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  1. date posted:2010-12-15 author name: abupapa hi yenzy, so how much does your renovation cost in total? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-18 author name: yenzy seriously.. i don't think it is that nice to talk about prices here as each house differs.. what sort of renovation in details did we do and as compared to others. the types of tiles we chose and etc... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-19 author name: damnu88 Haha....yeah!! I really agreed that instead of the contractor chasing for payment, it's vice-versa... . So far , mine was nearly 75% done and he will most likely to hand over somewhere next week. So far, no complaints as I not a fussy person. That does not meant he will take advantages. He still show professionalism in his work. When times he think not right, he will call and give some suggestions. Even minor error where the switch was not put up correctly, like slanting a 2-3mm away, he will still ask the guy to redo again....haha, you see the point? As for the carpentry works, cause he knows I'm rushing to move in. Saw the guy on Tueday and on Friday, the team is up there to fix up and completed on the very day. Though mine was a just a stretch of kitchen cabinet will box up....This I really need to give him comments. VERY FAST out of expect. Will try update Blog. But was blocked by my anti virus...haha --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-22 author name: existence Hi all, who else is having his/her house renovated by Edmund? i am going to sign with him soon if all the negotiations goes went for my new flat!!
  2. date posted:2010-12-07 author name: reizzz nice nice edmund didn't suggest to box up the pipe in your mbr toilet? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-07 author name: yenzy my toilet is so small that there's nothing we can do... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-12 author name: desire z Can someone pm me edmund email address please... dx website seems to be under maintenence. xie xie
  3. date posted:2010-12-07 author name: yenzy To top up with above... Edmund is automatically calling us up on the smaller details to refine them out of his own.. He is now looking into the storeroom issues and will rectify it... See this is taking pride in his work and being responsible... I never regret taking Edmund up... Seriously...
  4. date posted:2010-12-02 author name: yuene Hi yenzy, Looks fabulous! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-04 author name: yenzy thank you Yuene!! saw your T-Blog!! Looks great too! And we got the same tiler.. He is really good man!! As promised here is the review of Edmund.. This review is mainly comes from me and does not represent others's view. It is a review of our liasing with Edmund and others may or may not experience the same thing. So do take it with a pinch of salt as it may not happen to others.. We started our reno on 3rd Aug till now. We knew it was long but we told Edmund that we are not in a hurry la.. But in the end all of us got impatient as we just want things to end soon too as it was taking too long liao... Delaying of project is not his issue... About Edmund and team:- 1) Humourous - He is indeed hunourous in phone and email. He will add a bit of his hokkien type of jokes into it as well.. It helps me a lot to break the ice and start the project at ease. However, it does not really sit well with my hubby as he is a straight person.. So sometime Edmund didn't get his well deserved feedback on his humour... hahahaha... also because i'm tired from work all the time... Poor Edmund... When I don't smile, I look fierce and so is my hubby... I think he is affected by us too.... But we are just tired from weddings, work and in-laws issue plus money too... 2) Not much discount - We felt that we have been overcharged and the design is not that good, so we took out the wardrobe and door installation work from him and source out from our own directly from factory. Of cos it will be an added work for us as a lot of coordination needs to be done at our end. So it is either you pay a bit more for Edmund to do swee swee or save a bit more money and DIY and get what you want. So far, he seldom bring down his price. I would suggest that before signing the Dotted Line, do more research on what you really need and want and get him to qoute all out for you so that you can reduce one by one at later stage. Bargain before signing as after signing, it will be hard to bargain. <<Overcharged Meaning>> Edmund needs to sub out some work like doors, wardrobe to someone else. Hence he also needs to earn commission too. Hence that's why we went straight to supplier. If you get things straight from factory, isn't it cheaper than a 3rd party? 3) COllection of Money - This guy is one guy who is marchiam not in need of money. We have to tell him that we are going to pay liao... Must be so much projects that he is just passionate about working and talk about money later. Even till date, he has not given us the final qoutation so that we can pay the balance.... Cute la.. 4) Forgetfullness - He is many a times forgetful and need constant reminder via calls and sms and meet up. Of cos, we have got our part to play. We made him change the kitchen layout so many times that we made him so blur too.. On this part, I must applaud him for his patience for me... Apart from that, we have to keep reminding him on things that we want, but if the end product is not our ideal, rest assured he will change immediately. However if the changing is difficult, he will try to physco me not to change.... So now for example, I will have to live with my "storeroom" with an unadjustable shelf in the middle forever liao... 5) Responsible - Edmund is responsible and will come immediately to rectify problem. Rest Assured on this! Because he is responsible, he will make sure his team is too! 6) Good tiler - If you read Yuene's T-Blog, you can see the cute Ah San... He is our tiler too and he is really good with his work!! I'm so glad that we have Ah San... No communication problem at all!! 9/10 for him! 7) Carpentery - I wouldn't say that the one that he use is exceptionally good. Just average only. But the Granite Top is so beautiful... Would suggest that you guys do not save on Kitchen Top, go straight to Granite Top. Some money just cannot be save... 6.5/10 for carpentary and 8.5/10 for granite top.. 8) Friendly Plumber - That uncle with "Boh Gei" is a nice and friendly uncle!! Helpfull too!! We felt at ease for with him especially drilling on our homogenous wall tiles... Would grade him around 7.5/10. 9) Electrician - This uncle is also ok. Just that we felt the switch and lightings are done hastily... Need some adjustment... 6.5/10 for him also.. 10) Painter - Nothing much to say about him... Paint is paint lor... 11) Reasoning - Sometimes we felt his reason is not solid and substantial enough for us... Or you can even say "smoking".... But we still accept it and move on from there... Our house is old and suffers leakage issues and cracks on the wall. Edmund took it and he makes sure at least most cracks are resolve... Till now he is looking into our wall that does not absorb paints... Qudos to him, it is the flat issue but he took it on his own... I'm glad to have him except for costing and forgetfulness, other than that, he is really good.. Who is perfect anyway right? Most importantly, you need a responsible contractor and he is one. I would suggest that you engage him because you already know what you want and you can communicate to him instead of the other way round as Edmund may lack in design ideas. Frustration there is but it is really part and parcel of communication I would say. Frustration fault also comes from us too, not just him... As compared to those horror stories we have heard outside... I don't think Edmund falls onto this category.. You can't buy responsibility with money... Problems above can be resolve with proper communication and knowing what you want... I'm soo happy with my new house... Thank you Edmund and fabulous team!!
