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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The most common household pests are, of course, cockroaches. They are carriers of infections and diseases, multiply extremely quickly and are very tenacious. Cockroaches can go without food for a long time, and also adapt to poisons, so it is difficult to get rid of them even with the help of chemicals. No less common are dust mites — microscopic insects that live on bookshelves, in furniture upholstery, and other dusty places. They often cause allergic reactions and can cause asthma. In fact, I'm very familiar with all this since I've been through it. A couple of years ago, we bought a house that we thought was perfect. After starting repairs there and dismantling the floors, it turned out that it was full of cockroaches. After searching the Internet for a solution, we came across pest control, which helped us. I hope you can solve your problem quickly!
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