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About xicloudix

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  1. My room is stuffy and hot nowadays due to wind change.... my baby can't stand it... wondering to buy a air cooler (every one i ask told me its not useful at all) or should i buy a ventilatiing fan to suck out the hot air??? Or both??? Can anyone advise?
  2. Hi, yes there is this regulation, http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10205p.nsf/WP...ws?OpenDocument you can view at the above link.... the PE endosement cost around $2.5K and above, very expensive... this price not even including the cost of windows and safety grilles required. Same price for 3/4 height window or full height window. There are some contractors out there who is not sure with this rule and fixed the window, ended up the owner get fine. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Recently i heard that a contactor have to obtain a special license in order to fix 3/4 window or full height window. Normal license from HDB/BCA are not allowed to fix it, only SPECIAL license.... not very sure about this regulation you can check it out with bca/ hdb...
  3. Thanks for the pictures, what material you used to hold the beads??? metal rings??? And for the track, is it those like our normal curtains, movable???
  4. Hi, I am looking for PVC tracks for my beaded curtain. Its a type of track where by there is cover for both end of the track and in the track itself, there is a plastic insert which i can tie my beads .. Anyone know where i can find it? Or is there any type of tracks which i can use?
  5. Hi, I am looking for PVC tracks for my beaded curtain. Its a type of track where by there is cover for both end of the track and in the track itself, there is a plastic insert which i can tie my beads .. Anyone know where i can find it? Or is there any type of tracks which i can use?
  6. Doors 1.Supply and install 4 panel of white powder coating aluminum sliding door with lattice design, clear glass, top and bottom track. 12.5ft X 8ft $3150 2.Supply and install 1 set of main entrance wooden veneer door. $550 3.Supply and install 1 set of wrought iron fate. $380 4.Supply and install MT and CT white powder coating aluminum bifold door with pvc panel. $500 5.Suply labour and tools to saw and re-install 3 bedroom doors for floor alignment after laying of flooring. $120 Windows 1.Supply and install white power coating aluminum sliding windows with green glass for LH and 3 bedrooms. $3350 2.Supply and install white power coating aluminum sliding windows grilles for LH and 3 bedrooms. $1700 3.Supply and install white power coating aluminum sliding 3 way track windows and grilles for kitchen. $1030 - The WPC sliding door, any other special requiremnts, like bigger material (3") or? else $3150 cost too expensive... should cost around $2.7K+ ... - Bifold... $500 expensive... cost around $350??? actually depends on the material. if its top track, then the price quite alright. - Windows, how many panel is that?? assuming its 6 panels for each set, X 4 sets, it should cost around $2800+, unless there is special material or something else like lattice or top hung windows??? - Window grilles, price acceptable... can ask for discount a bit, maybe $50- $100??? -Kitchen window and grilles, how many panel??? assuming its 3 panel, the price is expensive... can ask for discount around $100++ If you have buget for renovation, try find the individual renovation contractor for each works, for eg, plumbing - plumber, windows and grilles & gates - Alum contractors etc etc. It would be cheaper this way. These are only my point of view, an estimate only... maybe you can try ask for quote from few other contractors to compare..
  7. No chemical washing or anything? Then did they repaint the gate before? I mean came the wrong colour, then they repaint or anything. Else is their way of painting have problems, sometimes As a wrought iron specialist, they will come upon many types of paint, and certain paint/ material cannot be mixed and if accidently mixed, the paint will go wrong. like what happen to you. OR they did not ensure the wrought iron gate is "CLEAn" before they actually spray the paint on it.
  8. Galvanized gate are around $400++ these days However these days, there is some contractor who CLAIMS their wrought iron are galvaized and its only around $200-$300 BUT 1) They may be bluffing there is galvanized as after painting, since you can't see if the item got galvanized 2) Some buy those READY GALVANIZED iron and its alot cheaper than taking gate to the GALVANIZED FACTORY to galvanized it but quality lousier. Galvanized also got 2 types, COld and HOT, Cold is sufficient for HDB Flats, Hot is more for private house where by its under harsh environment Another reason why ur paint got bubbles maybe due to ur chemical washing for floor (if you have). I have a friend who renovate the whole house nicely with wrought iron grilles, and after chemical washing for floors then realised that the paints for the wrought iron grilles start to peel and bubbles appears. After some investigation, she discovered that its due to the checmical washing of floor. The contractor is suppose to wash the floor in WELL VENTILITATED room. He did NOT open the windows and end up the "Chemical air" got trap in the house and corrode the paints and even the wooden doors have problems. HOpe these helps
  9. sorry for replying so late heres the webpage http://www.legardien.com/ but i think best to call up, coz their webpage does not have everything they have, I have one of their catalogue, which has the glass you wanted but forgot what it calls, will try to find the catalogue and update if found(got picture see more realistic, no pic dun know say the correct thing or not), ...
  10. Sg got one glass store has it i think, I think its Legardien or something like that they are specialized in making special glass. If you do not want this glass, you can also opt for those glass whereby under different lighting different shade, i think this is cheaper they sell lots of glass, also sell anti fog glass i think...
  11. Is there such a law? search the hdb website can't find this rule. can adivse where to find the rules? so i can understand more for my coming flat. I did a sliding door for my balcony too (many years ago b4 i got married, in my parents house), i only use 6mm glass (my height around 84 inches only, the top is a fixed panel recommended by my contractor, width around 30 inches per panel). So far no problems They say no min requirement for Sliding door coz its inside the flat. I did ask about thicker glass, and was told tat if you use 12mm glass, there will not be enough space for rubber and can only place silicone and it will be very heavy, easy to spoil. but they did recommended tempered glass but i got no budget at that time.
  12. should be no prob, panggiap quite famous, saw many mentioned about this company in this forum.