  5. date posted:2010-12-01 author name: yenzy hihi, i'm finally done with my renovation with edmund... shall review him honestly later.. but mean while, enjoy his team's work.... Kitchen Pre-Reno Kitchen After Reno
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-17 author name: emiahma hi all, im new here.. hw do we contact edmund to ask for quotation? do we email or call him? and then when ask for quotation, do we need to show him our floorplan first n tell him what we want to do ? and also our budget? do we get to meet him in person? one last question, do he need to see our unit before he quote us? thanks, im sourcing and don't know how to go about.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-18 author name: alamak Call/email/sms also can. Best is to fix an appointment with him, go down to his office with your floor plan and the list of things you want to do. Then he'll give you a rough quote base on your requirement and budget. If you are happy, then can ask him to go to your place to do some measurement for a more accurate quote. After that, up to you to see if you want to carry on anot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-21 author name: sanntan just visited his office today... so hard to find the place! anyway, had a good impression of him. arranging a site visit and will confirm if the quote is within our budget. yay! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-22 author name: reizzz when i first went down to his office, i also had a hard time finding the place. and the cab driver wasn't familiar with bedok area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-23 author name: sanntan yah, usually ID firms are not under void decks too... they like to crowd, IE IMM, etc... but it feels like home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-23 author name: reizzz yea. i like to play with his two turtles also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-23 author name: samgalz haha...always notice the turtles when i'm there but no time to play with them. my time there is always overshot. 2 - 3 hours...poor edmund! till date I'm am still in contact with him. very prompt in responding when I report a defect...not that there is many...haha... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-23 author name: yuene Haha sanntan, were you the one who was supposed to meet him around 7pm or so? He was at my place earlier, and he mentioned that he needed to run off because he had an appointment with a walk-in customer at his office... sorry if he was late! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-23 author name: reizzz lol.. i think we overshot the longest by abt 4 hours when we need to choose laminates, kitchen and the wardrobe layouts. luckily he don't have to rush off to meet anyone that day. haha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-23 author name: reizzz i think maybe he went to meet you after meeting me at my place. lol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-24 author name: yuene Haha! No leh, he told me he was at Bukit Batok just prior (which was why he had put my appointment at that timing)... date posted:2010-08-24 author name: sanntan Edmund just sent me a reply in my email. He can't take my job because he is full. SIGGGHH and I wanted to confirm him after he measure my house liao. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-10-28 author name: yuene Hi ihatehaze, has someone PMed you Edmund's number yet? If not, let me know. Hmm, what you can do is look through the quote, and see what you can live without--for example, I took out a couple of feet of kitchen cabinets, and the study cabinets as well, among other small matters. Also, if you ask him what other options there are, he will let you know as well. And yes, he looks like the very serious type; in fact when I first started talking to him, I found him a bit aloof at times. After the reno started, then I learned the truth.... I think he will be able to. I have only a couple of items left to do; the major one is the laminates, and the minor is the backsplash. Then comes the rectifications, acid wash and that's about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-06 author name: zer061zer0 Hi guys, Can I have Edmund's email and hp so that I can ask him for a quote? Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-09 author name: bluerosie Edmund did not reply me after sending floor plan n checking out whether any update to him...is he like that? We need to follow up with him? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-11 author name: reizzz hello, can find his email and hp from here : did he tell you how long it'll be before he will get back to you? anyway, i think it's better to check with him ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-12 author name: bluerosie he did not tell me anything after email him my floor plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-12 author name: reizzz think it's better to check with him again if you don't mind. as for me, i waited about 2 weeks after sending him the floorplan before he got back to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-13 author name: bluerosie I sms him yesterday n he immed reply LOL..say overlook my request..meeting him later in the afternoon.. thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-15 author name: reizzz lol good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-20 author name: damnu88 Haha......Just sign up with Edmund and will be starting reno somewhere next week ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-22 author name: yuene Congrats damnu88 on the start of your reno! Do take photos and start a t-blog! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-25 author name: alamak welcome to the club. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-11-26 author name: cnbal Hi, can someone pm me dx Edmund email address, thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-12-01 author name: alamak few posts earlier and you'll have it.
  7. date posted:2010-07-31 author name: Jupiter Home Perseverance prevail, Justice exist! Yah! thanks admin. Now the Dx families got home to go back lor Sorry yenzy, looks like we've forgotten something. Welcome to join the Dx families ! Nice 3ds Never see the iconic fridge? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-01 author name: abupapa hello to all who have engaged Edmund, may I ask how's the payment like? is it pay 20% down payment, then after completion of some work, pay some more percent etc. then finally pay the final installment? thanks for all the info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-02 author name: yuene Hi abupapa, I can't remember the exact breakdown for the middle, but for mine it's 10% initial downpayment, then another percentage on starting of works, then again when carpentry arrives, and I think the final 10% after completion. Am I correct? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-02 author name: alamak iirc, it's 10-40-30-10-10. the last 10 is 2 weeks after completion. good to see this thread back alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-07 author name: panjang sammie jie, never come in for a while only & you already finish reno. siao liao, now edmund like so busy, better call & ask got reserve a slot for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-08 author name: yenzy well, it is started a bit yesterday.......... continue on on coming tuesday.............. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-10 author name: reizzz juz signed with edmund abt a week back. hopefully will be good. hehe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-10 author name: alamak having some issues 6 months after handover date. emailed him and he replied within a day, will be arranging his guys to check on them soon. +1 for edmund. p.s. i am not a clone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-12 author name: samgalz I have moved in and rectification work done. but Edmund have not even touch on the issue of the last 20% payment..... make me pai sey aso. i have a problem with the sink one day before my housewarming and called him, he send plumber down asap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-13 author name: mylica Lets hope he is not too busy. We dont want him to become another ...... where quality went down because too many jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-08-13 author name: samgalz hopefully not too. but i think not likely cos if he finds himself too packed, he will reject projects. In fact he rejected a few of my recommendations cos of schedule. He always says he wan quality not quantity. jus hope he stays as such.
