k? thanks.
  24. Just some of the pic of my Wife hello kitty collection. Onli 10% is here. the rest is at her parents hse. have to wait till reno done, then can move all bk. Enjoy! hello kitty clock: Hello kitty wall clock: hello kitty towel holder:
  25. MBR toilet: All have to go!! another ugly design by HDB. lol