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About zfuyuan

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  1. Hi Mr Chong, FYI, we are planning to move into our house on 23th July 2009. Do advise us on the date to place dragon bone plant and money plant. Many thanks!
  2. Hi Mr Chong, With reference to our previous discussion in House Reading, we would like your advise on the following: Date to move inDate to place dragon bone plant and money plant (ref) Summary Furniture arrival dates May 30th - fridge, washing machine, dining table, sofa, bed June 6th - tv, bed frame DOB+time His: 1982-08-07 11:40am Hers: 1982-08-25 4:40am Compass direction A. 225 (Step 1) B. 220 (Step 1) C. 143 (Step 2) D. 311 (Step 3) Many Thanks!
  3. Have quoted your advice below: I place it on the power socket to let you have a better estimation of its size.
  4. Hi Mr Chong, Like to check with you regard the pebbles. Do you think they are suitable (in terms of size and color)?
  5. Hi Mr Chong, 1) Sry ah.. Double confirm.. I assume the you are referring to color of the cement. So meaning the pebbles have to be 'brown', while the cement can match the floor color. 2) May I learn from you the purpose of the placing the pebbles at the toilet entrance? Is it applying the same concept of "placing a bowl of pebbles in the toilet" which I seem to googled everywhere else? Thank you.
  6. Hi Mr Chong, After having a review with my ID, he ask if the pebbles at the toilet entrance can be cemented / fix permanently? (Similar to concept of pebble wash) End result might look like this: May we have your advice regarding his suggestion? Thank you.
  7. Hi Mr Chong, We were doing research for the dragon bone plant last Saturday and was informed by the seller that there are 2 types of plants, namely: - red dragon - green dragon Do we need to take note of the color when purchasing the plant? * Here is the pic of the green (left) and red (right) dragon plants for your reference. Thank you.
  8. Hi Mr Chong. Thanks for your advice. Will look for the thread.
  9. Hi Mr Chong. Thank you for the date. Based on this 動土 article, is the procedure that we should follow as documented? 祭拜對象: 土地神 供 品: 牲禮、水果、糕餅、鮮花、茶酒 祭拜程序: 擺上供品→點蠟燭→獻茶、酒→焚香(三柱香)祭拜並祈求土地神保佑工程順利→香燒到約剩三分之一時,雙手捧金紙拜神明→燒壽金、刈金、福金→將酒灑於紙灰上→撤供品→舉行奠基儀式。 Hope you can advise us regarding Dong Tu procedures. Ok, will shift the stove to prevent overlapping. Thank you.
  10. Hi all.. for those waiting for his quotation.. do take note that Roy is having his reservist starting this week.. have more patient for his reply.. I am starting my reno with Inzen after this 7th lunar month. Chose this ID after hunting high and low.. haha.. We are comfortable with him and he gave us a reasonable (mid-range) quotation. Visited one of his completed project, and was quite satisfied.
  11. Hi Mr Chong, Was unable to PM your mailbox. Will be writing it down here temporary. His: 07 Aug 1982, Hers: 25 Aug 1982, Like to clarify the placements of the pebbles. Should they be place: 1) infront of the toilet door (in the mbr) 2) behind the toilet door (in the toilet) (From your sentence, it seems like ans 1, but i am checking again to double confirm) Is it ok if I switch the fridge with washing machine? (Meaning that the overlapping items are fridge and stove) Thank you.
  12. Hi Mr Chong, 1) We would like to ask for your advise regarding our Dong Tu date/time and its procedures. 2) This is the latest floorplan: - The common kitchen toilet door is shifted nearer to the windows. Is the overall layout ok to proceed? So sorry to inconvenience u again. Thank you.