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About pinkpetter

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    RenoTalk Idol

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  1. in 2008, I bought our current 5-room flat where my parents and siblings live in. I blogged our journey here: It's been 13 years and now it's just my parents and me here. So I've decided to downgrade and move the old folks there. Scary times to buy buying a resale indeed. The prices are crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. But after many months of searching (just like the last time), we found a place and exercised OTP!
  2. Welcome to RT! Looking forward to your pics!
  3. Your photos posted in the other thread very nice leh!
  4. WAH I think your contractor is COOL! Where is he from?
  5. ya so cannot fuss about that. If you want newer then it's smaller.. older... bigger.. Give and take! Hope to see more updates soon!
  6. WHOA your house is really nice. I like the overall white/brown cosy/modernish theme... nice. That ledge at the foyer is nice and useful too! And I agree about the toilets... love the tiles you chose
  7. mmm your tiles all match! very nice. will give a nice uniform look to your kitchen and toilet area.. and I agree la the pebble wash is very nice...
  8. yaaa!! and you don't have to worry about tiles popping years later.. and if people spill things or what you wun be as kan cheong as if it were parquet/laminate. Still must wipe la cos long term there might be stains but like I said polishing will make it nice... hehe Lucky you! the glass for the study expensive?
  9. OoOO overhaul overhaul overhaul!!! That's GREAT then you can do whatever you want! NICE!! ti's also nice to be able to play with so much space!!!
  10. OOo I have the same common toilet basin and the tap! this basin you have to check the gradient of the base ya? cos some of them the slope is not steep enough and the water drains too slowly causing the basin to be very dirty. Nice house!! I love the original condition of it too!
  11. I kaypoh come about... LOVE the before and after photos!!! I love the kitchen and the toilet area! GREAT difference!
  12. The floor is GOOD!! every few years you can always have it polished again to make it look as good as new!!! *envious* I love that glass study door...
  13. I like the changes you made. you've turned a darker house into such a bright one without changing the flooring much even! nice!