  8. date posted:2010-06-16 author name: alamak my advise is, no matter who you choose for your reno, don't let them feel you have a lot of time. Even if you are not pressed for time, try to come out with a schedule and follow it as much as possible. You can ask Edmund what's his schedule for your reno like, then you can use that as a reference to follow up on the progress. Like this, if there's any delay or things can finish earlier, you'll know. think you can start buying your furnitures anytime from now already.... since it's only 4 months away. GSS is on now also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-16 author name: samgalz ya, for me I check with Edmund his tentative HO date and also to let him know my expectation so that he can gauge his progress. I will also constantly check with him on the progress and ask if certain items need to be done. Though he is a responsible guy, we still need to monitor and remind cos he is busy and may sometimes forget things. for example I keep checking with him when I have to have my sanitary fittings send, when hob and hood send etc. so now he confirm can push forward schedule, I have to quickly call up my suppliers to deliver. If you dun check, he may forget to inform you then by that time u cham ah.... ya agree with alamak, now is a good time to start shopping with GSS here. date posted:2010-06-16 author name: yenzy ooohh... so many things to take note... first time for me so blur like sotong... Should I ask Edmund to draw out a schedule? LIke by 1st week must heck floor and etc? I wonder is there an Idiot guide to what should we buy for kitchen and what to watch out for.. You mean we can start buying aircon, mattress, basin and such and ask them to deliver later? But i have not gotten my key yet leh.. Woah it is getting exciting!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: samgalz haha...i aso gotten most of my stuff way before i got my keys talk about kiasu. once key taken hor, things will move fast. probably more for me cos Edmund knows I have a schedule to meet. I did ask for a schedule from him before, but I think not his style to give. but he did verbally tell me wat to expect and I always make an effort to check with him wat's the progress and what's next. both parties need to do our part. for me hor, though this is second house reno but seems like first cos my first i blur blur dunno anything and contractor say wat ok lor, become carrot many many times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: alamak i also din get a schedule, verbally ask him what's his plan for the weeks to come and then try to follow it as much as possible. electrical stuff can buy earlier and ask them to deliver later. furnitures, dunno if u want to match with your reno anot, if u already have an idea, then why not. I bought some of my stuff 6 months earlier. Afraid the company will close down then jialat.. haha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: mylica I called edmund today to ask for his schedule. Will do a minor-medium one for my newly bought old flat in august. He did mentioned if its small-medium change, he can do. But if big project, he probably will reject as he have some project in august. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: samgalz ya, from wat I know, I has my friend's and yuene's in aug so big ones he might be tight cos he did mentioned to me before that he is not using many teams of workers like some others do.He prefer to stick to the selected 1 or 2 teams as he already know their pattern and quality and it's easier to manage. So far the tiler's work at my place looks great and he is fast, have not check for hollow tiles yet though. will do so when he finish the place. Edmund already rejected another person whom i recommend cos schedule cannot meet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: mylica Thanks for the info. I am going to search for a few contractor probably 4 will be enough for the options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: yenzy Woah! I didn't know he is that pack man! I actually have not sign the contract but have verbally told him that he is the one. This saturday he will be coming to our nest to take measurement le... Sooooooooo exciting!!!! Hee hee! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-17 author name: samgalz eh, this sat he going my place wait for citygas leh....hmm... wat time is ur appt with him? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-18 author name: yenzy 2pm. what about yours? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-18 author name: samgalz hi, I've already loaded it on my T-blog. u can view it there if interested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-19 author name: yuene Guess who got her kitchen 3Ds...? Going up onto the blog soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-22 author name: mylica I am going to meet edmund this sunday, at his place. Initial impression is good so far. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-22 author name: samgalz mylica: good! hope is schedule can fit urs. Yuene: show show!! can't wait to c!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-23 author name: square 2 sammie jie how's your reno so far? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-24 author name: samgalz wow, finally this thread is back. Thanks ADMIN! Hi square 2, check out my T-blog, self explanatory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-24 author name: yenzy yoyo... fnally it is back..... here is the kitchen 3D...not confirm yet.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-24 author name: samgalz nice! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-25 author name: yenzy how many times did you guys ask him to change his 3Ds? Cos the first one is almost there but not that accurate also... and I have not indicate to him the flooring color.. Would like to see how it looks like with dary floor tiles... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-25 author name: mylica when ur reno start? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-25 author name: yuene YAY! Finally. Thank you admins! Yenzy: I only asked for one change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-25 author name: samgalz i think mine change 2 times...cannot rmb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-26 author name: yuene Actually, my last 3D isn't the right colour (for the walls) or the tiles (for the floor), but I don't think it really makes that big a diff... right? :S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-07-26 author name: samgalz so long u give the right info for the materials used will be ok. Do up an excel spreadsheet for Edmund on all the materials and the code, colour. This way less disputes. He request me to do one and I did. My 3D for my kitchen sliding door, wall colour was not the right one but the actual one he followed wat we decided. hope this helps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. date posted:2010-05-27 author name: samgalz haiz....haven take the key yet. but planning wise more or less done so that once key take & permit approved, we shall start fast n furious. Hacking shd start from 4 June.... look forward to welcoming u to the DX family and of course, ur 3Ds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-30 author name: yuene Ooh okay! Here's wishing you all the best in your upcoming reno then! Looking forward to seeing your transformation on your t-blog! I have signed with Edmund, but because my darling hb never bring cheque book, I will only be able to 'confirm' sometime this week... my reno tentatively starts 16 August! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-31 author name: samgalz welcome to the DX family then!! 16 August....means u start jus after Edmund handover to me lor. cos my tentative handover is 4 August ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-31 author name: Stone23 Hi Samgalz, May I have Edmund's contact? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-31 author name: samgalz it's mentioned in the pages within this thread many times already. www.dxinterior.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-31 author name: Stone23 Noted with thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-31 author name: yuene Yupyup, so that he will also have time to do your rectifications in peace... hee hee... Also partially because I want to spend my birthday in my house before the madness of moving out... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-01 author name: samgalz hahaha...true. met him yesterday...seems like he is a little sick...poor thing. he is going to start work today by getting plumber to dismantle all piping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-03 author name: alamak go to his website, it's listed there. url is listed a few post earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-10 author name: pixiepixel hello all i will be meeting edmund this sun for small talk & chit chat for our 5I resale...hope everything goes well will update again! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-11 author name: samgalz good luck and hope u join the family soon! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-13 author name: adah Hi mine is 5I as well.. Welcome to renotalk! