I was previously using a Fujitsu and recently purchased a new set of Fujitsu System 4 Inverter Aircon, AOY30LM4 for my new house. All the while i have my airconditioners maintained by Fujitsu's agent as they provide servicing contract( general service your FCU every 3 months ) know the equipment best, reliable and most importantly the price and service provided.
I had a few bad experiences with those servicing people who told me that servicing cost $20, but i end up paying $70. One of these unauthorised service guy came, all he did was wash the cover and filter. After that he went to check my outdoor unit and said " not enough gas ar, have to pump more gas. Pump gas $50". After the whole ordeal, my aircon is still not cold and water leaking.
Then i decided to call for professional help, i called Fujitsu's agent. After explaining my situation to them, they reccomended me to sign up a servicing package up with them. They even offered to give me a special trial rate for $35 per FCU.
I was sold right from the very first time, when i saw how their servicing guys service my aircon. They dismantle the cover, wash the filters, cross flow fan, drain pan, flush my drainage pipes with a hose and after everything is done. They even check the gas pressure and make sure everything is function correctly before they leave. All this for just $35 per unit!!!
Fujitsu is the brand to purchase, as they really provide a hassle free one stop service.