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Everything posted by categan

  1. nope, i dun bear anymore grudges for them.. watever they had done were past but i do believe tat retribution will come upon them.. now so far so gd.. my laminated flooring jus up so left only kitchen cabinet.. though i still have to paint e kit, toilets, svc balcony and abit touchup on walls.. oh ya.. almost forgot, got to redo all e grout lines which are not acceptable.. but hopefully can move in by jun.. afterall got this flat for almost 9mths..
  2. if can, i also wan to post everythin out.. jus dun wan to get into further trouble since they know whr we live.. and they threatened my hubby tat if we call e police or HDB, they'll give us ****.. i saw them yest at my hse nearby coffee shop.. abit suspicious of wat are they doin there since everything done.. haiz.. we are still tryin to mend our relationship.. after all these things happened, it's different fr e past.. so jus can only hope for e best.. most probably, i'll repost this topic in hardwarezone and singapore brides.. me not very active in forum.. renotalk also my hubby told me abt it.. lol.. i'll be more specific.. e company name starts with multi.. used to located at ubi but i think shifted to beach rd liao.. boss of tat company, his surname is liew.. and e contractors' surname is wong.. most probably license kanna suspend liao cos i check HDB website, cant find this company name liao.. jus hope all will remember to b cautious can liao.. ^^ thanks all for ur encouragement!
  3. Dear all, this is a guide line cum my renovation story.. it's goin to b long but please b patient n read finish.. it'll help u! i got my hse keys on aug 2008.. but quite a number of disasters happened to me n hubby.. as expected, new home owners would bond to b excited over their flat, so were we.. we went ard lookin for contractors, went to home shows, went to look for furnitures and applicances, came to renotalk and read forums.. at one of e home shows, we took laminated flooring directly Supreme.. partly we felt that their prices were reasonable and it's lifetime warranty against pop out and colour fadin.. and of course, we believed that they wont give us inferior quality like contractors do.. so our next stop was to look for contractor.. oh gosh.. think we sourced more than 10 contractors.. most of them, do not have HDB license... so dun really dare to hire them.. but even if they have HDB license, also wont take fr them.. their quotations were between 18k to 22k.. omg.. only renovate 2 bathrooms, kitchen, service balcony, balcony and hack 1 wall.. so came over to renotalk n see who got any gd and cheap contractors.. so found one.. called n got a quotation fr him.. wat's e price?? slightly less than 10k.. so chop chop on since tat contractors got HDB license (let's named e contractors Mr A and Mr B - they are twin brothers)... Mr A said they were shareholders from Multi * * * * * (wont b revealin this company’s full name)… they are more like hokkien uncles.. age mid 40s.. speak eng, mandarin, hokkien and malay.. but they insist that they dunno how to read nor write.. which i felt weird.. but since someone fr here intro, then i trusted tat introducer.. but do note.. they only do tilin works, plumbin n electrical.. e rest, no no.. i paid a deposit on e 29th of oct.. i had to write on e receipt myself n he signed.. no contract or so watever.. e rest, paid chq thru bank loan directly to his company (full amt paid wor).. they are a pair of very irresponsible contractors.. look carefully wor, i used IRRESPONSIBLE.. y? they happy, they come n do.. din turn up to do, nvr inform and went mia.. cant reach them on their mobile.. sometimes went mia for more than 1 week.. HDB permit ended on 10.12.08, yet hackin of e wall was not even done.. worst case was at tat time, HDB officer was still carryin out some misc reinstate works.. n e HDB officer asked me y e wall havent hack yet, i cldnt reply at all.. cos demolition works was supposed to b carry out durin e first 3 days once permit approved.. their workers always changed.. today 2 china men, next day, 1 taiwanese, next day changed another china man.. changed until i confused.. passed 2 mths.. i'm very worried tat we cldnt moved in before CNY so kept callin them and asked for an answer when will b done.. their answer were always e same.. soon or by next week.. i'm quite pissed off.. cos i'm kind of doin wall touchup, paintin n puttin silicone by myself.. all their stuffs were layin everywhr and blockin my ways.. ended up, i cldnt do much which also slowed down my own process.. oh ya.. whenever c them, they like to talk alot of rubbish.. like their workmanship very gd and blah blah blah... frankly speakin, i listened til i really headache.. durin tat time, i had to search for a carpenter.. but due to constrain budget, i can only look for cheap cheap de.. but kanna conned.. okie.. dun talk abt tat.. and at tat time, my bedframe, sofa, mattress and pillows bought fr seahorse dun allow further postphone for e delivery.. ended up, hubby n me got to work thru e nite to paint finish 1 room so tat we can store e furnitures.. cos all other places were full of their junks.. CNY was over.. both their mobiles were off..kind of pissed of.. almost make a police report.. then 1 day, happened to go up n continued my work, was very surprised tat their worker was there.. so asked tat worker out of curiosity.. was he really a worker fr tat company.. he replied