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-13 author name: pixiepixel ok my thoughts from the meeting we had with edmund -he was honest to tell us what can be done and what cannot be done... -but he said our toilet bowl cannot shift...not sure why but i thought can be done? -he also mentioned the same - cement screed he cannot do. but since im a lover for cement screed, will source for someone to do that if i really sign on with edmund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-13 author name: yuene Hi pixie, -According to HDB regulations, you can't shift the location of the bowl (i.e. if it is on the left side of the bathroom you can't shift it to the right etc), as this has to do with the piping location. Think Edmund is quite fine with you looking for another person to do the screeding, but do let him know first. I also wanted it but since he was upfront enough to tell me that he would not be able to do it, and I was lazy to go find another person to do it, I decided to change my design style a bit. Anyway I'm officially part of the DX family now! Wheeee~~ Samgalz, how's the reno going so far? Me in KL now... supposed to be on a salsa/shopping/eating holiday but somehow I still end up being tied to work... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-13 author name: pixiepixel hello yuene ok thanks for the headup about the toilet bowl position... im really not used to the small small toilet, as my current unit's toilets are bigggggg (according to all the IDs that i have gone through while renovating my current home) btw, when edmund and i talked about the surface top for kitchen, he said nowadays lots of ppl use solid kind or granite kind. almost no one uses postform type...is that true? coz my current is postform and i do not have any problem with it at all ok hope i can be part of the DX family too :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-13 author name: samgalz hi pixiepixel it must be you he is talking to when I called him... about the surface top, I do agree with Edmund on it, nowadays seldom u see people do postform. most do either granite or solid surface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-14 author name: yenzy We are going going to be in the DX interior family too.. Was sourcing for good contractor till I chance upon alamak's honest review about Edmund... I also bought a 3.5 room house.. Hopefully he will reduce the quotation for us... we are bukit batok residents and have to take bus and travel all the way to bedok just to consult him.. Machiam like go up to the mountain to seek Jun Shi's advise like that.... muahahahahha.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-15 author name: samgalz wow, edmund sure is getting busy. my friend has also confirmed with him that he is using DX for his reno. the DX family sure is expanding fast n furious!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-15 author name: pixiepixel yenzy me too. i stay sengkang, new place at jurong east. we also need to climb mountains everytime we go meet him ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-15 author name: yuene Haha! yenzy and pixie, we all seem to be in the same 'predicament'! I'm in Clementi... looks like Edmund attracts people in the west.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-15 author name: samgalz wahaha...probably cos of risis' blog bah. but hor sengkang also getting more liao. me plus my friend. then previously xiaomau also asked him to quote but not sure if she signed with him cos she MIA from RT liao. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-15 author name: alamak wha.. edmund getting busier and busier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-06-16 author name: yenzy ok la... I get key on 3rd August and I give him untill end October.. So total 3 months to renovate leh... Quite a lot of time liao.. He says he prefers that way cos Man Gong Chu Xi Huo.... We are not in a hurry to move in also.. but base on you guys's experience, when can we start our buying of furnitures? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. date posted:2010-05-27 author name: samgalz yuene, so how? did u sign up with him in the end? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-27 author name: yuene Not yet, because we had to make some changes to the quotation. Will be headed to Edmund's office this Saturday to sign. How's your reno progressing?
  11. date posted:2010-04-30 author name: lewpoh desmund is fully book till end july liao -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-01 author name: alamak i am not sure cos i signed with him then he prepare the 3D. but i understand normally he will only provide 3D after signing cos he needs a bit of time to prepare as he's not a 100% designer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-01 author name: Pat@CV for me, after he recce my place and emailed me the quote a few days later...i saw and quite ok with the quote..den met him again & signed quote liao...he den prepared a simple black & white 3D drawing let me see. i'm more concerned with the feel of the contractor; whether can communicate easily and of cos, if the price is reasonable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-01 author name: Pat@CV u mean edmund? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-01 author name: samgalz met with him last nite and cos we had sort of indicated to him we will sign with him, he had prepared the black and white 3D for us yesterday to see. did a 3.5 hours discussion and we finally signed on the dotted line after some negotiation! so officially I'm in the DX family liao! Immediately, we get to take the laminate books back to choose, 3 big books. Am now having a headache choosing the laminates... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-01 author name: lewpoh Yes this is what he told me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-02 author name: mabely Hi, i intend to renovate my unit @ woodland area and am looking for either ID or contractor. Which is better? This thread recommend alot on Edmund, can i have his email or contact? Thanks alot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-02 author name: alamak welcome... happy choosing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-02 author name: Pat@CV grats! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-03 author name: samgalz hi, it's indicated in the earlier page of this thread... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-03 author name: samgalz haha, thanks pat and alamak! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-03 author name: Jupiter Home My warmest welcome to join the DX family! Any 3ds for us to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-05 author name: samgalz haha thanks Jupiter! yes, Edmund just sent me my kitchen 3D yesterday, hot from the oven! but was too tired to upload it. shall try to do it soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-08 author name: yuene Hello! It's been a long time since I showed up here. Lots of things have happened in between the time Edmund quoted me and now... We are currently having a tenant in my house, so we couldn't proceed with reno works as planned, but we will be looking to start in August 2010. Have emailed Edmund to ask him to be our contractor! Hope he will be able to take on my job... I'm even willing to start late August to accommodate him...Yippeee.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-09 author name: samgalz welcome too then. I would have finished my reno then so edmund will be one less project on hand so maybe can put urs in liao. hope he agrees to you! Meanwhile my 3Ds are in my T-blog. so all can that for the time being. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-10 author name: yuene Haha! I already told him I'm fine with starting in late-August, and now arranging to meet up with him to discuss the final contract and sign... Only thing is that my dream concrete screed flooring cannot be done, because he was very upfront and said that the person who used to do for him is no longer working for him... so if I wanted the concrete screed he wouldn't be able to go ahead... I'd rather forgo the floor than forgo the contractor, so I'm replacing with laminates and going for the Scandinavian look instead... Nice 3Ds btw! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-15 author name: Jupiter Home Welcome yuene, the last time we chatted was like last Jul wor time flies... Wah you going for the scandinavian look, interesting! So when is your next meeting with edmund? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-05-15 author name: yuene Jupiter: YA! Time flies so fast. Glad that you still remember me... Actually he's supposed to be here at my place now, to final discussion and to sign the contract... but I think he's late, probably stuck in traffic somewhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. date posted:2010-04-30 author name: panjang I've met edmund 2 times liao. He will show you the 3d but will not let u take back. So Sammie jie if you never sign, I don't think he will let you take back. Believe is a normal market practise bah. Alamak & Pat@CV is that the same for you both? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-30 author name: samgalz ya, i aso think so lah...haha..thanks for the explanation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-30 author name: miimben wah... should have visited this post earlier!!... my parents brought a 3NG which is the same block where they are located today just settled the renovation with another contractor.. and we did not even went to get any quote from them.. wah.. like that like wasted like that since so many people recommended them...
