If they're booklice, you might have a long battle ahead of you. Booklice are all female, and are born fertilised, which means if one escapes, it will reproduce. I've had this problem for an entire year since moving into my new BTO in Punggol Vista and I've only managed to control the population to a certain extent. To get rid of them temporarily, you need to : 1) Purchase a pyrethroid-based insectide - you can find these in the horticulture section of the supermarkets. I've found a possibly safer and more powerful alternative (i.e. fewer appearances since I've started using it), but it's substantially more costly at $23 - $24. It's called "Bio-X Lullaby", comes in a blue spray bottle and smells of dettol. You can get this at either Home DIY or Self-Fixit. I've researched the active ingredient in this (Etofenprox) and it's a derivative of pyrethroid, but at a higher concentration (2.5%), so it's likely more powerful and has a stronger residual effect. The other one I found is cheap, but it's a powder (found in NTUC, white bottle, called "Anti-Ant", costs $5 or so) and loses its effect in 3 or 4 days. Plus makes the house very dusty. If you are desperate (like me), you could use this in a pinch. There're other alternatives, just do a bit of research before buying. I just saw some alternatives in Giant as well. Pyrethrin/Pyrethroid/Cypermethrin etc should be found in the ingredients list. 2) Spray all the rooms with the booklice problem, making sure the walls, floors, skirting and so on are all covered in a wet mist. If you're spraying the ceiling, protect your eyes with goggles or something. 3) purchase a dehumidifier (when purchasing, pay attention to the surface area the dehumidifier covers). Switch it on in the affected room and close the doors and windows to get the maximum effect. 4) Wait for them to die. 5) Monitor and re-apply the Bio-x spray to the affected areas about once a week or twice a month, depending on how often you see the critters. Based on the info I found online, booklice have soft bodies, so they're SUPPOSED to dry up and die when the humidity is below 40 (in SG, it's typically above 70, not to mention our weather is also perfect for booklice), but I've found that they're not that stupid - I purchased a Novita 82sqm dehumidifier ($899) and switched it on full blast in our kitchen with the doors closed, and they MIGRATED. I chanced by them when I was looking at the floor directly outside the kitchen and freaked out when I realised they were all over the floor, crawling out of the kitchen. So far their population is mostly controlled for me, but I'm still having some problems in the main bedroom toilet.