no.. he was fr another firm.. was hired by them n paid $100 daily n out of tat $100, he had to pay $20 daily to his own firm.. i almost fainted.. immediately, i called their company.. e office lady told me tat they were no longer with their company for quite sometimes.. i really sobbed hard.. i talked to e boss of tat company.. asked him y on earth did he lend his company HDB license to them and let my renovation loan chq go thru his company's a/c.. his reply, relatives wat.. help abit lor.. it was at tat moment, i realised my mistakes.. i shd have checked everythin carefully before engage them to do.. i draft up a contract using tat company's letterhead as Mr A gave it to me to draft out.. but the boss of tat company said it wont b valid cos he did not received any money for e renovation n e contract shd b signed by him.. he asked me to talk to Mr A again.. In truth, they were jus coverin each other's ***.. and e boss of tat company and Mr A and Mr B are not related at all.. i asked e office lady again.. they had nvr give a thought of me.. Mr A and Mr B continued to drag my time.. In early March, i blew my top.. i'm e client.. i paid full amt and they treated me and hubby like monkeys, foolin us ard.. imagine, made us wait for them fr 12pm to 9pm and nvr show up.. not e first time already.. i called them n demand an answer when will they finish?? they had already dragged for 4mths plus.. my patience limit had reached.. Mr B shouted back at me in hokkien " u not happy with wat? can dun push us or not?" and hanged up on me.. i called e boss again and demand an answer fr him.. he simply told me tat it's not his business.. i threatened him tat i complained to e HDB if he dun interfere and get them to finish e job.. on e 14th of Apr, job finally finish.. but wat i can said is their workmanship is d*** lousy.. tiles are uneven... grout lines, some places have, some places dun have or have rusty stains.. tiles are not cut properly, tat if accidentally, u brush by, u can cut urself.. toilet curbs, nvr consult us to use wat tiles and jus use whichever they like.. steppin stones at my balcony is d*** ugly.. they leave big gaps in between e stones.. unlike steppin stones at neighbourhood parks.. kitchen floor tiles are full of scratches cos they are so stupid tat they did e floor tiles before doin e wall tiles.. tiles chipped off.. they simply refused to changed for us.. so got nothin to say.. this renovation taught me a very great lesson.. i almost got divorce with hubby becos i cldnt take their nonsense and frequently had quarrelments with hubby.. besides this, i slipped into depression and almost jumped off fr my parents in laws' hse.. i din know tat a renovation which was supposed to end within a mth's time will eventually takes 5 mths n 18days.. u must b wonderin whether will i make a complaint to HDB.. my answer is no.. i have no wish to get involve with those 2 irresponsible contractors and their doings.. selfish rite?? anyway, i jus checked HDB website for tat company's HDB license number.. cldnt find it.. might have been suspended.. so dear new home owners.. pls take down e followin inportant points for ur hse renovation... - find at least 5 different contractors and ask for quotation - check company's hdb license whether is it valid or not.. - call company's tel n check if ur contractor or ID is still with e company if bein intro by others - hire reputable company rather than save cost.. - hire a contractor or ID whom u can communicate well with.. - dun ever pay in full amt even u are takin renovation loan, demand them to give u back all e money u taken fr e loan and pay part by part accordin to e contract - if u are hirin a contractor without HDB license, pls ask them to draft a contract and get a lawyer to endorse e contract.. it'll safe guard u shd anythin happened during and after e renovation.. - do not let contractor or ID change ur thinkin.. let them know wat u wan.. - try to let 1 company finish all renovation unless u are doin paraquet, laminated or bamboo floorin cos find respective companies kind of more worth ur money even though u may think tat it's more expensive.. - cut down unneccessary items if cant afford - do not buy any furnitures or applicances until renovation is completed - check carefully for chipped off or hollow tiles - make sure everythin goes as wat u wan.. - try to check daily if contractor and workers got turn up for work.. - do not exceed more than 1 and half mth.. If budget really constraint, jus cut down unneccessary items.. dun end up like me.. pple intro contractors or IDs to u, pls check throughly.. all e best to all new home owners! Cheers, Cate ** Hope the person who introduce me this contractor, can send me a private msg, shd she read this topic.. name start with sar***.. thanks
  4. I paid a lump sum for e renovation.. haiz.. guess i have to really work hard to do it myself.. Thanks alot!
  5. Hi, jus to check out abit of info.. If ask contractor to demolish wall, i suppose they will need to make gd of e wall, rite?? but make gd of e wall means jus by puttin cement?? or they have to put cement, make wall even and able to paint on it directly without e need of me buying sealant?? my contractor jus mend e wall by puttin cement on it.. then he asked me to smooth it myself and put putty filler over it cos i'll b paintin e hse myself.. is it e rite way to make gd of e wall?? sounds like i'm bein bullied.. pls kindly let me know if u ever demolish wall before... thanks alot!!
