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Everything posted by Eeting

  1. waH! sO lucKy nehx 38th. . . hiGh hiGh inTo the sKY~ ConGRATs! wooT! sPamX
  2. Ya aGree mayBe its the drUnkard bUt wE stayed for 4 nightS ma. .. mY freNs experieNced tat for 2-3nightS. sO be cArefuL lor xiAo xing jIu dUi le =D hoPe u aLL enjOY! wOOt! P.S: the hoteL is Very nEar tO the sHoppiNg ceNtres Lor (waLking distaNce) yEA! =D
  3. hi! jus lOoking thrU ur bLog den saW this topiC on firSt house hotel. i've stAyed there for 5 days 4 nights. Look olD old de but becOz we waNna save $$ so dun cAre. =X dere's a littlE temple dere n 7-11. I feel tat it's really convineNt. . bUt bUt bUt. . . wHen mY frens wEre Zzing in the middlE of the night, dEy heArd some ppl outsiDe the dOOr tRying tO gO into theiR room lOr. LuciKLy the dOor is Locked secureLy la, othErwiSe.. . I duN wANNa shAre bAd things bUt tAt's my eXp. ^^ iF u aLL r reaLLy gOing fOr firSt hOuse. LocK uR dOOr sEcureLY!! P.S: BreaKfast's Ok, sAme thIng eVeryday. WAhaX =X