1. rented out our flat and the tenant's contract is ending soon.
2. tenant has decided not to renew the contract.
On contacting the agent, he said to go through the item check-list that we received in the contract agreement. And that we have to go through with the tenant ourselves. The agent is not going to assist us in the closure of the contract. (I don't know if that is the right term to use)
My question here is, should the agent be the middle-man to perform the checks for us? Or should
we be the ones doing it? What if there is a dispute? Can anyone advice?
Another question is - If we do have to do the inspection ourselves - when is the best time to do so? On the last day itself? Or few days prior etc? Anyone has experience in this matter?
If this is the wrong forum, could the moderators move the thread please? Thanks in advance.