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Everything posted by Kesmond

  1. hi man, thanks for ur help... but there r mcb and elcb... what does each do? I will test out it tomolo morning and reply here... so if mcb trip when i turn all the aircon to lowest temp 18 degree... so does that means it over load? or it had something to do with the insulator wiring?
  2. btw what is MCB? I heard that if mcb trip then is overload and if the elcb trip then is aircon problem.. what is elcb and what is mcb? but which location do i feel the wire and where is the MCB? sorry for my ignorance.... My electrician told me before that although he fixed up all the wires, but after around 15 mins later, it will trip.... But how you solve ur problems? If you say, change wiring what do you mean by that? change wire for the aircon or e bedroom wire? thanks... Really a novice on all these... hope you can help me.. thanks
  3. Hi all, I have just bought a resale flat in jurong. There are currently 3 aircons in my house (Daikin Inverter), 1 in the living room and 2 in my rooms. I have decided to remove the living room aircon and install it in the room. I have engaged a aircon serviceman to do the relocation and servicing of my 3 aircons. However when he turn on the 3 aircons, after a while the power will trip. He told me that he had check all e 3 aircons and is working fine and suspected is the electrical wiring problems and/or insulator problems. I spoke to my electrician and he went down to clear up those unwanted wiring, etc. But however when he turn on the 3 aircons, the power does not trip. But after around 15 mins, when the compressor starts to kick in, the power will trip again. And he suspect that the compressor IC board or the motor got problems that cause this problems. Now i in a dilema, who to believe? E aircon man say no problem with the aircons but is due to electrical wire problem and my electrician say that it is the compressor problem. So i really dun know what to do? E aircon man want to charge me $300 for the rewiring of my room, but i already engage my electrician to do my house. So how do i go about it and test who is at fault? thanks
  4. Hi all, I have just bought a resale flat in jurong. There are currently 3 aircons in my house (Daikin Inverter), 1 in the living room and 2 in my rooms. I have decided to remove the living room aircon and install it in the room. I have engaged a aircon serviceman to do the relocation and servicing of my 3 aircons. However when he turn on the 3 aircons, after a while the power will trip. He told me that he had check all e 3 aircons and is working fine and suspected is the electrical wiring problems and/or insulator problems. I spoke to my electrician and he went down to clear up those unwanted wiring, etc. But however when he turn on the 3 aircons, the power does not trip. But after around 15 mins, when the compressor starts to kick in, the power will trip again. And he suspect that the compressor IC board or the motor got problems that cause this problems. Now i in a dilema, who to believe? E aircon man say no problem with the aircons but is due to electrical wire problem and my electrician say that it is the compressor problem. So i really dun know what to do? E aircon man want to charge me $300 for the rewiring of my room, but i already engage my electrician to do my house. So how do i go about it and test who is at fault? thanks
  5. Hi, i would like to have a tv console divider as well.... similar to one of e thread photo that was posted... Cause my mbr was hacked from two rooms into one... so i would want a tv console divider to separate between e bedroom and study room... any design or ideas to share? thanks
  6. Hi... saw ur photo that ur mbr tv console is actually used as a divider between e bedroom and e studyroom? correct me if i am wrong. My mbr is hacked from two rooms and i want similar design as urs. Can post more photos for ideas? thanks
  7. I am looking for good and reliable contractor as well... can anyone pm me the contact? I have my own design, but not suer whether the contractor can give me some feedback... thanks
  8. Hi All, As you know i will be getting my resale flat at Jurong West St 65, 4 room flat. As my mbr was hacked from two rooms into one. So it is a bit bigger than the normal mbr. My MBR is like a rectangle shape. Need some ideas as the design of my mbr. I want to place e following in my mbr. 1) Study table/Computer Table 2) Queen Size or King size bed 3) Built-in wardrode instead of walk in wardrobe (e current design is a wiw). As Built-in wardrobe can save space. 4) TV 5) Side table My initial design is to place the study table at one corner of the room. Then the Built-in wardrobe would be next to the toilet. Then i will place a false half size wall slightly in between to separate the study table and my bed and on the false wall itself, i can place the TV inside the wall and behind the wall, will be some closets to put my things. Is the design ok? Any comments? thanks
  9. thanks bro... i prefer the senjenco one... do u know how much it charge per wallpaper? is it good? there is no showroom for that right? do they do up the wallpaper for u?
  10. any other place? cause that place quite far away... anywhere in the central or west area? thanks
  11. Hi, got my resale flat and waiting for the 1st apptment.... just want to check with u, is it cheaper to get contractors to do several things? as in one contractor to do only the toilets, one contractor to do the laminating, etc? Cause my resale flat only need to do a bit of touchup. 1) Varnish the kitchen cabinet (e current kitchen cabinet is quite new and only need to do some polishing) 2) Relaminating the parquet floor (all except the kitchen) 3) Change the toilet bowls for two toilets. 4) Change the wall tiles for two toilets. 5) Change aircons if is not in good condition (the house is around 6-7 years old). If i not wrong, they have 3 aircons, 1 in living room, 1 in mbr and 1 in the other room) 6) Painting of the walls. (thinking of getting wallpaper for one wall in the living room) One thing i not quite sure is if i need to do re-wiring of the electrical sockets as in to add or remove the power socket, is it possible? cause all the wires nw are all hidden in the false ceiling, if need to rewire, then have to remove the false ceiling??
  12. Hi, where can i get to buy those budget and good wallpaper? i know marina square got one but i forgot where... Btw, how much is the wallpaper? thanks
  13. Hi all, Just got my flat in Jurong West near Pioneer Mall (4 room), want to get some ideas on my house design... Currently two of the room is hacked into one, that is why the mbr is bigger... dun know whether want to do a WIW a not for my bedroom.... currently it had been installed. Any recommendation on any magazines or websites to have a rough ideas for my house design? want to keep it simple.... thanks
  14. Hi all, Not sure whether i am in the correct forum... need to check with you i just got my resale flat in jurong west... and i need to do some designing of my own. But i haven nt got my floor plan yet... is it possible for someone to send me first so that i can do my own designing? Mine is a 4A1 floor plan. And also, is there any software (ie. like Google SketchUp) or so that i can DIY and try to design my own flat before engaging the experts? thanks alot