  13. date posted:2010-04-26 author name: adah Hey lewpoh, you can try my ID. Check out my blog ya! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-29 author name: lewpoh ok thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-29 author name: samgalz to all DX family, I should be joining the family officially very very soon. I'm meeting Edmund tmr to discuss the final quote and c initial 3D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-29 author name: froggy Hi Samgalz Trying to understand how it works. Have you signed with Edmund or haven't you? Do you mean he will give you 3D even before you sign? Does this normally come after several meetings? What's the procedure like? Eg: you meet several ID/contractors and get quote and layout plan. This may take several meetings to fine-tune the layout, still with most of the IDs right? At some stage, you throw out some of the proposals but still not firm up with a single ID. Do you kind of indicate to them that they are one of the shortlisted ones? Then what happens - just wait for the owner to call to call and say deal is on? How far does an ID/contractor go, as far as design and material selection etc, before the owner signs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-29 author name: samgalz ok, sorry if i got u confused. I have selected DX but have not signed up as edmund wanted to do site measurement and give me a more precise quote before signing up. for me, i get several to quote then started shorlisted based on price/chemistry when we meet or when we spoke on the phone. We sort of decided quite early that we prefer Edmund and we did indicate to him that we will award the job to him. but we will only sign after quote is finalised to both parties' satisfaction. as for 3D, what i understand is that edmund normally only draw after u confirmed. I think since i had confirmed it's him unofficially so he did say he will do skeleton 3D (dunno what's that, my interpretation is initial 3D) so it will be more effective in our final discussion before official signing. hope this explains. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-29 author name: amystev hi do u mind sharing with me too pls pm me?
  14. date posted:2010-04-23 author name: alamak yup, he also did not call and ask me to sign or offer better discount. i looked for him when i more or less decided on him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-23 author name: bangbang Hi all, can sumone PM me edmund contact??? i'll be doing my home reno soon, wana get quotation from him..Many tks.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-24 author name: Pat@CV edmund's contact is 82000200. his website is as follow: <a href="http://www.dxinterior.com" target="_blank">http://www.dxinterior.com</a> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-24 author name: Pat@CV edmund's just a call away lol. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-25 author name: samgalz for me, it's also me who contact him first. he won't keep calling and emailing us to pester us to sign up. It's us who decide we want him and pester him to meet us think he is rather busy now, so sometimes might not be able to return ur call...sometimes i call he cannot answer cos driving. date posted:2010-04-25 author name: samgalz wah, now everyone call me sammie jie liao -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-26 author name: lewpoh I did meet up with Edmund, quite a nice guy and talk about renovation of my 3rm flat. He email to me afew days later saying he cannot take up the job due to he is pack from June till July & he did tell me that normally for renovation it tooks 2mths to finish and he scarce that later he cannot give me the house on time and will paiseh. At least he will let me know he cannot take my job and totally different from some of the Id and contractor. Cheers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-26 author name: adah hey ya, I agree. To minimise additional cost, you have to list out all the detail work done so you will know who provide hidden cost or not...Same like me, I was d one requested "extras"...heeya....
  15. date posted:2010-04-13 author name: samgalz haha thanks wor. BTW, ur new place done up already?? cos din c ur T-blog...does it happen to be Clementi?? cos i view a showflat at clementi the other day and is very impressed with the work I saw... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-13 author name: Pat@CV no...mine's in sengkang. my work scope is very small so nv do any t-blog. only did cabinets, bi-fold door at kitchen and install windows at the service balcony. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-13 author name: samgalz eh!! me in sengkang too! i at 3xx near LRT...where is ur place? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-17 author name: renonewb hi all, am interested in getting dx interior to do up my place. any idea if his quotation has hidden costs or additional costs that will be added along the way? thanks in advance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-17 author name: alamak there will always be additional cost along the way for all reno. better to ask edmund to do a site visit and he will let you know upfront as soon as he knows it. along the reno process, there might also be some additional works that might be required, Edmund will also let you know 1st. one way to minimize additional cost is to have your reno works list be as detail as possible before you sign with anyone. then less chance for additions unless it's requested by yourself or things that were discovered along the way. for my case, most of the additional costs were requested by myself. date posted:2010-04-18 author name: renonewb thanks alamak for your advice! hope i have anticipated more or less what needs to be done...already way, way over my budget -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-18 author name: Pat@CV mi 2xx near LRT as well... but 3-rm only la...kekeke. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-18 author name: Pat@CV agreed. take for instance, when edmund was doing my balcony windows, his contractor told him there will be additional cost for using green glass instead of clear glass, he quickly sms-ed me and ask me if i want to proceed or if i want to go to other window contractor of my own choice for better pricing. of cos i told him to proceed since the additional cost is less than $200 plus his good integrity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-18 author name: samgalz yeah, agree...so far though i have not signed up with Edmund but during this process, Edmund insist to hv all cost clear before signing as contra to other contractors or ID who keep asking to sign before site measurement. so in this part i'm very sure of his integrity. Also he always am open to us taking out certain items if we feel tat we can get better pricing outside. In fact he ENCOURAGE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-23 author name: panjang Hi pat@cv & sammie jie me at sengkang also, 4xx haven collect key. Alamak & pat@cv & sammie jie, when during quotation stage, wonder you encounter what I am facing now. I notice edmund DID NOT FOLLOW UP at all contrary to other ids who keep calling me to sign with them, with each call offering a better discount. But whenever I call edmund he do pick up my call.