  6. i suppose they din do a gd job on it.. is ur flr even when they lay e laminate flr?? do check w ur id..
  7. nvr heard of ace floorin before.. sounds "ulu".. to prevent id to chop chop carrot, best take direct fr laminate company.. though it may sounds expensive to u but i got my floorin fr supreme and they given me lifetime warranty.. u can refer to the below post.. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17469
  8. Pls go and make a police report.. and get in touch with the officer in charge of this case.. think u go small claim also wont b able to claim back.. there are alot of cheaters out there rite now.. beware.. i also kanna cheated recently.. so best look for reliable carpenters..
  9. erms.. fyi, fr the sales man who's also the asst sales director fr supreme, he told me tat almost all contractor and id use lower quality.. but it sounds true.. cos contractor can save cost and customers dunno e difference.. perhaps new system ba.. now got do the hackin.. but they anyhow smoothen e walls cos tat part will eventually cover up by the new skirtin.. i know some of the sales man fr supreme not very gd.. lol.. cos the sale guy who serve me quote me very high and his service so so only.. he very 'gan cheong' to close the deal.. but he kanna complain then resign so the asst sales director took over my account.. so far so gd lor..
  10. Nope, I overlay.. If u hack then put cement.. the floor might not be even.. then u have to pay $1 per sqf for the plastic thing they need to put below.. Sorry, no offence, when was the last time u deal with Supreme? Supreme jus hack my wall skirting and smoothen the wall about 1 month ago.. they wont charge u any further more.. they need about 3 to 4 days in all.. 1 day to hack the skirtin and smoothen the walls.. then they'll come back on another day to do the flooring.. Most pro able to finish it within 2 days if only do bedrooms.. have u ever thought of whether ur contractor able to give a cheaper deal cos they are taking a lower quality then wat u asked for? Besides, their warranty given is only 5 to 15 years and it does not includes of floor board popping out and colour fade.. Hopes there's no offence.. jus tat i felt tat takin fr contractor or ID, there are a few place that are not worth it..
  11. I'm not very sure.. But most probably shd be FOC.. U can try to check with them.. or u wan the person in charge that i'm dealin with? I can pm u his contact if u wan..
  12. directly take fr Supreme, includes of hacking of the skirting, lifetime warranty, no limit of colours, trimming of doors... ID will definately charge u for hacking of skirting and trimming of doors.. warranty only between 5 to 15 yrs.. for quality, they able to give u a poorer quality then pass it as wat u asked for.. unless u are very pro in tellin the difference of the quality.. hopes it will help u..
  13. ya, from HDB.. okie.. think i better check when e MP comin to visit.. Thanks alot! but i still hope pple can feedback to me abt the doors being change for u during reinstate..
  14. Hihi, anyone can help on this topic?? can advise wat type of main door did HDB provide when they doin the reinstate works and roughly how long do the whole process takes?? Thanks thanks!!
  15. how to complain?? dunno who's his boss.. haiz..
  16. Glad that u made ur choice.. at first i also thought how come Supreme quote me so expensive de.. but come to realise, it's much cheaper.. as contractor nvr include all those things.. and my floor is much bigger when comes to measure but they nvr charge me extra.. Happy reno!!
