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Everything posted by hihihi

  1. Hi all, Need to find out a few things... abt tempered glass backing for kitchen. 1) What is the typical cost of a 90cm tempered glass backing? I choose 90cm is the length of a normal hood. As for the width, I'm not sure, should be the typical width between the lower and upper cabinet. 2) How do u identify a tempered glass panel? Does it has a "tempered glass" logo or some sort of marking? Otherwise contractor can cheat u into buying a normal sandblast glass? 3) Anyone has any contacts to supply and install? I'm looking for one currently. TIA!
  2. wow, this placement basically kills your placement of kitchen sink there.
  3. that oven box is too big to enter the bomb shelter door, so no choice I put in one corner on fridge base, plus, I PASTED A NOTICE... next time I need to write in Bangla language as well.. Or put some barb wires.. That person painted the ceiling, when he's not supposed to have started ANY painting according to the schedule. When I confronted him, he of coz say it's not him. I'm gonna complain to his boss when I next see him.
  4. hmmm.... I think then I'm gonna get a 37" instead. save cost, cut blur.
  5. water proofing is only done to the floors, not the walls. They usually do the floor and a small curb up the wall, forming a U-shaped, to contain/control the water. The entire toilet floor are waterproofed. Kitchen, sometimes contractor cut corners, only does the area near sink. By right should be entire kitchen floor as well.
  6. My brand new oven.... the toopid contractor painted the ceiling stepped on my oven. And left some evidence!!
  7. hi hoitytoity, whatever your decision may be, you shall have all our wishes
  8. I also kenna pulled by them a few times to visit their showflats. Personal view: worksmanship ok. Tiling I find it ok to good. Carpentry, they always advertise their "soft close" system. Overall I still find their work ok. I didn't engage them due to other reason. They are very eager to give u a quotation, in chinese. They're quite willing to give freebies, now I think the price should have increased since they started. It's always like that. Met one of the owner he says worksmanship is good (maybe due to freebies?) herbman76 engaged their service. Indeed they did quite a number of units there, so camping works.
  9. No idea, probably is for the minimum height thingy? But alot of pple also do alot of illegal works in their house e.g conceal wiring etc.
  10. Don't throw that away, I think there are pple who wanna buy your door, within Linear Green of coz. Serious. My neighbour got a door, he mentioned he's selling away. Dunno where he got the lobang. Perhaps you can start from contractors sitting downstairs...
  11. Master Bed Room L-box is actually a L-shaped plaster board, for u to put downlights.
  12. Out of order but still works fine as an ashtray, put out cigratte butts
  13. if paint empty wall = no need to wipe. if tile empty wall = need to wipe. Coz tile is smooth surface, any dirt is quite obvious, especially when u look at it from an angle.
  14. HDB normal ceiling height can be from slightly less than 7ft to slightly more than 8ft. Target is about 8ft. Difference is about 2-4 inches. One factor can affect is how thick u lay your tiles. 1ft = 12 inches
  15. wedding day is supposed to be the most pretty day of the gal's life.. and if the gal goes botak, I can imagine every guest will go and your in laws will go
  16. Bathroom tiles do full height better. Coz it's a very wet area. Even good paints will sure blister under this kind of hostile conditions. Kitchen. If that wall is doing cabinet, then tile only the center portion will do (contractor don't like it cost they earn less). The rest is covered by cabinet. If the wall is empty, then painting is perfectly ok, but get those washable type which u can wipe, e.g Wash & Wear. I did that for my kitchen.
  17. Bad bad customer service. As a renovator, if he only wants to do biz ONCE, by all means he can continue behaving this way.
  18. mounting bracket: Try to get those universal type (can mount any brand of TV), and with a higher weight spec if u thinking of upsize your LCD in future. Those has more screw holes to secure to your wall. Also, when drilling, think they have different types of plastic studs to hammer into the hole first before the screw goes in. Leveling: I saw a simple gadget in hardware shop which cost only like $20. It's actually merging a spirit leveller with a laser pointer, and it comes with some sticky dough like plastercine for you to stick the gadet onto the wall. Basically it function exactly like those professional laser guide, which projects out a red laser line for you to align. With the spirit leveller, you can be sure the line is totally horizontal with the ground.
  19. Funny thing is that they even stuff the letter for those unit that are not yet taken.
  20. actually sandblast is the cost. extra work = higher cost. frosted sticker is abit easier to wipe compared to sandblast. Coz frosted sticker is a matt but smooth surface. While sandblast is a random rough surface. If say I use a marker to write on both surface, chances are u can remove 99%-100% of stain on frosted sticker as compared to 80% on sandblast. Easiest to wipe is normal glass go for frosted sticker if your house got kids.
  21. the most I would do is to do a triangle thing put on top of the aircon. Not to protect the aircon, but to reduce the noise level during rain, so that rain hits as at an angle instead of onto the flat surface... otherwise *tuck* *tuck* *tuck* *tuck* *tuck* *tuck* can drive me crazy.
  22. ask them to finish install then u quickly pee or spit into it... virgin toilet bowl
  23. heat is ok, but not moisture. Imagine your car leather seats. It's perfectly alright to sun, but water is defintely a nono. Leather is simply dead animal skin, if any mositure, will start to grow mould.
  24. Jalan Besar got a shop called Chuan Heng (Unit no. 130, 132). They do sell some tubs. If u want more high class ones, I also saw Toto brand, but it's towards the end of that street, quite a far walk, nearer to Ho Nam Building already. In between, there should have more shops selling tubs, just need to ask, coz they probably don't display coz of the size.
  25. Cabinet price is normally $100/feet run. (i.e if top is 10ft, bottom is 15ft, then 25ft x $100= $2500). That is only the wood portion + doors + ABS triming(that plastic that covers the sides of the door). Solid surface is extra abt $80/feet. Wooden top will be cheaper. There are also granite top.