  16. date posted:2010-04-12 author name: samgalz yeah... and if he do my reno swee swee, i hv ppl doing reno soon too and can recommend....more biz for edmund wor! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-12 author name: Pat@CV hi samgalz, hows things? confirmed the details wif edmund yet? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-12 author name: samgalz not yet cos he say he wan to do site measurement before confirmation. i like his professionalism and ethics! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-12 author name: Pat@CV oki, come come... come into the arms of the dx family.
  17. date posted:2010-02-17 author name: alamak my place is done up by Edmund. Overall, am pleased with his works. can read my simple review here http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=23839&view=findpost&p=505287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-02-18 author name: Jupiter Home Hi Pat, I don't think Edmund will reject you becos of your budget. I think its more on timing bah. Last December, recommended a friend with a budget of 60k to do up her apartment but kana rejected by Edmund wor! Reason given was that he already promised quite a number of home owners to complete their reno by CNY, he's too busy to commit projects. For this, I really salute him for his professional approach. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> date posted:2010-02-21 author name: Pat@CV tks..will try contacting edmund. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-02-27 author name: Jupiter Home How does your meeting with Edmund? Did he give you a good price? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-03-06 author name: Pat@CV so far so good, have actually added in some additional items, so budget slightly increased but i feel it was reasonable. confirmed his quote on 27 feb and to think i went to his shop & discuss the quote in detail and the whole session lasted abt 2hrs! haha... edmund was realli very patient and gives gd explanation on y shld get certain material finishing and y shld not. so far he's proactive in the schedule planning, window contractors had come to take measurements and tml (6 Feb) im meeting him & his carpentry contractor to take actual measurement of my kitchen cabinet location. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-03-10 author name: panjang Hi alamak, thanks for your review. really helps alot for newbie like me. so I believe all rectifications work should be done swee swee by now? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-03-11 author name: alamak u wun go wrong wif edmund. do feel free to clarify with him for any doubts u may have on his quote, he will be happy to explain to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-03-31 author name: samgalz thanks! we should be arranging to meet him again and signing up once everything is more or less confirmed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-11 author name: Jupiter Home Yes! he's just a call away although my reno handover already more than 1 year wor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-04-12 author name: Jupiter Home Looks like DX family is expanding. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. date posted:2010-02-11 author name: media99 Last week went to get a quote from Edmund. Requesting to see some colour 3ds together with the quote. He told me he only provide 3d for confirmed projects. How come like that? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-02-12 author name: alamak Well, this is the normal practice. Most will ask u for a deposit before they will draw for you.
  19. date posted:2010-01-31 author name: alamak rectification so far ok. now left painting touch up (quite alot) and carpentry rectification. when u tell him, he will check. if can do, he will do it. if cannot he will explain why. so far so good with some minor hiccups. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-02-04 author name: panjang Hi alamak, Thanks for sharing. Nice to hear that rectification is going on smoothly. Believe Edmund must be nice person to talk to & can cham siong type. But but how about his workers? Will they show you that type of pull long face kind of attitude? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-02-05 author name: alamak his sub con and workers are mostly quite ok, no problems. But 1st painter and door painter not that good. But Edmund sent another painter to touch up and he was much better. The door painter was from the door company and he was quite bad. Edmund made him go to my place and pin point to him the things that need to be touch up. So far the process is quite smooth with a few hiccups which is expected for any reno. Edmund has been there when needed and things that needs to be done or redone, he will do it. I am quite satisfied with him. Today just moved in. Will give a moire detailed review when I am more free.
  20. date posted:2010-01-23 author name: alamak mine is still being done by dx. can check my t-blog. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-01-27 author name: panjang Hi alamak, Hui Ge thanks for sharing. Now I'm having my quote revised for the 3rd time, find that edmund is very patience & easily contactable. Again because I've yet to confirm with him, that's why he's quite easy to contact. How about you, is he still remain contactable after you confirm with him? Heard of some id once you confirm their attitude change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-01-27 author name: alamak no problem with contacting him. this week i met him think 3 times already cos HO soon and need to settle outstanding items. where is your place? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-01-30 author name: panjang my place at sengkang this week meet 3 times? wah he seems responsible though. how's your rectification? when you tell him the defects, how did he react? I really scare some contractor will tell you "oh its like that one & blar blar blar", trying to con us innocent home owner.
  21. date posted:2009-10-06 author name: risis how are things going for u yuene? Any new 3ds? i heard edmund got a customers from forum..cant wait to c the 3ds! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-10-12 author name: yuene risis: I contacted him on Saturday, he'll be coming over on 7 November afternoon to do the measurements! Yay! Me is excited... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-10-31 author name: Jupiter Home Hi yuene, 7th Nov is next saturday, time flies. Me also fell excited for you wor! When you planning to start reno? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-10-31 author name: SKL Hi anyone can PM DX Interior, Edmund HP to me. Thanks in advance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-11-06 author name: yuene Yay! Saturday is almost here liao... he remembered the appointment, I smsed him and he said 'yup, c u'...Reno is starting April next year... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-11-30 author name: yuene Got my quotation liao... Quite a bit above my expectation, but a few items were left out... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-12-14 author name: alanmacca Hi all, Need your help to pass me the contact of Edmund as I am planning for reno of my EM next year. thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-12-15 author name: alamak can get it from here. http://dxinterior.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2010-01-22 author name: panjang Anyone currently had their reno done by dx interior? Hows their service? Can share here or pm me? Thanks.
