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Everything posted by hihihi

  1. since it's your bi-fold door hinge, then go back to the bi-fold door supplier.
  2. normal Hardware store will have e.g neighourhood shops or more specialised shops: HomeFix, Shanghai Tonglee
  3. snowman go buy a chimney extension lah. That's the easiest solution IMO.
  4. sheesh, my contractor didn't display the reno permit (I suspect he didn't apply also). Now my reno is over liao... how?
  5. I also had a little bit of your kind of encounter. I saw some wrong things, I called for stop work, they still proceed. Here is what my findings: RADAC: no use if that contractor is not RADAC-registered. I suspected no, otherwise won't be a contractor, will be an ID. CASE: no use also. It's just a Hello Kitty, i.e no mouth to talk. SCT: Can have some action. Just need to go down pay $10 or so to get things start rolling. But this is the ultimal, meaning u are using court action upon him. Also meaning to say u will need to gather evidence i.e SMS, pictures, signed quotation, writings, emails etc. Your mistake: over paying, letting him proceed when u called for stop work. Remedy: Do everything in writing. In every meeting, take down notes of what had been discussed. Take pictures, give detail drawings, paste on the wall, so nobody can say someone didn't tell him. Withhold payment until things are done according to contract or in writing. How to do a real stop work: lock the door or change the lock. or if u can, shoot him with a lawyer letter to wake him up.
  6. then u should try those older estates' hardware stores. or Jalan Besar got few hardware stores.
  7. What's wrong with your contractor? payment paid? Mine also has got attitude problem. That's why always withhold the final payment till everything is make sure ok then pay. There's also the avenue of Small Claims Tribunal.
  8. if your priority is privacy, then solar film is not suitable. Coz solar film, at night, outside pple can see u very well, but u looking to outside, will see a mirror-like surface, thinking that nobody can see u. day curtain is the thicker one to block off lights. Night curtain is the thin, translucent sheet, pple can still see u, abit murky soft effect. U can do only day-curtain, or both 2-in-1. u can go for louvre blinds, u can tilt it up or down, air still comes in, but at certain angle, pple can't see in.
  9. applegirl one fine afternoon, I saw a bangla came to sweep the corridor. U know how he sweep? Walk walk see see. Anything visible then sweep. The drain hole has accumulated pile of dust (swept by me) but he can't do anything coz his broom can't sweep that up. End up one level he spent less than 30sec, easy job huh? Everyday I sweep my corridor until to the lift there, it's always a layer of dust, pointless to sweep halfway when it can be blown back into your house.
  10. any hardware shops will sell them. The one in your pic is old style, newer type are much slimmer.
  11. never seen those two which are off-the-shelve coz they're 99.99% custom made. Imagine they making it and pple won't buy coz it doesn't fit into their homes, it will sit in their showroom occupying space and collecting dust, waiting to go out of fashion in the design. TV console maybe u can buy a normal one, then use L-brackets to mount it onto the wall yourself?
  12. Here's a borrowed pic, my shelf look exactly like this type: http://www.yee-sin.com/images/Dad's-photos-003.jpg IKEA those wooden planks, better to have it lacquered coz they came raw. Good thing is that those had holes pre-drilled for you already. U can adjust the plank to virtually any height u like. I had that also.
  13. DSA Use limus paper to test the pH level of our water? How muchy is our building cost? I thought this kind of info HDB keep like a golden goose? frederick_chia AFAIK, electrical test is not compulsory. And there are already 4x15A power points (2 in the toilets for heater, 2 at aircon area) in our house, is that not enough? Are u running CERN or what?
  14. Furniture Mall near Beach Rd Concorde Hotel. Cost abt $1.4 to $1.6k
  15. there's a tatami shop in Esplanade, beside a violin shop, opp a chocolate shop, near the escalator to the library.
  16. normal progress takes abt 4-6weeks. I prefer tiling to be done carefully and slowly. If you're not in a hurry, and things are moving, then don't have to worry too much.
  17. wow, classic. If spore don't have, msia will have.
  18. that one need to go more high class "5-gold-shop". On hand I can think of Shanghai Tong Lee. Small shop but lots of stuff inside. it's those kind where u need a card in order to duplicate the key, otherwise no way.
  19. shearerkk probably he just remove the box, and conceal the connections, the connections is not broken though...
  20. install a light cost $8 to $10, therefore, to install this thingy should not be too far from $10. Coz it's only drilling holes in the ceiling to mount the bracket. Even electrician can do that, it's a handyman's job, need only the proper power tools. if my memory serve me well, the bronze type is also J-hooks. It's actually 2-J facing back to back, riverted to a bar. Nevermind it's ugly, coz very soon, u won't even bother to look up to see it.
  21. it's a 15A socket, normal ones are only 13A. U can of coz change it to normal socket, very easy to DIY. But don't run small appliances (e.g alarm clock) using that coz it's high current, can potentially burn your thing. Vaccum cleaner those things are ok.
  22. only thing that can satisfy all your requirements is to custom made a built-in one. Floating style...
  23. Congratulations! for 1st timer, I would say it's definitely a MUST. It teaches u what to expect when your wife delivers and also how to handle the baby (e.g carry/feed/shake milk/bath/burp/understand/talk). If really have no time to attend, then important to get an experienced nanny for 1st mth, then u can learn from her. the hospital that you're going to deliver your baby will conduct the class. e.g Thomson, KK... all have. Call the hospital to check up the program schedule.
  24. give u some quick answers first before moderator yoongf comes back to answer your queries. MCB (Main Circuit Breaker), that's the box located near to your main door. It trips when it detects a short or over current. I also agrees this sounds like a wiring problem. You can do this test. If u ON all your aircon units to lowest temp 18degC, most likely the compressor will kick into full throttle mode, and it should trip immediately or very soon. (maybe the invertor thingy will cause some delay.. not too sure) wire also have different types, usually thicker ones are used for high current hungry applicances. Aircon and water heaters are such candidates. maybe u can check this as well.