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About ponytail

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  1. Hi Hi! Is the disneyland open already? Any new pictures for us to drool
  2. Wah the glass door so big! Nice! like living in the "open'.
  3. Wah Pinnacle! You stay high floor? Heard that there's a roof garden at the top floor?
  4. Whahahaha! Edmund so cute,now got subtitles somemore! What happen to the 3 doors, you told him to change?
  5. I like the rounded platform , so you told Edmund to alter the design?
  6. Wah! real time update through mms, sounds like CNN reporting. I can't imagine the phone ring every now & then with photos coming in. Very xciting to see them assemble piece by piece, yay........... Congrats, you had survived another day of heart attacking moments.
  7. Wah! finally got many things to see! This Edmund arh! mms every few minutes! he really made you fell so gan chiong arh. Hahahaha if I also can't take it.
  8. Whahahah, Edmund is so cute, talking to him is like talking to a friend. 2 wks carpentary comin, so gan chiong leh. Btw what floor you doing, how come nid to polish.
  9. 90cm should be ok bah,better than the miserable 60cm. From the photo, looks like the smaller L is movable, maybe can play with the orientation to give a better space.
  10. That's why LuckyGuy always praise Edmund, say he never do things the easy way out. Just tell him the problem, he's very understanding, dun tink he mind. So did he go your place today to see if the sofa can fit? mm... 60cm like too cramp leh.
  11. Wah! your sofa really vari vari vari nice & comfy too. Haha,looks like Edmund more gan chiong than you.
  12. Oic, so ah san is the tiling guy, mine most probably go back kampung & pick durians after what happen. I find the feature wall so unique, never saw on any home mag before. so are you adding light as suggested by pinkpetter, I quite like the idea. With lights the wall really come to live.
  13. Oic, from the photo looks like its resting on some solid top.
  14. Did you mount the dryer or its siting on some support.