  22. date posted:2009-08-03 author name: yuene Yup! You won't believe this, but I've actually been planning my reno for , what? coming 1.5 years liao? Kancheong right? Cuz when we bought our home we just moved in with minimal reno (just the toilets and repainting, and some electrical wiring), because the previous owner reno-ed 5-6 years before that and everything was in 'liveable' condition. But now 3 years later things slowly falling apart...one of my doorknobs fell off recently, so we now secure that room door with a jumper cable! SIAN. Also, the layout of the kitchen is not very ideal. I think secretly my hb also sian of hearing me complain already, until he also agree to bring forward the renovation... Hey hey! Another person with a long way to wait before the start of renovations! Good luck with yours... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-03 author name: Sue79 Yuhuuuuuuuuu...Yeah lor yuene, still long way to go but well, I think 4mths will fly by pretty fast lor...Went to meet Edmund today at his office for a discussion!! Great experience I would say. Spent abt 3hours just discussing wor...Since he's a contractor...hmm..we've got to propose to him our ideas etc & he'll guide us along, giving advices etc..quite and experience & nice chap who potrays a highly responsible attribute..well, dats how my 1st impression on him was lar...hopefully, it'll be like dat all d way till d end...if I ever signed up wif him... Neway, he has suggested to view the unit 1st for the measurements etc for a clearer pic of the unit before he can further study on my proposed layout so as to allow him to quote accordingly. I think this should be the correct way lor...rather than just quoting directly from the floorplan... Will be arranging for a site view soon...gotta make sure the current owner of the unit is avail. & hopefully he doesn't mind...gonna look for my agent liao to arrange this....Will keep you guys posted of any updates...Wish me luck..praying hard can really..really get a good quote from Dx soon!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-07 author name: yuene Sue79, hope you get a good quote soon too! I called Edmund the other day to check his availability for a on-site measurement in September, so I will probably get a accurate quote then. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-07 author name: waxus wow...i haben been here for a while, and theres so many new posts:) Just to update all, my unit is hand over-ing tis week...tml all furniture be there:) I really thank edmund for all his hard work in my unit, hes really a 200 marks contractor! He mms me alot of the house pics, and keep me really updated of the house progress...anything wrong, just a call and he will get it fix. Sooooo glad to have found him! i'll update my t-blog of the updated pics later. Sue79, yeah, he really take pics of all angles, ...later u will realise why! coz he will do 2d to show u, during the 2nd meet up...so the pics will help him draw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-07 author name: waxus Btw, im risis hubby. Edmund nv argue his way thru one..nor force me to accept anything.Actually im quite a picky person on carpentary..risis is more gam with him (they get very excited over designing the house). But i have to agree, he really didnt make any mistakes, and all was according to 3d drawings provided. I picked up flaws on the carpentary several times, and he always change everything for me, without 2nd word... a very trustworthy contractor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-07 author name: Sue79 Good luck yeah...all d best to you!! Me too...have not arranged for the site visit yet...too busy now... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-07 author name: Sue79 WoW...congratz bro...whoahhhh..so syiok ah gonna handover soon..me still long way to go...long..long way in fact... Glad it was a great reno journey for you & risis...Come la update with more photos arrr...for us to oggle at...btw, care share wif me ya quote??..Can pm me if inconvenient here...??..Thks in advance yeah! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-08 author name: waxus sure sue, will pm u tonite. rushing to new house for furniture delivery today.. buzz me if i forgot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-12 author name: waxus oh yah..sue...pm me ur email..i email the quote to u -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-15 author name: mooster Hi waxus, Can you please pm me the quotation and edmund's contact as well. Thank you in advance. Best Regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-15 author name: Jupiter Home Wah! you got a good hubby, he sayang you a lot wor! date posted:2009-08-15 author name: alamak hi, can email the quotation too? pm-ed u my email. thanks a lot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-17 author name: Sue79 Where r ya??..PMed you oredi leh...u busy wif new home uh??.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ date posted:2009-08-17 author name: yuene Yup... quite easy to get my way... 'sa jiao' a bit here, a bit there can le... But I think he's also at that point where he can't tahan the layout of the house already too, so he also don't mind too much to get it done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ date posted:2009-08-17 author name: mooster Hi, Can someone please pm me edmund's contact. Thank you in advance. Best Regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-18 author name: yuene Hi mooster, PM sent. Check your mailbox! date posted:2009-08-21 author name: risis Dear all, i know we owe lots of you our invoice.. we search high n low..but the invoice was MIA...SOB prob needa request from edmund liaoz.. anyway, to answer some queries e receive from PM 1) not sure how much is the total reno..coz we haben finish paying..so far we paid $23k to edmund, and $3k+ to Alumix..... Balance payment shld be after handover.. 2) Quotation..sobsob...MIA.. 3) His contact HP: 82000200 email: edmund@dxinterior.com Sorry for the MIA, been quite Biz:( Our house is 99% up le...shall post pics when we are free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-21 author name: MappiesBB Hi, appreciate if someone can be pm me edmund contacts. thanks. date posted:2009-08-21 author name: alamak the contacts are listed 1 post before yours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-22 author name: mooster Hi yuene, Received with thanks Cheers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-22 author name: risis just met up with edmund today. Heard theres alot of forummers approaching him for reno! so happy to hear this! He mentioned hes really tight up with projects now, and still owe a few quotes...keke.. So...if he still owe u guys quotes, give him some time ba..if you need it urgently, then check with him on it We had a long chat today, so happy, e house is finally at handover chat! Its been a really smooth & fun reno journey! We will miss him! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-23 author name: alamak yah lor.. still waiting for his quotation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-23 author name: risis haha..i noe..he keep mentioning he still owe quotes.keke let him know if you in a hurry ba, so he noes who need them more urgently:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-28 author name: Jupiter Home Hi Sue79, Hows everything, did Edmund go for the site measurement already? Really hope Edmund can give you a good quote, so we got more 3ds to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-09-05 author name: risis I think sue's house is not ready yet right? keke..i heard edmund sign a few ppl from renotalk already! I think they are already at 3d stage! If u see this, share your 3ds! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-09-06 author name: himiten At which stage will Edmund show the 3ds? After the first payment? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-09-08 author name: yuene Oh noes, it's September liao??! Supposed to make appointment with Edmund to come measure my house, but this month is really 手忙脚乱 month for me. I better email him and ask if October can come instead... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-09-09 author name: risis hi, i think its after confirmation of project, which is 1st payment:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-09-09 author name: risis haha, yah better email him..hes been so tight! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-09-17 author name: yuene K, done and rescheduled.
