Personal experience :
Evov's staffs (Sth Bridge Rd outlet) doesn't seem to know much about their stuffs. They'll always refer you to their website coz most of the pieces are not on display and they can't tell the difference between a 2 and a half seater or a 3 seater sofa. Their store manager Marcus is all-knowing but can be abit atas sometimes. Be sure you do some homework before going to them.
Lush, very good price, but bad timing. The sofa was to be delivered 'after 11am' and eventually arrived at 8pm, and thus the security guards almost didn't let them come in. I was appalled to see them assemble the sofa on the spot... i mean, i know they will come in parts coz its a big piece, but, really, to nail in the base cover after delivery??
Objet, designs so-so, abit overpriced...