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retchlow last won the day on February 6 2014

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About retchlow

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    Super Platinum Member

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  1. Lightly used. Bought in 2013 but prefer to use magic clean. Will include a new dust bag. Retail price: 398. Selling at $150.
  2. Hi all i have 2 vacuum flasks to let go. details here: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/63568-post-moved-in-sale/?p=852950
  3. there were several rectifications made before & after final payment was made. contacted alan directly before final payment made. the most pressing one was the washing machine drainage pipe - it wasn't done properly & caused ponding in my kitchen. he sent down his men immediately. and after final payment was made, i contacted the sub-cons directly. the electrician was one of them & he is by far, the most accommodating one. no question asked. he came twice & the 2nd time was about 6months after i moved in. i simply identified myself as Alan's customer. nope, there isn't any extra charges.
  4. my 1 cent worth of advice: if you really need him to do rectification works, then hold back the last payment. my personal experience with him was: there isn't any rectification done even after i asked. i approached his sub-cons directly instead & they were more than willing to do it for me.
  5. there was a thread on lush lush. i had my own unpleasant experience with them as well.
  6. hmm on closer look, yup, you are probably right. so yeah, there aren't supposed to be any gaps as you wouldn't want anything slithering into those gaps. LOL
  7. there will be gaps but they are suppose to touch it up. but i'm not sure what's the right method to conceal them though. but i do remember them using plaster or paint. here's mine
  8. digressing: i read that you work in animal shelter. very curious as to which one is that?
  9. classic example of finger pointing when things screw up or don't go the way they want it to be. it is only human nature that people do not wish to take responsibility or acknowledge that it's their mistake to have made the decision. and customers will never think it's their wrong. all fingers will naturally point at the service provider. i've been in the customer service line for almost 2 decades & probably seen the worst customers. and they all share one common trait: they will never admit it's their fault. never, ever. and what i found it unacceptable was people joining in the hating game & started throwing baseless accusations. but then again, that's how the internet works & i've learned that it's best to just sit back, relax & enjoy the show. best with garrett pop corns. ask any of my friends & they will tell you that i'm someone who is totally not what you have made out to be. but then again - it's the internet! you can't trust everything you read online. use your own discretion & common sense, and perhaps with some intelligence to decipher between right & wrong, what's true, what's not. anyway, yeah! i'm a much happier & positive person than before! thanks to my furry companions as they are the ones who taught me how to live my life better!
  10. is this part of the living area? never seen a baking area/counter in the living area before. interesting concept. & love your entrance!
  11. great to see that you managed to keep closely to your theme. i started off with wanting a scandi but ended with a mix of scandi & retro & rojak. honestly i don't think it's necessary to explain yourself further or that you aren't alan's relative or alan in disguise. haters gonna hate so no amount of explanation will work. so long as your conscience is clear - that's the most important. and ewww, i cant imagine myself to be alan. that is just so . lol i had my fair share of unpleasant experiences with alan as well & honestly, some of the completed works were shoddy but i didn't see a point in nitpicking in everything as if i did, i could probably have turned it into a script for a movie. if one is to read my blog, you would have noticed too that i chose to deal with his sub-cons directly, rather than alan. even after i moved in, i called his sub-cons for rectification works, rather than the man himself. in summary, i chose to focus on the good, rather than the bad.and i'm contented so long as my home is cosy & liveable. i'm not a perfectionist because i believe as with every single thing in life, there will always be flaws. cheers to your new home!
  12. hello this is their link: http://www.countrygoods.sg/home/