  23. date posted:2009-07-26 author name: Focus Hi risis, Wow! I spent few hours reading all 13 pages of your exciting reno experience. A very cheerful & colourful house with a lot of daring use of colours. With so many colours to take care, I think mistake sure happen. Just to check with you, if your contractor,edmund, make any mistake, will he try to argue his way through or force you to accept ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-27 author name: yuene Hihi yuene, Hopefully Edmund can give you a good quote, so we can at his 3ds.I can say he's a fussy contractor, never compromise on quality. His aftersales service is fantastic. When one of my cabinet door got "bubble", immediately he got it change without giving any excuses & that is after handover & payments already fully paid. Hey Jupiter, Edmund got back to me yesterday with the quote, so far not bad... got the essential works and managed to stay within the budget. But I'm still saving money for the reno, so I'm not sure if I should ask him to come take measurements now, or closer to the date (like in December)... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-01 author name: Jupiter Home Wow! 6 months planning. Not everyone got this luxury of time wor! <img src="http://www.renotalk.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" /> Enough time to do homework to get your ideal contractor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-08-01 author name: Sue79 Hi, bumped into this thread while making my rounds here in RT...I'm currently looking around in search of a reliable ID/Contractor for my new home. Well, I would say I'm pretty early in my search coz if I got it right, reno would only be able to start either end Nov or early Dec. Have been to 3 well-known ID firms so far and would say its quite an experience. Learnt quite alot from the discussions & ultimately, the husband & I sumhow are able to visualise the intended renoworks that we are into; concepts, colors, space layout etc. However, have yet to receive the quotes from the abv.3 firm. Only 1 managed to do a real rough estimation based on the discussion we had from the floorplan & well, sadly, I think it will exceed our budget rather significantly. Moving on, I would say its rather an interesting task to scout around for IDs/Contractors asking for quotes to compare etc. But sumtimes, I feel, the more ideas proposed, the more confused & lost we became..Jialat like dat!! Neway, to cut story short, after I chance upon this thread on Dx Interior, I have this sudden urge to consider it as on of my possible choice...Jupiter & Risis, I think u guys did a great job on 'advertising' Dx Interior in this thread. Not the kind of 'adverstising' I mean. Its basically the ability to convince newbie like me that 'it is ok, hassle-free, reliable & most importantly a commited firm who will see thru ur reno, ensuring everything is smooth & on d right track. Thanks once again yeah! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> I will be emailing Dx Interior soon...for a quotation or maybe a discussion to have a clearer view of everything. Meanwhile, I shall be keeping my fingers crossed that whichever firm or whoever is being choosen will 'place their heart & soul' thruout the reno process of our sanctuary & hopefully will be able to fit into our budget.. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> Wish me luck peeps. I need loads of that!!...I am open to questions/suggestions also. So anything good/bad feel free to share ok. Thank you very much
  24. date posted:2009-07-19 author name: alamak this is what i found from hdb.gov.sg for licensed contractors. Dx Interior HB-08-2804G 01 Aug 1999 Active they are located at bedok reservoir right? maybe will consider for my reno." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted :2009-07-19 author name: mooster Hi Jupiter Home, Can you please pm me edmund's contact and perhaps their quotation as well? Thank you in advance bru -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-21 author name: sand Active since Aug 1999? That's 10 years. That means they had weathered the asian financial & sars crisis? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-21 author name: Jupiter Home Hi mooster, All info is at their web site : [url:http://www.dxinterior.com]http://www.dxinterior.com" If you wanna see a house renovated by them with the "disneyland theme", you may like to visit [url:"http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=18371&view=findpost&p=387474]risis t-blog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-22 author name: yuene Hihi all, Just contacted Edmund for a quote for my reno, now waiting for the amount to come in... Hopefully it's not too expensive... So far seems like a nice guy, how was everyone's experience with him? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-24 author name: Jupiter Home Hihi yuene, Hopefully Edmund can give you a good quote, so we can at his 3ds. I can say he's a fussy contractor, never compromise on quality. His aftersales service is fantastic When one of my cabinet door got "bubble", immediately he got it change without giving any excuses & that is after handover & payments already fully paid.
  25. date posted:2009-07-11 author name: symbian mmm.... time is bad, even contractor have to provide 3ds. Nice 3ds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-11 author name: risis hehe..no la..is his passion... most contractors would at most sketch the carpentary. A friend of mine is also doing her renovation, but with another contractor. That contractor did not even sketch anything and proceeded to do already, making my friend really frustrated as they dont know what to expect. Edmund, on the other hand, spend wks with me just to get the design right... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-13 author name: symbian mmm.... maybe I should rephrase my statement. time is bad, contractor that can provide 3ds is giving id a run for their $$ Your friend's contractor either is really CMI, or maybe he wanna surprise your friend, make the reno more xciting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date posted:2009-07-14 author name: risis mmm.... maybe I should rephrase my statement. time is bad, contractor that can provide 3ds is giving id a run for their $$ Your friend's contractor either is really CMI, or maybe he wanna surprise your friend, make the reno more xciting. yah..shes so stressed, coz duno wad to expect..