I just installed the trunkings for my Mit Elec Sys 4. I must say it is really not easy, especially when it comes to thicker pipes and insulators. Lucky for me, I have an "auditor".
I actually engaged another aircon contractor to be my 3rd-party adviser. Personally I feel the big companies can provide better pricing but their installers may tend to have worker-mentality. This may mean quality of work is just so-so. Too bad I could not engage my own contractor as he could not get me a good price. At least no regrets, having him around with more than 10 years experience to help oversee.
Things that I encountered:
- they may use remaining copper pipes left over from other installation. These will be hard to tell which grade they belong to.
- the junior installer is quite bo-chap and does not get along well with his senior
- i feel even the senior installer is still not good enough when comes to sys 4
- the running of trunking to me is the most important and I managed to get good advices
- 2 trips for installation are definitely better than 1. Mine took whole day just to run the trunking.
In short, it may be a good idea to spend some $$ to get a 3rd party.