  17. Hi Guys, anyone of u happen to purchase a resale flat directly from HDB?? I gave my 2K deposit in May and had went to see the flat me n hubby chosen a week later. It's in a big big mess.. Cornice, beams, walls, doors were painted in a so called riot colours.. The previous owner had made alot of additional power point to almost every part of the house.. The windows were spoilt and all door keys were lost.. Technical officer from HDB told me that he'll reinstate to original state before we start our renovation.. He PROMISED us to finish all the works by end of September.. We got our keys in August.. Work started only in mid September while we thought that he'll start the works since our first meetup.. But til date... haiz.. still hangin in mid air.. Items that he'll do are at below.. 1) Replace all windows with sliding window and it's without grilles except service balcony and balcony 2) Replace all power point and reinstate to the original nos. of power points 3) Remove all lightings 4) Replace all doors including main door 5) Replace new metal gate 6) Paint all walls and ceilings with white paints 7) Replace 2 nos. louver windows @ both toilets 8) Repair all damaged concrete (spalling) @ living and toilets 9) Remove existing aircon and trunkings and filled holes with cement 10) Replace letter box's lock 11) Remove all cornice and false beams So now, all bedrooms' doors were replaced with plywood doors.. Aircon and existing trucking were removed and holes were filled.. Letter box's lock were replaced with a new lock.. All cornice and false beams were removed.. Painting had been done but the ceiling got spalling, the contractor hacked care and jus paint over.. the one and only lighting which were been removed, they are supposed to make good of the ceiling and lay putty over then paint but they jus paint white paint over.. Main door and metal gate, they jus replaced with recondition door and gate and jus paint over.. which means they replaced with a used wooden door which is those u see in 80s and it's not a fire door.. Technical officer said no need fire door cos it's 3 metres away fr staircase.. oh ya, the main door, they only pass me 1 key.. funny, rite?? since change a new lock, i suppose should have more than 1 key.. metal gate, if i'm not wrong, they din replace it.. they jus replaced the metal piece in the middle and with a new lock.. worst still, they go and paint all the doors and gate with a d*** colour which looks like dull yellow mixed with olive green.. kaoz.. they are supposed to paint all in white colour... the rest of the items are not done yet.. my patience is gettin thinner as days went passed.. if countin fr May, it's been 6mths plus.. if countin fr e day i took my keys, it's been 3 mths plus.. i'm d*** p*** off liao.. Now got problems with contractor as cant start work and got to hold until HDB do finish everything.. and contractor said if drag until almost end of nov, they cant do for us liao.. cos their schedule very pack liao and they need to let their workers go holiday in late dec.. also, it seems like we are payin HDB loan, SP services and town councils fees for nothin.. cant even move in, cant even renovate and worst still, becos of next yr CNY very early, we got to order furnitures early.. some of our furnitures got to come in in mid of dec.. dunno whr to put e furnitures if cant delay e delivery date.. did call HDB for help but customer service officer told me there's nothin much he can help.. we can only contact the technical officer to sort the matters.. technical officer now is also kind of avoidin my calls.. leave msg in his mailbox but nvr bother to return call.. always got to wait til e next morn before i need to call his office again.. any help on this issue?? should i complain to HDB? how to complain?? by email?? wat shd I do?? Pls kindly help to give advice.. Thx thx!! Rgds, Cate
  18. frankly speakin, take directly fr laminate company better cos they able to give mayb lifetime warranty, no limit of colour, remova of skirtin, to trim all doors.. if u think ID is chargin u cheaper then i think u might b wrong.. they able to quote u cheaper but doesnt includes all those i mention above.. at e most, they give u warranty of 10 to 15 yrs.. besides, they might "cheat" u on e quality of the laminate floor.. EG: u choose AC5 fr Supreme but wat ID gave u in e end might b similiar lookin floor but lousy quality.. Make ur choice wisely!
  19. check ur invoice for the model no. and go to any of the seahorse hecom to place an order.. if u dun have any model no, then perhaps take a photo and show them..
  20. Rune, look above.. hee.. i already add in thier add and contacts.. no link though..
  21. for electrical items, u might wan to go to those hdb shops to look ard.. it's cheaper and free delivery.. but of course, dun have so called free vouchers lah.. eg: aik leong @ bukit merah, parsilk @ bedok central.. if u wanna free vouchers etc, mayb u can try audio hse.. can do bargain at all these places.. if not, wait til pc show or electronics show.. got my samsun tv w additional 3 yrs warranty + $300 robinson vouchers.. quite worth it.. somemore got free gifts to choose, dependin on wat model u take.. check out expo for their show events.. for sofa, u can consider seahorse, got 50%.. got a L-shaped 4 seater sofa for ard $525.. or u can consider novena but abit ex.. go for fabric type cos able to wash but some pple think it's troublesome.. in my view, pu and pvc will be spoilt within 3 to 5 yrs' time.. unless u r rich enough to get full leather but not sure whether it will spoil within 5 yrs' time.. if got kids, must b very careful w leather, pu type of material.. dinnin table.. depends on which type u wan.. can consider star furniture.. got solid wood table (zen type) + 2 benches + 2 stools for $788.. u can also opt for plainly jus stools or benches.. toilet accessories.. if gettin wc and basins, go to nan wah @ changi south or jln besar.. look for cotto brand.. already discounted 50% off liao and on top additional 30% off.. they are clearin stocks.. lightings also worth it.. but taps, i think it's kind of ex.. hee.. so still got to look ard.. go jln besar rd to walk walk ard.. for aircon, i'm still lookin for it.. so not much ideas whr to get it.. look thru newspaper esp on fri n sat for sales.. but if lookin for furniture.. note tat most of the advertisements are long yr sales.. haha.. can say bluff ba.. gd luck to u! ohh ya.. can refer to MaCe's t-blog http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9970 and waileong's t-blog http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?au...blogid=300& ... got alot of tips and guides.. Cate
  22. me went on sun... erms.. their show room quite small.. not many things.. some of the bedroom sets they show online, can easily get fr other ulu furniture shops...